Wandering itching all over the body

Itchy skin is a symptom of many dermatological diseases and often causes unbearable suffering to a person, depriving them of peace and sleep. In most cases, the skin turns red, becomes covered in a rash, and peels off. Sometimes unbearable and obsessive itching all over the body is not accompanied by any of the listed symptoms. Let's try to figure out why itching occurs without rashes and how to get rid of this problem.

Possible reasons

Itching itself is not a disease, but serves as a signal that there is some kind of malfunction in the body.. After all, the desire to scratch is a response of the nervous system to the influence of any irritants. Itching that appears all over the body can have many causes. Let's take a closer look at the most common ones.

Hepatitis and cirrhosis

Severe itching accompanies many liver diseases, and in most cases it occurs long before all other symptoms. This occurs due to the fact that the cells of a diseased liver cannot fully cleanse the blood of toxins that accumulate and gradually poison the body.

Liver itching begins on the palms and soles of the feet and then spreads throughout the body. Its characteristic feature is the impossibility of elimination with the help of antihistamines.

Most often, with cirrhosis and hepatitis, the body itches at night, causing unbearable suffering to the patient.


Even in the very early stages of the disease, high levels of glucose in the blood contribute to the clogging of small vessels with sugar crystals and prevent the normal elimination of toxins. At the same time, the skin, losing moisture, dries out and begins to itch.

Itching in diabetics is localized in the groin, genitals, buttocks and abdomen. Sometimes the palms, feet and elbow joints itch. As a rule, diabetic itching is observed in older and older people, especially women.

Depression and psychosis

This symptom is a frequent accompaniment of many mental and nervous disorders.

Experts have found that under the influence of overexertion and stress, the body produces an increased amount of histamine, which is the cause of allergic reactions. Nervous itching most often occurs on the arms, legs or scalp.

In some cases, itching sensations in mental illness take the form of tactile hallucinations. The patient feels as if insects or animals are crawling all over his body. More often women suffer from such disorders after 40-45 years of age.

Oncological diseases

The connection between itching without a rash and oncology was discovered by doctors back in the 19th century, but the mechanism of its appearance is still not clear. Most likely, the cause lies in an increase in the level of toxins in the blood, which causes responses in the body. Most often it accompanies cancer of the pancreas, intestines, and genitourinary system.

Itching in oncology can be generalized or localized in certain parts of the body. So, with uterine cancer in women, the genitals itch, with neoplasms in the intestines - the area around the anus, with brain cancer - the nostrils.

People who have a hereditary predisposition to cancer, if itching without a rash appears, should undergo a full examination and take all the necessary tests to prevent the development of a terrible disease.

Parasite infestation

If a child or adult begins to complain that he is itching in the anal area, then the cause of this will most often be pinworms or other worms. As a rule, deworming eliminates this unpleasant phenomenon. Not all parasites are concentrated in the intestines. For example, roundworms, moving forward, can get into the bile ducts, genitourinary organs and even the respiratory tract. In such cases, the itching can become generalized and spread throughout the body.

The cause of severe itching of the scalp can be pediculosis, an infestation with lice that often occurs in children's groups. To prevent the appearance of parasites, attention should be paid to the child’s hygiene, and for girls, long hair should be braided or tied high on the head.

Itching in the absence of a rash is caused by scabies mites, which can be infected through someone else's clothing, bedding or other household items.

In this case, the stomach, elbow cavities and areas between the fingers most often itch. The feeling intensifies in the evening or at night.

Blood diseases

Many blood diseases are accompanied by itching, which can be localized in a specific area or be widespread. The most common cause is iron deficiency anemia, which is characterized by dizziness, pale skin, and changes in taste. The itching is concentrated in the pelvic organs, chest or genitals.

Reaction to medications

Taking certain medications can cause severe itching of the head and entire body. More often, the reaction occurs to antibiotics, acetylsalicylic acid, vitamin medications, as well as to oral contraceptives and anabolic steroids.

If itching occurs, you should immediately stop taking the medication and consult a doctor who will prescribe antihistamines or other drugs to eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

Other reasons

Not only the listed diseases can cause itching without skin rashes. Other reasons include the following:

  1. some food products;
  2. personal hygiene products;
  3. synthetic clothing or bedding;
  4. washing powder and detergents;
  5. animal hair;
  6. chlorinated water when swimming.

