Compliment cream with peptides reviews

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Dear ladies! Who uses cosmetics with peptides? What are the reviews? Which company, product do you like/dislike and why?

I use Reviline Peptide cosmetics. I'm 55 years old and look much younger. I use cream with peptides night, day, intensive for eyelids, periodically mesothelium and PC-13. Anyone interested, please contact me, I will send you a complete program for using peptide cosmetics.

There is a very good Swiss prof. cosmetics. Cell therapy based on oligopeptides, skin rejuvenation during chrono-, photo- and hormonal aging. It's worth a try, the results are obvious. I was at the exhibition and bought it, all my clients are happy and I want to say that it is very profitable., 8-917-503-08-72 Christina

You can read what cosmetics with Khavinson’s peptide complexes can give our skin here

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Here, as they say, three in one bottle. Removes fat, smoothes wrinkles and reduces energy.

There is only one scam and network marketing on these sites, they spent 10,000 rubles on sets of these creams and are now selling them to others, saving up bonuses.

I really like this eye cream with peptides: for the face this cream, also with peptides and a super natural composition:
The creams are suitable for women 30+, since previously, in the absence of serious reasons, I see no point in using them. The creams are really effective, I tried them on myself.

I won't come here anymore. So much anger.

I don’t know where you got these products, but my friends ordered them here: I recently bought them there too, everything is fine)

I buy only natural peptides and also use cosmetics only with natural peptides, their effect is 10 times better than that of synthetics. And in general they say synthetic ones are even harmful. I’ve already ordered from this site 7 times: There you can leave a question with the doctor and cosmetologist. They answer on the same day. Overall a good resource, I recommend it.

I only use cosmetics with natural peptides. They are safe for the body, unlike synthetic ones. I use a cream with anti-wrinkle peptides and an intensive peptide cream for the eyelids (Revilline).
The effect is very good. At least I haven’t tried anything better. But the effect is not immediate, but begins gradually after a week and then increases. The effect doesn't disappear when you stop using it.
I have been buying for a year now in the online store: There you can ask a question to a cosmetologist and a doctor.

I use NATRIA level 2 cosmeceuticals with peptide complexes. Excellent. I will issue a discount in any city in the CIS

This is the story of today: you go to the forum to gain knowledge and opinion about the effect of serums, and you find illiterate statements from “intelligent ladies”. sadness))) work on yourself, dear girls, and don’t admit your true essence to anyone (((((((((((((((

And still. Do peptides stimulate their own resources, or, on the contrary, protect them, helping the skin remain beautiful? After all, the body’s natural resources are limited and if you constantly stimulate it, they will quickly deplete.

And still. Do peptides stimulate their own resources, or, on the contrary, protect them, helping the skin remain beautiful? After all, the body’s natural resources are limited and if you constantly stimulate it, they will quickly deplete.

Peptides pass freely through the stratum corneum into the dermis to the level of living cells and capillaries. Skin restoration occurs deep from the inside and, as a result, the skin retains its freshness for a long time. There is no addiction to peptide cosmetics - even if you stop using it, the skin will simply age physiologically.
You also need to include peptides (amino acids, proteins) in your diet, because... Peptide cosmetics are not a panacea; all aging processes are triggered at the cellular level; with age, free radicals are formed, and the body does not receive the required amount of antioxidants and other biologically valuable substances.

Hmm, thanks for some tips. I Googled it. Leadermi serum is too expensive, but its active component - the bioantioxidant complex neovitin - can also be found in drugs with a more affordable price. I found the website peptide-market ru. The prices are affordable, try it or something. It’s just a pity, they only have courier delivery from 5 thousand. I want to take a little bit to try.

I use Reviline Peptide cosmetics. I'm 55 years old and look much younger. I use cream with peptides night, day, intensive for eyelids, periodically mesothelium and PC-13. Anyone interested, please contact me, I will send you a complete program for using peptide cosmetics.

Hmm, thanks for some tips. I Googled it. Leadermi serum is too expensive, but its active component - the bioantioxidant complex neovitin - can also be found in drugs with a more affordable price. I found the website peptide-market ru. The prices are affordable, try it or something. It’s just a pity, they only have courier delivery from 5 thousand. I want to take a little bit to try.

