How to close pores on your face after cleansing

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It is important to exfoliate to cleanse the skin and get rid of dead cells. This prevents dirt from blocking the pores and causing pimples or blackheads.

Several different factors can cause pores to appear open and unattractive. This may be due to lack of good exfoliation, poor skin care, heredity, sun damage, acne, unbalanced diet, etc. In this article, we will explain how you can close your pores naturally to make your skin look more beautiful.

Even if it seems that TV models, movie stars and commercial stars are people with porcelain skin who have no imperfections at all, most ordinary people tend to have wide open pores that are sometimes impossible to hide or minimize. At least that's what we used to believe. There are various natural remedies that can help close pores and enhance the overall beauty of our skin.

Cosmetic treatments for enlarged pores

Follow these instructions regularly and you will gradually eliminate the appearance of open and enlarged pores.

Exfoliate twice a week

This will get rid of dead skin cells as well as any dirt that clogs the pores and causes pimples and blackheads. Use a cotton cloth soaked in warm water and gently rub the skin.

Take a steam bath once a week

This will help open the pores to eliminate residues, impurities and oils. The pores will then return to their normal size. You need to boil water in a pan, and when it starts to bubble, move your face towards it and cover your head with a towel, as if you are sick. Rinse with warm water and dry your face thoroughly.

Apply face masks

Once you have finished the steam bath, the pores will be wide open, which will give better results with these steps. We recommend using clay masks as they clear up acne and absorb excess oils, as well as reduce pore size.

Rinse your face every morning

When you wake up, the first thing you should do is wash your face with warm water and apply a homemade face mask. You can make it by mixing half a cup of water, 1/4 cup of milk, two spoons of baking soda and an egg white. It deeply cleanses pores and eliminates surface bacteria that can clog pores. Wipe gently and rinse with warm water.

Moisturize with Aloe

This plant has many healing properties that can take care of your skin. Aloe can help tone the face, eliminate imperfections and protect the skin from external influences. You may have an aloe plant at home, cut off the leaf and get the gel from the inside. Apply it to your face and let it dry before rinsing.

Home Remedies for Open Pores

Almond mask

Grind 1/3 cup almonds into powder. Mix it with a little water to form a paste. Apply to skin, starting from nose to rest of face. Leave it on for half an hour and then wash your face with warm water. Repeat this procedure several times a week.

Oil can

This is a long-standing home remedy for cleansing the skin, but it also helps close pores. Throughout the week, wash your face before going to bed and apply a small amount of oil with a cotton swab. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.

Papaya peel

Rub the inner peel of the papaya into the previously cleansed skin. Leave on for 11-20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This home remedy can also eliminate freckles.


You can make your own by mixing eggs, lemon juice and oil, or you can buy it at the store. You just have to apply a spoonful of mayonnaise on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes (it can also add a beautiful shine to your hair). Your skin will be much softer. Don't use this method if you have oily skin.

Orange juice

It is an affordable option to reduce the unattractive appearance of open pores. The nitric acid of this fruit serves as an exfoliant that cleanses the pores. Vitamin C strengthens the skin. Squeeze an orange and dip into a cotton pad, then apply to skin. Another option: cut an orange in half and rub it on your skin. In both cases, leave on for five minutes and then rinse with cold water. Don't do this during the day or before leaving the house as the skin may look blotchy. It is better to do this procedure in the evening.

Oatmeal mask

Place a cup of oatmeal in a food processor or blender. Grind until you get a powder. Add it to a cup of warm water and stir until a paste forms. Apply it on your face and leave it until it dries completely. Rinse your skin with warm water.

Ice cubes

Take a few ice cubes and place them directly on your face for no more than 30 seconds to prevent your skin from burning. You will immediately feel elasticity. This is ideal to do after a bath.

Baking soda

Make a paste by mixing equal parts baking soda and warm water. Massage your face in a circular motion for 30 seconds and rinse with cold water. Repeat throughout the week, and then only three times a week.

There are practically no women who would completely love their skin. People with oily skin are especially unhappy with their face. Ugly shine and enlarged pores do not decorate anyone. But the problem can be solved if you follow the rules of hygiene and adhere to the advice of cosmetologists.

We accept the face as it is

Enlarged pores are not a problem!