In addition, itching can be a harbinger of dermatological diseases, appearing before other symptoms - redness, swelling or rash. This may be at the initial stage of atopic dermatitis, seborrhea.

Itching during pregnancy

Women expecting a baby often complain of constant itching in the abdomen and chest. However, there are no other signs indicating skin diseases. In medical practice, this condition is called “polymorphic dermatosis of pregnancy” and is explained by natural muscle stretching. During this period, hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body, which can also cause itching.

In the vast majority of cases, after childbirth, the unpleasant symptom completely disappears. However, if itching brings discomfort to the expectant mother, then it must be eliminated with the help of medications or folk remedies, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.

If itching in a pregnant woman is localized in the genital area, this may be one of the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis or thrush. In this case, a visit to a dermatologist and gynecologist is required, since the disease can cause serious complications for the mother and the unborn baby.

Senile itching

This diagnosis is often given to people over 65 years of age. It has been observed that men are more likely to experience age-related itching than women. Initially, one area itches, and then spreads to the entire body, becoming generalized. Unpleasant sensations appear in the late afternoon and disturb the person throughout the night.

If we exclude the presence of skin or internal diseases, then the cause of senile itching should be sought in age-related changes in the body. In older people, drying and thinning of the epidermis, disruption of keratinization processes, degeneration of nerve endings, and atherosclerosis of the vessels supplying the skin with blood are observed.

To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, it is enough to moisturize the skin well, using special nourishing creams intended for older people. To improve sleep, you can take soothing teas or tinctures of medicinal herbs - motherwort, valerian, mint, lemon balm.


Itching without a rash can be a symptom of many serious illnesses that require immediate treatment. Before you start taking medications and undergoing procedures, you need to accurately determine the cause that caused the itching.

It is necessary to make an appointment with a dermatologist who will conduct a thorough examination. If there are no skin pathologies, the doctor will refer you for consultation to other specialists - a therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist, urologist, gynecologist or neurologist.

The patient will need to undergo laboratory tests, undergo an ultrasound of internal organs, computed tomography and other types of studies. Only after doctors have reconstructed the full picture of the disease can we talk about prescribing treatment procedures.


The list of drugs and the method of their use are determined by the disease or condition that caused the itching in the patient. To relieve symptoms, both traditional medicines and equally effective folk recipes are used.

Drug treatment

The fastest way to get rid of itchy skin is to treat the problem area with ointment. To do this, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

  1. non-hormonal - Fenistil gel, Panthenol spray, Skin Cap cream;
  2. hormonal - Advantan ointment, Prednisolone ointment;
  3. ointments with antibiotics - Levomekol, Erythromycin ointment;
  4. ointments for scabies - Benzyl benzoate, sulfur ointment;
  5. ointments with an analgesic effect - Menovazin, Menthol ointment.

Oral antihistamines will help eliminate itching: Cetrin, Suprastin, Zodak, Tavegil, Diazolin, Clemastine, Telfast.

Sedatives - motherwort tincture, peony tincture, Persen, Notta, Novopassit - will help normalize sleep and relieve nervous tension caused by constant itching. The doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis, electrosleep, aromatherapy, radon or sulfur baths, hypnosis.

Each of the listed drugs has contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them without the prescription of a specialist, so as not to aggravate the condition.

Folk recipes

Along with pharmacological agents, you can get rid of itching using traditional medicine recipes. The most effective, according to patient reviews, are the following:

  1. Mix equal parts of string, sage, lavender, chamomile and nettle. Pour 1 liter of boiling water into 5 tablespoons of the mixture and let it brew for 1 hour. Use the infusion for taking a bath before bed, the duration of the procedure is at least 15 minutes.
  2. Wipe itchy areas with a 5% solution of apple cider vinegar or half a lemon.
  3. Pour pine buds or young needles with water at the rate of 1 liter per 100 g of raw material and bring to a boil. Wrap in a blanket and leave until completely cool. Use as compresses on problem areas of the skin or for baths.

Peppermint oil or ice compresses made from frozen herbal decoctions will help quickly relieve severe itching. But, since each of the proposed remedies can cause an allergic reaction, their use must be agreed with a doctor.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Sudden itching without a rash should alert a person and become a reason to visit a specialist. But sometimes it’s not just about consultation, but about immediate medical assistance.

An ambulance should be called if the patient has the following symptoms:

  1. a sharp increase in temperature;
  2. choking, difficulty breathing;
  3. formation of abscesses and ulcers on the body;
  4. severe swelling of the skin;
  5. mental disorder, obsessive states.