How KIND and SWEET you all are. well, *****, I don’t even know what else!
Why is he so nervous? That there is NO access. Or expensive? Or not available? Ladies. Agree. have you forgotten? That you are LADIES. There is an article, Lilik, both in English and in some H3. The question is different. That our LADIES don't want to learn something new.
As you write, you can find something new everywhere, but...

Has anyone used creams with Sengara peptides?

The best cream with peptides "Youth Gems", the result has already been tested on yourself (Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology)

The best cream with peptides "Youth Gems", the result has already been tested on yourself (Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology)

Yes Yes ! YOUTH GEMS cosmetics are simply super! I recommend to everyone! There’s just a group, join

I recently learned about Korean cosmetics. I use this serum... There are no crow's feet and the wrinkles on my forehead have been smoothed out... It's very pleasant, it doesn't smell, it doesn't leave any films. This is my first, I really like the peptide serum - MIZON Peptide 500. Actually, I read an article that you need to use it locally, there is no point in smearing it all over your face. Only in the eye area - crow's feet and in the forehead and bridge of the nose, because... muscle relaxants have virtually no effect on nasolabial folds, small networks of wrinkles on the face, bags and folds under the eyes.

I recently learned about Korean cosmetics. I use this serum... There are no crow's feet and the wrinkles on my forehead have been smoothed out... It's very pleasant, it doesn't smell, it doesn't leave any films. This is my first, I really like the peptide serum - MIZON Peptide 500. Actually, I read an article that you need to use it locally, there is no point in smearing it all over your face. Only in the eye area - crow's feet and in the forehead and bridge of the nose, because... muscle relaxants have virtually no effect on nasolabial folds, small networks of wrinkles on the face, bags and folds under the eyes.

I used Laura cosmetics with and without a mesoscooter. I didn’t notice any special effect. I tried Reviline cosmetics - a regular cream. During the day there is a feeling of tightness, but it does not affect the appearance of the skin. I bought a Compliment - developed by the Institute of Gerontology. I'll try.

The new brand SkinCODE genetic’s is ideal in this regard. There are peptides and active growth factors.
Visible effect!

Damn, dead thread, just an advertisement for networkers, I didn’t find anything useful here - goodbye.

Excellent cosmetics, I recommend it to everyone.
Huge selection, fast delivery, excellent quality, I was surprised.

I use Reviline Peptide cosmetics. I'm 55 years old and look much younger. I use cream with peptides night, day, intensive for eyelids, periodically mesothelium and PC-13. Anyone interested, please contact me, I will send you a complete program for using peptide cosmetics.

Good afternoon, Love. It is very interesting to me. Please send me the program. I've never used it before, but I'm very, very interested.

Excuse me, but using Reviline cosmetics you cannot look younger in any way. These are cosmetics, so to speak, economy class. The content of peptides in it is insignificant, this can be seen from the composition. So don't deceive people with advertising. These are regular moisturizers.

Good day everyone!
Tell me, has anyone tried the Hydro X moisturizing peptide cream from VEC Cosmetic?

I use Reviline Peptide cosmetics. I'm 55 years old and look much younger. I use cream with peptides night, day, intensive for eyelids, periodically mesothelium and PC-13. Anyone interested, please contact me, I will send you a complete program for using peptide cosmetics.

Like little children. Learn to distinguish peptides from any extracts and amino acids. Terekhova's peptides, look for information on the Internet about the Amatokin and Hexapeptide 20 peptides. This is where the obvious effectiveness occurs upon first application to the skin. In the same Korea, creams with peptides are 15 years old.


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Irina Viner — application of peptide bioregulators by Khavinson V.Kh. in Russian rhythmic gymnastics. Most Olympic champions in rhythmic gymnastics are Russians. Their names are familiar to us and the whole world: Alina Kabaeva, Leysan Utyasheva, Yulia Barsukova, Irina Chashchina, Daria Dmitrieva, Daria Kondakova and other equally worthy athletes take peptide bioregulators from Khavinson V.Kh.