Enlarged pores in themselves do not cause any discomfort and are easily disguised with decorative cosmetics. It's much worse if they get clogged. Moreover, the cause of such trouble can be not only improper hygiene. Sometimes serious illnesses can be hidden behind facial skin problems. Therefore, when thinking about how to narrow pores, you need to understand that you first need to examine your body.

Why does the production of skin secretions increase?

Even those with oily skin can look great if they eat right and take proper care of their face. But health problems will cause acne even in girls with normal skin. The following factors can contribute to increased secretion of skin secretions:

  1. Hormonal disbalance (increased testosterone levels in the blood). Quite often this situation is observed in boys and girls during puberty.
  2. Poor nutrition. Excess fatty acids in food leads to thickening of the skin secretions. This makes it difficult for him to come out.
  3. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin. The sun makes it rougher, and there is more oily shine on the face.
  4. Infection in the body.
  5. Hereditary factor.

Before you can quickly shrink your pores, you should take your health seriously. A complete examination of the body will make it possible to identify the main causes of increased sebum secretion and clogged pores. In-salon cleaning can only provide temporary results.

Excessive cleaning makes the problem worse

Many girls mistakenly think that the key to beautiful and smooth skin is only its cleanliness. Therefore, they study information on how to clean and tighten pores as quickly as possible. At the same time, they forget that the skin should be cleansed correctly. For example, you need to use a scrub with extreme caution.

Dehydrating the skin with various alcohol-containing lotions is also not beneficial. Trying to remove oily shine, girls provoke a defensive reaction to such exposure. The skin secretion begins to be released even more intensely.

Clogged pores ruin your face

Most often, comedones appear on the nose, forehead and chin. Those with oily skin may also notice unpleasant formations on their cheeks or neck. People who lead an unhealthy lifestyle are more likely to suffer from this problem. Alcohol and smoking can provoke more intense sebum production. Excessive consumption of fatty foods, flour products, sweets, and coffee is also not beneficial. The diet should contain more vegetables and fruits. Elementary lack of hygiene also leads to the appearance of comedones.

The problem should be dealt with step by step. Before narrowing the pores and clearing them of comedones, you should identify the cause of increased oily skin. In parallel with this, proper care should be organized. It is better to contact a professional cosmetologist for help.

Cleansing the skin correctly

A specialist will help you choose cosmetics that are most suitable for your specific skin type. Various foams and gels are used for cleansing. You should wash your face daily, morning and evening, with special products. There is no need to repeat the procedure more than twice a day.

For many people, simple baby soap and clean water are enough to take care of their face. It should be noted that plain tap water is not a suitable option for washing. It is very harsh and contains impurities that can harm the skin. It is better to use filtered water or boiled water.

Facial cleansing in the salon

Facial cleansing is one of the main procedures in most beauty salons. Girls who regularly seek such services have smooth and beautiful skin. Cleaning by a cosmetologist can be performed in several ways. It all depends on the degree of neglect of the problem.

Steaming the skin can last no more than 15 minutes. Next comes the procedure for cleansing comedones. This is done by a professional cosmetologist by squeezing. It is not advisable to repeat the procedure at home. There is a possibility of infection.

You can also get rid of comedones in the salon using various masks. A specialist selects an individual composition for each client, which allows you to overcome the problem as quickly as possible.

How to tighten pores after cleansing?

After cleansing, the pores on your face become more vulnerable to various infections. Therefore, every cosmetologist knows how to tighten pores quickly and effectively. The aesthetic side of the issue is also important. Closed pores without excess sebum mean a beautiful and healthy face.

What needs to be done? You can close the pores after mechanical removal of comedones using a toner. A white clay mask, which is applied in the salon for 15-20 minutes, also has a beneficial effect on the skin. Many people know how to quickly tighten pores using a mask based on lemon juice. But it is not suitable for those with sensitive skin.

You can also qualitatively narrow pores in the salon with the help of peeling. But this procedure does not fundamentally solve the problem. Only an integrated approach can give good results.

Laser facial resurfacing against enlarged pores

In this regard, it is interesting how you can narrow pores using a laser. A good effect is achieved due to the regeneration of skin areas damaged by the beam. This is what leads to tightening of pores.

The procedure will be useful not only for those who are wondering how to narrow their pores. The laser also promotes skin rejuvenation by activating the process of collagen production.