The faster the patient receives help in such cases, the greater the likelihood of a speedy recovery and relief from unpleasant symptoms.

Prevention measures

The most important principle of preventing bothersome itching is the timely detection and treatment of any chronic diseases and the prevention of their relapses. In addition, the list of preventive measures includes the following:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits.
  2. Spend more time outdoors.
  3. Avoid nervous overload and stressful situations.
  4. Do not use medications haphazardly.
  5. Follow a hypoallergenic diet.
  6. Strengthen immunity.
  7. Select cosmetics according to your age and skin condition.

By following these simple but effective rules, you can forever forget about itchy skin and maintain health for many years.

If you experience itchy skin all over your body, the cause may be a parasitic infection, fungus, or some other disease. Most cases of such manifestations are associated with a skin reaction to allergens. Such manifestations are quickly eliminated if the provoking factor is identified and removed. Itching sensations due to diseases are much more difficult to remove.

What is itchy skin

Human skin is penetrated by billions of nerve endings, which are very sensitive to all sorts of irritants: vibration, touch, chemical or thermal effects. A crawling insect, an insect bite, the touch of a feather, a cobweb, or a hair can cause a desire to itch, burning, tingling at the site of irritation: you want to quickly remove this unpleasant sensation by scratching the itchy skin.

Generalized itching - unbearable discomfort in the superficial layers of the dermis - can cause some diseases of the internal organs, allergic reactions due to dermatitis. Among the symptoms of dermatological diseases, skin itching dominates, but scratching syndrome of the anogenital zone, conjunctiva, trachea, pharynx, nose, and oral mucosa often occurs. There is a distinction between itching of the whole body without rash and with rash.

Body itching without rash

Itching all over the body without rashes can occur due to the following diseases:

  1. Kidney: chronic failure.
  2. Liver, gallbladder, pancreas: cancer of the head of the pancreas, biliary cirrhosis, hepatitis, bile stagnation, obstruction of a large bile duct, increased bile salts in the blood, sclerosing cholangitis, obstruction of the duodenal papilla by a neoplasm or stone.
  3. Neuroendocrine: hypo- and hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, carcinoid syndrome, diabetes mellitus, symmetrical erythrocyanosis.
  4. Hematological (blood diseases): leukemia, paraproteinemia, mastocytosis, lymphogranulomatosis, iron deficiency anemia, polycythemia vera, lymphomas, multiple myeloma, Waldenström's macroglobulinemia.
  5. Neurological: brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, brain abscess, cerebral infarction.
  6. Paraneoplastic syndrome: visceral carcinoma, Sjogren's disease.
  7. Rheumatological: dermatomyositis.
  8. Mental: depressive states and psychoses.
  9. Infectious and parasitic: parasitosis, HIV.
  10. Other conditions: age-related changes (senile), pregnancy, alcoholism and hangover.

Rash and itching on the body

When multiple changes occur on the mucous membrane and skin that differ in color, texture, and appearance from normal skin, they indicate a rash. The rash can affect the arms, legs, face, stomach, and chest. These may be primary symptoms - pustules, redness, spots, goosebumps, blisters, pimples, blisters. As the disease progresses, the rash is replaced by secondary elements:

  1. Loss of natural skin color (discoloration, darkening).
  2. Erosions and ulcers are the result of opening an abscess with a violation of the integrity of the skin with the capture of subcutaneous fatty tissue.
  3. Peeling - scales of dead epidermis.
  4. Crusts are the dried surface of weeping erosion, ulcers, and opened blisters.
  5. Scratching – superficial or deep abrasions.
  6. Lichenification – thickening, strengthening of the skin pattern.

It is not worth making a diagnosis on your own, guided by visible signs and information you have read. In case of any suspicious manifestations, you should consult a doctor to identify the underlying internal pathology that caused the scratching. A rash and a strong desire to scratch on the body are accompanied by diseases such as:

  1. chicken pox;
  2. postherpetic neuralgia;
  3. rubella;
  4. measles;
  5. scarlet fever;
  6. herpes;
  7. meningococcal sepsis;
  8. hives;
  9. acne;
  10. fungal infections;
  11. psoriasis;
  12. scabies due to infection by microscopic parasites.

Why does my whole body itch?