(President of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, Vice-President of the Technical Committee for Rhythmic Gymnastics of the International Gymnastics Federation, wife of billionaire Alisher Usmanov, 67 years old)

Elena, cosmetologist. Nizhny Novgorod

Thanks for your site and your products! I used different products in my beauty salon, but I always wanted something that would give the maximum cosmetic effect and improve health at the same time. I heard about peptides from colleagues, decided to study this topic, and learned a lot of interesting things. I decided to try it and was pleased. The REVILINE cosmetics series is excellent, and the reviews about the peptides are good. There is no chemicals, but there is an effect, thank you!

How my vision was restored: a review of Khavinson’s peptides Adnan Sen


Peptide cosmetics are one of the most revolutionary discoveries in the field of rejuvenation. Peptides are special natural compounds; on their basis, well-known cosmetology laboratories have developed unique formulas that can prevent skin aging. Innovative technology has made it possible to achieve results that are comparable to the effect of plastic surgery. What peptides are, how they work and what effect to expect from peptide cosmetics, you will learn from our article.

Peptide cosmetics: what is it?

Peptides are compounds consisting of just a few amino acids. Thanks to this simple composition, they are able to easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and integrate into vital processes, stimulating the regeneration of skin cells and slowing down the aging process.

What is the difference between peptide cosmetics and other modern anti-aging products? Any high-quality cream effectively cares only for the surface layer of the skin, since the keratin, elastin or collagen in their composition have too large molecules that do not allow them to penetrate deep into the epidermis and consolidate the positive result. Peptides act deep in the dermis, so the use of such cosmetics allows you to achieve a pronounced and long-term rejuvenating effect.

How do peptides act on the skin?


Natural peptides are nanomolecules that can freely penetrate through the surface layer of the skin into the dermis to the level of subcutaneous tissue and capillaries, since their molecular weight is much lower than that of protein compounds. In the production of cosmetics, lipophilization of peptides is used, that is, they are added to the fat base, which further increases the depth of penetration of the active ingredients.

Peptides in cosmetics have the following effects:

  1. Normalize blood microcirculation;
  2. Provide skin hydration, eliminate dryness and flaking;
  3. Smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones;
  4. Activate the production of collagen, the synthesis of elastin and keratin, restore the previous elasticity of the skin;
  5. Improve skin tone, tighten facial contours;
  6. Accelerate the processes of cellular metabolism and supply cells with oxygen and nutrients (vitamins, microelements, amino acids);
  7. They have an antioxidant effect, protect cells from the action of free radicals, and promote the elimination of toxins;
  8. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, support the intercellular matrix, which is responsible for maintaining the structure of the skin;
  9. Actively influence division processes, act as carriers of hereditary information and trigger self-healing processes of skin cells;
  10. Act as transport molecules that transport biologically active substances included in the cream (plant extracts, amino acids, etc.) into the deep layers of the skin.

Currently, several types of peptides are used in anti-aging creams. The most popular of them are compounds that restore the skin matrix and Botox-like peptides that eliminate wrinkles.

Types of peptides in anti-aging cosmetics


Peptides contain from 2 to 8 amino acids connected to each other by a peptide bond. Thus, two amino acids form a dipeptide, three - a tripeptide, six - a hexapeptide, etc. In cosmetology, peptides are used in the form of plant extracts or synthesized in the laboratory.

Synthetic forms are created specifically for professional peptide cosmetics, their advantage is that the connections can be programmed to perform the intended task. For example, the action of some peptides is aimed at combating wrinkles, others provide lightening and whitening of the skin, and others have a healing and tightening effect.

Moreover, peptides synthesized in the laboratory are absolutely safe for health and hypoallergenic. Based on the results of using cosmetics with similar components, not a single case of hypersensitivity reactions was identified. We can say that peptides are universal activators; when they penetrate the body, they give the cells a command to remember what young skin should be like and launch the corresponding process.