Tighten pores with natural remedies

A mask made from protein and sugar perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores. To prepare it you need to prepare one egg and two teaspoons of sugar. Initially, the white is separated from the yolk and thoroughly mixed with sugar. You should get a homogeneous mass without lumps. The mask is applied to the face in two stages. The resulting sticky mass helps remove contaminants. Protein helps narrow pores. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 15 minutes.

Baking soda also helps tighten pores. But you can use this component only if there are no wounds or inflammation on your face.

Proper preparation for facial cleansing and high-quality execution of the procedure are part of obtaining a successful result. An equally important step is to follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations for the recovery period. Proper care after facial cleansing will be the key to quick rehabilitation, minimizing complications, and the speed at which problems return. Cosmetologists do not always cover the entire list of restrictions. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules of post-procedure behavior in advance.

The essence of the procedure

Skin cleansing is called deep sanitation of pores. As a result of the procedure, internal contaminants are removed that cannot be affected by regular washing of any thoroughness.

A cosmetologist achieves his goal through the use of special tools, devices, and chemical compounds. The impact injures tissue.

Violation of the integrity of the skin does not always occur, which does not indicate the possibility of ignoring the rules of behavior or violating the principles of skin care after cleansing.

Preparatory stage

Following the cosmetologist’s recommendations regarding proper preparation for the cleaning procedure helps to set the vector of movement to obtain the desired results. At this time, maximum attention is paid to maintaining the health and integrity of the epidermis. In 7–14 days, it is impossible to carry out interventions that injure the skin and require long-term rehabilitation. It is recommended to exclude the introduction of Botox, fillers, and mesotherapy. They refuse plastic surgery, dermabrasion, and the use of scrubs.

During the preparation period, light peelings, the use of cosmetics with acids, and the use of deep cleansing masks are not excluded, even recommended. This will prepare the skin for cleaning and facilitate the process of thorough pore sanitization. Depending on the depth and intensity of the impact, manipulations can be done within 1–2 weeks.

Important point! It is recommended to complete the use of home care products with a composition of minimal aggressiveness the day before the day of cleaning.

It is not recommended to limit yourself to cleansing the epidermis. It is important to identify the cause of inflammation and, at the same time, regulate the functioning of the body. It is useful to carry out detoxification, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and balance the hormonal sphere.

Side effects of cleaning

The possibility of side effects from cleaning is related to the type of exposure and skin reactivity. Most often the manipulation turns out to be the appearance of redness.

Skin color usually returns to normal within 3–12 hours. Local redness of moderate area can remain on the skin for up to 2–3 days. This usually occurs when purulent elements are opened.

Another common side effect of brushing, besides redness, is called swelling formation. Most often, tissues swell after mechanical stress. The manifestation is also characteristic of the rehabilitation period after vacuum, laser, and chemical exposure.

Normally, swelling goes away in 2–3 days. You can try to relieve symptoms in a shorter period. When pimples are opened and a deep chemical peel is performed, slight swelling may be present for up to a week.

In case of increased skin reactivity, allergies to cosmetics used during the procedure, it is possible formation of irritations. The manifestations disappear when adequate treatment is prescribed for the gestamine nature of the side effect. On sensitive skin, irritations resolve on their own when the product with the negative effect is discontinued and the tense skin is relaxed.

In case of closely located vessels or excessively intense cleaning action, it is possible the appearance of bruises. With rosacea, the formation of new “stars” is possible. It is impossible to remove them without using a laser. The risk of such side effects increases when performing mechanical instrumental, manual or vacuum cleaning.

When carrying out chemical peeling to cleanse pores together with exfoliation of the stratum corneum, it is considered normal possibility of peeling. The process of convergence of the upper layer of the epidermis has different intensities. Peeling may be uncomfortable or go unnoticed. The side effect excludes interference in the process and goes away on its own in 5–10 days.

Leather processing rules

Immediately after the deep cleansing procedure, the face does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Redness, swelling, and other typical temporary defects appear on the surface.

During the treatment, the skin is deprived of the surface stratum corneum, which acts as a kind of protective barrier. Deprived of dirt, open pore mouths also become a vulnerable spot. The epidermis becomes susceptible to various negative influences.

Regular antiseptic treatment will help protect the skin from adverse factors, which will minimize the possibility of inflammation. Use chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide or iodine locally.