When the body itches in different places, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of this condition. Perhaps this is a consequence of fungal, allergic, inflammatory skin diseases, pathologies of internal organs, mental disorders and neuropathic diseases. Since there are so many causes, it is important to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the body to determine the root cause.


Allergies in the 21st century have become the scourge of humanity. The entire population of the planet suffers from this disease to one degree or another. Allergies manifest themselves in the form of swelling, rashes, scratching, which vary in severity - from light scratching to scratching with the appearance of blood. With allergies and dermatitis, a large amount of histamine accumulates in the skin - a substance that causes scabies, tissue swelling, and dilates blood vessels. Therefore, itchy areas on the skin appear swollen and red.

Allergic itching is eliminated with antihistamines, but then the allergen should be identified and eliminated. A more serious neuroallergic disease is neurodermatitis or atopic dermatitis, which is characterized by uncontrollable, unbearable localized itching. This disease develops from childhood and subsides a little during puberty, but later recurs again. Treatment of diffuse neurodermatitis is long and complex.


A common cause of itching throughout the body is the development of psychogenic conditions: mental trauma, overstrain of the nervous system, stress, when a person does not control hand movements and constantly scratches and rubs the skin. At the same time, the desire to scratch under stress does not weaken, but, on the contrary, can only intensify. Often, against the background of neuroses, periodic wandering itching occurs, when it is impossible to determine a specific place. It is possible to avoid attacks or reduce their intensity if you eliminate the factors that cause stress.

Seasonal itching

Patients who complain of exacerbation of scabies attacks in spring or autumn can be confidently diagnosed with VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). This is due to a lack of vitamins in the body. Vitamin therapy, which should be prescribed by the attending physician, will help eliminate the symptoms. If your whole body itches in winter, you should go to the doctor and find out the reasons for this condition.

What diseases cause the body to itch?

Itching throughout the body can occur in various diseases, with different symptoms:

  1. Diffuse neurodermatitis. Symptoms: severely itchy areas of the skin, roughness, dryness and roughness of the skin at the affected area.
  2. Atopic dermatitis. Symptoms: redness, desire to itch with the formation of wounds and crusts. The face, neck, legs and arms, and abdomen are affected. It happens due to food allergies and dysbacteriosis.
  3. Contact dermatitis. Symptoms: local itching, redness, blisters, which eventually open and are replaced by ulcers. Locations: hands. Causes of appearance: allergens, dyes, medications.
  4. Hives. Symptoms: redness, swelling in strictly localized areas of the skin. In more severe cases, signs may include angioedema and anaphylactic shock. As a rule, itching with urticaria occurs on the abdomen, large joints, and the outer side of the palm.
  5. Fungal infection. Symptoms: the body itches, hair falls out with ringworm, suppuration of the skin with scab, peeling with fungal infection of the feet, redness in the folds of the skin and in the groin.
  6. Pediculosis (lice). Symptoms: itchy scalp, presence of nits (lice larvae), small bloody crusts, signs of bites on the neck.
  7. Scabies. Symptoms: scabies itches between the fingers, on the wrists, on the stomach, in the groin and gets worse at night. Characterized by localized symptoms with distribution throughout the body.
  8. Pruritoceptive. The cause is insect bites (mosquitoes, mosquitoes, wasps, hornets, ticks, bedbugs, fleas, bees, spiders). Symptoms: redness, swelling, strong desire to scratch at the site of the bite.
  9. Psoriasis. Symptoms: inflamed, reddened lesions with white scales of varying sizes. Areas beyond the psoriatic plaques may itch. The disease is chronic and difficult to treat.
  10. Anal. Symptoms: unbearable desire to scratch the itchy area. The desire to scratch may not be associated with any disease and can be explained by poor hygiene, but it can be a consequence of certain diseases: parasites (pinworms), erythrasma, hemorrhoids, thrombosis of the hemorrhoid, proctitis, diabetes.
  11. Genital. Symptoms: in women – the mucous membrane of the labia and vagina itch; in men - the scrotum and head of the penis. Causes: candidiasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, bacterial vaginosis, colpitis, vulvar kraurosis (vulvar atrophy), in men - balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis).
  12. Scalp. Causes: seborrhea, pediculosis, lichen. As a rule, it develops with dry skin.

Types of skin itching

There is the following classification according to the frequency of relapses and intensity of manifestation:

  1. Spicy. It is a consequence of pathology in the body.
  2. Local. It has biological causes - bedbugs, ticks, etc. and is felt in a certain place.
  3. Generalized. Unpleasant manifestations throughout the body for various reasons. Can be observed in liver, endocrine, dermatological, hematological, neurogenic diseases, oncology.
  4. Chronic. It occurs for no apparent reason and indicates dermatosis and systemic diseases during an exacerbation.