The best peptide cosmetics contain the following synthetic peptides:

Cosmetics with botulinum-like action

Blocks muscle receptors, reducing the activity of facial muscles, which eliminates wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.


  1. Acetyl-hexapeptide (Argireline) is a hexapeptide of a new, latest generation. It is able to effectively reduce the depth of wrinkles due to its Botox-like effect. The substance is involved in complex intercellular processes that ensure relaxation of the facial muscles. Due to this, facial wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes are smoothed out. The effect of this peptide is comparable to the effect of botulinum toxin, however, the rejuvenation effect is achieved naturally, and not through paralysis of the facial muscles, which avoids such complications as the “mask” effect.
  2. SYN-AKE (dipeptide) is a synthesized peptide complex, the structure of which is similar to snake venom. The amino acids contained in reptile venom prevent muscles from contracting. The peptide complex has a similar effect, providing the effect of relaxing muscles and smoothing even deep wrinkles. In terms of their action, such cosmetics are a safe replacement for Botox injections, guaranteeing excellent results and eliminating unpleasant side effects.
  3. Aura-28-peptide – an innovative anti-aging complex, which is a combination of dipeptide and tetrapeptide with colloidal gold nanoparticles. A unique combination of active ingredients provides support for the extracellular matrix, promotes the production of new collagen fibers, providing skin density and elasticity.
Cosmetics with anti-aging peptides

Its action is aimed at reconstructing and restoring the dermis, thereby achieving a pronounced rejuvenation effect. This group includes the following peptide complexes:

  1. krem-kompliment-s-peptidami-QhnbH.webp

    Matrixyl (tripeptide)
    – this substance helps strengthen the vascular wall, stimulates rapid tissue regeneration and restoration and helps restore skin tone, increases its firmness and elasticity. Matrixyl replaces the lifting procedure; its use significantly improves the appearance, eliminates fine wrinkles and makes the skin tightened and smooth.
  2. Palmitoil — when penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, it activates fibroblasts responsible for the production of collagen, stimulates regeneration processes and returns the skin to its former elasticity.
  3. Thioredoxin – takes part in many metabolic processes, ensures the restoration of biological connections, has an antioxidant effect, eliminates free radicals and protects skin cells from external influences and genetic mutations.

This group also includes cosmetics that contain the following peptides: acetyl - decapeptide -3, decapeptide - 4, copper tripeptide, oligopeptide -24. All these compounds help slow down the aging process, improve cellular metabolism, activate the synthesis of collagen fibers and provide an active rejuvenating effect.

Peptides with whitening effect


This group of peptides in cosmetology includes the following compounds:

  1. Melanostatin-5TM
  2. Oligopeptide – 34
  3. Pentapeptide – 13

Their action is aimed at whitening the skin, eliminating age spots, freckles, and dark circles under the eyes. The use of creams with similar peptide compounds evens out the complexion, refreshes the skin, and provides it with a healthy and blooming appearance.

Peptides with anti-edematous and immunomodulatory effects

Cosmetics with such peptides promote rapid regeneration and restoration of the skin, stimulate blood flow, and improve metabolic processes in skin cells. This group includes:

  1. Palmitoyl tetrapeptide-3 – the complex was created using modern technologies that made it possible to extract peptides from soy and rice. The peptide complex has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and protective effect. Actively moisturizes and tightens the skin, has an antioxidant effect, erases signs of fatigue, improves complexion, helps eliminate swelling, dark circles under the eyes, and provides a rejuvenating effect.
  2. Soy peptide – reduces the number of free radicals, slows down the aging process, improves lymph flow, eliminates swelling. Intensively restores skin elasticity by accelerating the synthesis of collagen fibers, ensuring the supply of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells.

The effectiveness of using cosmetics with peptides has been confirmed by scientific research, the results of which revealed that the depth of pronounced wrinkles is reduced by almost 50%, and age-related changes recede. The skin looks young and firm again, and this result lasts for a long time.

