
Rubella is an acute viral infection, usually spread by airborne droplets. If a pregnant woman is infected with it, transmission of the pathogen through the placenta and intrauterine infection of the fetus with rubella are possible. If it occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, the development of the fetus is disrupted, and multiple developmental defects (deformities) are detected in the newborn: cataracts, heart defects, deafness, mental and physical development disorders, malformations of the skull bones, etc.

Rubella is an acute viral disease characterized by small-spotted exanthema, generalized lymphadenopathy, moderate fever and fetal damage in pregnant women. The source of infection is only humans.

The rubella virus is released into the external environment a week before the rash appears and for a week after the rash. Etiology, pathogenesis - The pathogen from the togavirus family is quickly inactivated in the external environment. Infection occurs by airborne droplets (in pregnant women - transplacentally).

Symptoms, course - Incubation period 11-24 days. A typical early symptom is swelling of the posterior cervical, occipital and other lymph nodes. Simultaneously with a slight increase in temperature, a pale red spotted exanthema appears on the skin of the entire body, the elements of which do not tend to merge and disappear after 2-3 days, leaving no pigmentation.

Complications are rare. The most dangerous is intrauterine infection of the fetus, which can lead to various malformations.

Treatment is symptomatic. Prevention - isolation of the patient, protection of pregnant women from contact with sick people, vaccination.

Rubella is an acute viral disease with a skin rash similar to measles. Transmitted by airborne droplets during communication. In children it is mild, but in adults complications are possible. Dangerous for pregnant women due to the risk of birth defects. Treatment is symptomatic. Prevention - isolation of the patient, vaccination.

Rubella is a viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. It is one of the most common infections among children in the world. Symptoms may include fever, sore throat, cough, rash and fatigue. Rubella can be prevented through vaccination. It takes 2 types of virus to get rubella, and the illness is usually mild. However, rubella can lead to serious complications such as arthritis, hearing problems, and rubella optic nerve.