What to do if your whole body itches

Considering that there is only one itching, but there are many causes, its treatment must be approached differently. What to do if your whole body itches? You can use ointments and creams that can relieve discomfort, but if the causes lie in liver disease or endocrine system disorders, then self-medication with local remedies can only aggravate the problem and complicate further treatment. Indeed, in this case, itching on the skin is just the tip of the iceberg, under which lies a serious illness, possibly fraught with tragic consequences.


Determining the root cause will require diagnosing the itchy areas. First contact a dermatologist to prescribe tests and a detailed examination. If the dermatologist finds it difficult to name the cause, consultation with a therapist, endocrinologist, allergist, gastroenterologist and other specialists will be required. Principles of treating itchy skin:

  1. eliminating the cause;
  2. local treatment;
  3. systemic treatment.

Drug treatment

Depending on the reasons that caused the unpleasant symptoms, treatment for itching of the body skin is prescribed. For allergic scratching, antihistamines are prescribed: Zyrtec, Loratidine, Erius, Zyrtec, Suprastin, Tavegil. Additionally, it is recommended to take sedatives: Novo-Passit, valerian, mint tea, motherwort tincture, since the constant desire to itch disrupts sleep and makes the patient irritable. Complex manifestations are treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

However, this will take some time, and you want to relieve the itching as quickly as possible. Therefore, there are general recommendations:

  1. The diet should not contain salty, hot, spicy foods. It is undesirable to drink strong tea, coffee, and alcohol.
  2. If an elderly person has body itching (senile, worse in the evening and at night), then iodine preparations will alleviate the condition.
  3. Take warm baths with sea salt.
  4. Wipe the skin with calendula tincture in alcohol, lubricate with menthol-based antihistamine ointments.

Folk remedies

Along with drug therapy, folk remedies for body itching are used:

  1. A quick effect is achieved by taking baths with decoctions of plants: nettle, chamomile, mint, celandine, pine needles.
  2. Pruritoceptive (insect bites) are removed with coconut oil baths. To do this, dissolve 50 g of oil in a water bath and pour into warm water. The procedure time is 15 minutes.
  3. Lemon juice works great for itching, but it should not be applied to areas with damaged skin.
  4. Vaseline will help quickly relieve itching, as it will additionally moisturize and soften.
  5. To soothe irritations, you should use basil. It contains vitamins A, C, P, which are very important for skin health. You need to wipe the irritated areas with a clean fresh leaf or prepare a decoction of basil and make lotions.
  6. Apple cider vinegar and celandine are used as applications (do not use celandine for chemical or sunburn).

How to treat body itching

If a diagnosis is made, the disease that became the cause is determined, the appropriate medicine is prescribed for itching of the body skin:

  1. For renal itching: UVB therapy, Cholestyramine, activated carbon, Thalidomide, Naltrexone, Ondansetron, Capsacin cream, Tavegil.
  2. Itching due to cholestasis is treated with ursodeoxycholic acid, Cholestyramine, Phenobarbital, Rifampicin, Naloxone, Naltrexone, Nalmefene, Fexadine, Trexyl, Tavegil.
  3. Endocrine diseases: skin moisturizing, hormonal medications, compensation for diabetes mellitus are necessary.
  4. Hematological diseases: iron supplements, Aspirin, Cholestyramine, Cimetidine.
  5. Senile (senile): drugs with a calming effect (sedatives).

Local treatment

Local treatment includes treatment of the skin surface in areas of inflammation. These can be compresses, lotions of 3-5% vinegar, talcum powder, morning and evening hygiene. Among the medications, ointment is effective:

  1. Lokoid;
  2. Triderm;
  3. Ultraproct;
  4. Belosalik;
  5. Baneocin;
  6. hydrocortisone ointment (has a lot of contraindications).


In the treatment of diseases with manifestations of itching, drugs that block the production of histamine are often used. Antihistamines:

  1. Atarax. The active ingredient is hydroxyzine hydrochloride.
  2. Berlicourt. Prescribed to eliminate any signs of allergies. The active ingredient is triamcinolone.
  3. Desazon. The active ingredient is dexamethasone.
  4. Diazolin. Prescribed for psoriasis, eczema, urticaria, insect bites.