The most famous lines of peptide cosmetics

Reviews from cosmetologists about peptide cosmetics confirm its effectiveness. Experts recommend products from the following cosmetic brands to their clients:


Cosmetics REVILINE (Revilayn)–
It is based on natural peptide complexes that differ in different points of application, but overall have a powerful rejuvenating effect. Peptide compounds included in the creams stimulate regeneration processes, accelerate blood circulation and improve the synthesis of the collagen framework of the skin. The complex action of the main components provides a lifting effect, tightens the oval of the face, moisturizes, improves the structure of the epidermis and evens out skin tone.

The composition of peptide creams from the REVILINE series includes natural complexes obtained using modern biotechnologies. They have powerful antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antitumor and protective effects, and are able to remove free radicals and toxins. The effect of such creams replaces the expensive salon revitalization procedure, but unlike this painful (injection) rejuvenation technique, the use of cosmetics with peptides is absolutely safe and does not threaten unwanted complications.


Crema Compliment – a domestic line of peptide cosmetics, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by leading metropolitan dermatological clinics. The peptides in this cosmetics are in the form of microscopic nanomolecules that easily penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, which allows you to restore the structure of the epidermis from the inside. The unique formula of this series of products contains chains of amino acids that act as conductors of the necessary information and, penetrating into cells, force them to perform a specific, programmed task. Thus, they stimulate cells to synthesize the necessary substances in a certain biological rhythm and trigger the processes of self-regulation and active restoration of skin cells. In addition to peptides, the basis of creams is made up of natural ingredients (olive oil) and plant extracts, which are transported by peptides to those layers of the skin that especially need them.


Laura Cosmetics
- another line of products, which includes creams, tonics and serums with peptide complexes. These are products of the Russian cosmetics company Evalar, which combines impeccable quality, safety with a very reasonable price. The creams in this series include the powerful dipeptide L-carnosine, which has an antioxidant effect, tripeptides SYN-HYCAN and SYN-COLL, which accelerate collagen production and help tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

Another peptide complex (REGU-AGE) in Laura creams is created from purified rice and soy peptides and supplemented with yeast proteins, which ensures the return of elasticity to the skin, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen and provides a lifting effect.

Benefits of using cosmetics with peptides
  1. Bioactive peptides deep in tissues activate cell growth and collagen production, while protecting it from the destructive effects of enzymes.
  2. In cosmetology, the regulating effect of peptides is aimed at improving the structure of the skin and slowing down the aging process through a direct effect on the ratio of mature, maturing and dying cells.

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    Watch the video: Updated facial care after 30 (Vitamin C, tretinoin, peptides, acids, etc.)

    Reviews about peptide cosmetics are mostly positive; many women who have used innovative creams note a rapid anti-aging effect, the absence of adverse reactions and the safety of the products. At the same time, one of the disadvantages of such cosmetics is the high cost. But now on the shelves of stores and pharmacies you can find not only expensive imported cosmetics, but also quite affordable domestic creams with peptides, the quality of which is no worse.

    Reviews about the application

    Review #1

    This year I was visiting my sister in Moscow, and she gave me an imported cream with peptides. Before that, I used ordinary moisturizing and nourishing creams and did not think that aging skin could be supported in any other way. I didn’t even want to hear about salon procedures and injections of youth.

    The result is a gray complexion, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes. My sister said that in a month I will be a different person, and indeed, this cream is simply a miracle. I visually lost ten years, my skin tightened, smoothed out, swelling and signs of fatigue went away. I am delighted with this result. The cream is expensive, but I will definitely order more.

    Review #2

    I buy creams from the Laura series at the pharmacy. For my aging skin, they are a godsend, very effective and really improve the condition of the skin, unlike some other widely advertised creams.

    This is a domestic development; the cosmetics contain peptides, which ensure the elimination of age-related changes and maintain the skin in normal condition.

    Review #3

    I recently ordered cosmetics with Revilain peptides. I am very pleased with the effect, age-related changes have indeed become almost invisible, even deep wrinkles have been smoothed out.

    I had tried a lot of different products before, but this cosmetics simply captivated me. The cream is very soft, absorbs well, smells nice, and does not irritate the skin, unlike products with retinol. And it works very effectively, at the level of salon procedures.