Washing is carried out with a mild cosmetic product. They return to standard water procedures after 1–3 days. For at least 2–3 days, it is recommended to use not ordinary, but mineral water or liquid acidified with lemon juice.

Intense moisturizing will help you quickly get rid of red spots, peeling, and irritation. The covers will have a chance to recover faster. You can use regular aloe gel or a moisturizer approved by your cosmetologist. The product should be applied the very next day after cleaning.

To soothe the tissues at the end of the cleansing procedure, the cosmetologist applies a special mask. The effect allows you to close pores and calm your face. You can even narrow the ducts with a regular cold compress or using ice cubes. At home, during the rehabilitation period, repetition of these actions is not required: the narrowing of the pores has already been completed. After 2–3 days (after primary healing), for oily skin, you can apply a drying clay mask.

If it is necessary to visit public places, go outside, damaged areas treated with an antiseptic, lubricated with salicylic or zinc ointment. If the inflammatory process worsens or new rashes appear, levomekol can be used locally. It is not recommended to smear the inflamed areas with improvised means. It is better to consult a doctor for further treatment.

You can quickly get rid of bruises by treating the areas with bodyaga gel or heparin ointment. The use of Panthenol cream will help to achieve wound healing faster. It is necessary to speed up the process to shorten the rehabilitation period. Although the skin heals on its own in 3–7 days.

Any impact during the rehabilitation period must be gentle. It is necessary to care for the integument carefully, but carefully. Intensive use of aggressive agents is excluded.

Advice. It is recommended to thoroughly coordinate the care system with a cosmetologist. Self-indulgence threatens to increase the likelihood of complications.

Limitations - what not to do

The cosmetologist stipulates in detail not only the care regimen, but also the rules of conduct during the recovery period. The doctor draws attention to the existence of restrictions. These include:

  1. Elimination of additional influences that can injure irritated tissues. For 1–2 days, it is recommended to avoid standard washing, excessive touching, using cosmetics, and performing simple procedures (masks, rinsing, compresses). It is advisable not to carry out complex treatments (biorevitalization, massage) for 2–4 weeks. You can apply makeup after 2-5 days, but it is better to maintain an interval of at least a week.
  2. Refusal of aggressive means. Alcohol-containing substances are used pointwise. It is better to discuss the possibility of using a separate product with a cosmetologist.
  3. Exclusion of an active lifestyle. In the first 2-3 days you should not sweat. It is advisable to postpone visiting the gym, swimming pool, solarium for 1–2 weeks. It is also recommended to exclude the bath, as well as the use of hot water for washing. It is better to actively sunbathe no earlier than after a month.

During the recovery period, it is advisable to avoid visiting public places with large crowds of people. It is recommended not to drink alcohol or “harmful” foods: sweet, salty, smoked, fried. During the rehabilitation period after the cleaning procedure, it is advisable not to be stressed.

The cosmetologist will tell you how long the restrictions apply in a particular case. Usually they return to normal life after 2 weeks. When complications appear, the period of restrictions increases.

Possible complications

After cleaning, especially if performed mechanically with the opening of inflammatory elements, there is a high risk of complications. The most common consequence of such manipulation is worsening inflammation and the appearance of new elements with pus.

In the most severe situations, the process may be accompanied not only by a worsening of the external picture in the form of acne, but also by an increase in temperature. Antibiotics are used as treatment.

If purulent elements are carelessly opened or antiseptic rules are violated during exposure or recovery, post-acne may form. Acne marks remain in the form of scars and dark spots. You can get rid of defects by performing peelings, physiotherapy, and mesotherapy. Treatment is carried out after complete recovery from the cleansing procedure.

The formation of persistent red spots may be associated with vascular disorders, drying out of the skin, or allergies. It is difficult to say for sure why defects appear. The cause of the complication will be determined by the doctor. The solutions to the problem depend on the source of the problem.

If you violate the rules of skin care during the rehabilitation period, or subsequently ignore the need to close the pores after sanitation, the ducts can quickly become clogged, causing the appearance of blackheads. The problem also arises due to improperly organized skin care and exposure to unfavorable factors. New points will have to be removed by cleaning again.

Care after cleaning is an important stage of the sanitizing procedure. Proper organization of the process and strict adherence to requirements will help eliminate complications and obtain quick and high-quality results.

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