Etiotropic therapy

This is a treatment aimed at eliminating a microbial, viral, bacterial, infectious pathogen. All antibacterial drugs (antibiotics), sulfonamides, nitrofuran drugs are etiotropic. Etiotropic agents include interferons, antidotes, immune globulins, probiotics, bacteriophages, and anthelmintic drugs. Etiotropic therapy drugs are used for complications of hereditary diseases, poisoning, and herpetic infections of various organs.

How to remove body itching at home

Treatment at home is aimed at eliminating the symptoms, but you need to work with your doctor to combat the cause of the strong desire to scratch the skin. As temporary help you can use:

  1. Burdock roots. You need already dried roots to then obtain the powder using a coffee grinder. Pour 2 tbsp into a saucepan. l. powder, pour 1 liter of water. Cook for half an hour. When it cools down, you can make gauze compresses by applying to the irritated area. The effect should occur within half an hour.
  2. Alcohol tincture of elecampane. You can prepare it at home, for which you take 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped roots, pour them into a suitable dark glass bottle, add 50 ml of alcohol. The tincture is prepared for 10 days, after which you need to make an aqueous solution with the tincture and wipe the itchy skin. According to people's reviews, the effect occurs immediately.
  3. Needles. You will need young buds and pine needles in the amount of one glass. Pour a liter of boiling water over them and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Wash with the cooled broth, wipe the skin, make compresses and lotions. The result is felt quickly.

Itching is not a disease, but only a symptom. According to doctors, the body cannot itch without a reason. Most often, the reason that the body itches is some kind of disease, even if peeling, dryness and itching go away for no apparent reason.

It is necessary to understand the reasons before starting treatment. Itching is dangerous because the patient can scratch the skin, which will lead to inflammation, infection and dehydration.

Skin diseases

The most common cause of itching is skin diseases. An inflammatory process appears, which is accompanied by itching.

Wandering itching all over the body

Most often occurs due to hereditary predisposition. Stress, anxiety and poor living conditions are also prerequisites for the development of dermatitis.


An inflammatory skin disease that causes blistering and burning. Also characterized by redness and itching. When scratching the blisters, erosions appear that turn into crusts.

Most often appears on the hands and face. It occurs in a chronic form and is accompanied by respiratory tract infections, as well as metabolic disorders.


The answer to the question of why the body itches for no apparent reason may be the disease dermatophytosis. It is caused by fungi that live in the soil, the body of animals and humans.

Fungi penetrate into the upper layers of the skin, decompose proteins and feed on decay products. Dermatophytosis can occur on the scalp or body, on smooth skin, and on the nails.


A skin disease that is caused by fungi or viruses. Most often develops after direct contact with an infected person or animal. There are several varieties: pink, cutting, weeping, girdling.

Most often appears on the scalp. The affected area becomes bright red, flaky and itchy. The main factor in contracting lichen is a weakened immune system.

Pediculosis or human lice infestation

The main factor of infection is unsanitary living conditions. Lice can be contracted in villages and villages, from people without a fixed place of residence.

Pediculosis is an ancient disease that most often occurs as an epidemic. You can become infected with it in a military barracks, children's camp, or school.

Blood-sucking parasites cause a lot of trouble. Their bites cause severe itching, but the main danger is that they carry typhus. Lice live on the scalp or pubic area.

Important point! To avoid becoming infected with lice, do not use other people's combs and do not give yours to anyone. Also be careful about the cleanliness of your pillows, and try not to sleep on a shared bed.

Note! You can only get lice from other people. Other types of lice live on the body of animals, which are not dangerous to humans.


A type of scaly lichen. Inflammation is caused by the body's immune cells. The disease is characterized by red, dry spots that are covered with a white coating.

Most often they appear on the bends of the elbows, on the head, and lower back. They can also affect other parts of the body, as well as the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Factors that cause psoriasis: heredity, infections, HIV, certain medications.


A disease caused by parasites. Scabies mites feed on the upper layers of human skin. The first sign of the disease is blisters in the interdigital folds. They itch a lot, the itching gets worse in the evenings.

Scabies can be contracted from contact with a sick person, through bed, clothing, and household items. In this case, the incubation period of the disease can last up to 4 weeks.


An allergic disease characterized by a red rash. The patient may scratch it vigorously, which only aggravates the disease. Often accompanied by Quincke's edema.

Causes may include food allergens, digestive disorders, insect bites, and hypothermia. With disorders of the kidneys, liver or intestines, urticaria takes a chronic form.


Abnormal dry skin. This is a consequence of severe itching or infectious diseases. The skin becomes rough, peels, itches, and turns red.

Xerosis can be a symptom of other disorders: psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea.

In addition, xerosis is caused by cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and renal failure.

It may be caused by a cancerous tumor. When xerosis appears, it is especially important to examine the internal organs.

Systemic diseases

Systemic diseases are diseases of internal organs that may be accompanied by itchy skin. To accurately diagnose a particular disease, listen to other symptoms and consult a doctor.

Why the body itches for no apparent reason is a disease Nature of itching Other symptoms
Allergy Most often accompanied by the skin diseases listed above. The patient suffers from severe itching throughout the day. Skin rash, digestive disorders.
Cancer Body itching may occur after swimming. Most often, itching is localized in the lower extremities. Itching is the first symptom of cancer, after which others appear. Skin rashes, spots, swelling of the limbs and face.
Cholestasis Itching and skin rashes indicate problems with the gallbladder. The skin may turn yellow. The skin reaction occurs due to the accumulation of bile in the bile ducts. Jaundice, nausea, weakness, pain in the right hypochondrium.
Diabetes Due to excessive accumulation of sugar in the blood, peeling and itching of the skin, dryness and deterioration of its condition appear. Scratching can lead to infection with infectious and viral diseases. Thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, weight loss.
Anemia The itching is not permanent; most often it is localized to a specific area of ​​the body. Skin burning may occur. Weakness, headache, appetite disorder, exercise intolerance.
Multiple sclerosis In cases of nervous system disorders, the skin may experience itching and burning. Other unpleasant sensations also occur: tingling, numbness, and decreased sensitivity. Photosensitivity, impaired color perception, hand tremors, changes in gait, instability, frequent urination or retention, sexual dysfunction.
Thyroid diseases There is dryness, flaking and itching of the skin. The skin of the hands and face is most often affected. You can soften the symptoms with moisturizing creams and oils. Rapid heartbeat, anxiety, irritability, weight loss or gain, sweating, depression.
Liver diseases Any of the liver diseases affects the external condition of the skin. When there are parasites or toxins in the liver, itching is observed, localized mainly on the hands and face. Jaundice, pain in the right hypochondrium, burning skin.
Kidney diseases Most often, itching occurs in the genital area, this indicates an inflammatory process. With kidney failure, skin diseases may develop, which are accompanied by itching and rashes on the skin. Swelling, pain in the kidney area, blood in the urine, urination problems.

Why the body itches for no apparent reason - the answer may lie in diseases of the internal organs.

Most often, this is not the only symptom and the disease can be diagnosed by other symptoms. But it is best to immediately consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and make the correct diagnosis.

Other common causes of itching for no apparent reason

Itchy skin is not always caused by serious illnesses. This may be a consequence of stress, age-related changes in the body, or a reaction to allergens and medications.

Infection with immunodeficiency virus

HIV does not manifest itself in the body for a long time, and the infected person may not be aware of the disease. But he has signs that indicate immunodeficiency. Skin signs are:

Fungal and viral diseases are accompanied by itching. Most often, herpes affects the mucous membranes, which are very itchy at the initial stage of the disease. Eczema can occur on the hands and face.

Mental disorders: psychogenic itching

Our body is sensitive to stress and anxiety. It often responds with redness in certain areas, itching, and chest pain. If you are sure that you are healthy and there can be no other reason for the itching, try to be less nervous and the itching will go away.

Allergic skin itching in adults and children

Food allergens cause irritation of the intestinal walls, which immediately affects the skin. Rashes and itching appear. Allergies to cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, and cleaning products may also occur. It is recommended to find the cause and not come into contact with this reagent.

Seasonal itching

For no apparent reason, the body may itch in the fall and spring in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Why this happens cannot be said with certainty. Most likely, this is due to a lack of vitamins in the diet and weather changes.


If your body itches, but there is no visible reason for it, it may be a consequence of dehydration. It is difficult to say why this condition occurs. The reason may be insufficient fluid intake or a large loss of fluid if you were in extreme conditions.

Senile or senile itching

In old age, the body undergoes many changes: metabolism changes, the skin becomes thin and dry, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, and cell renewal slows down.

This leads to unpleasant consequences: irritation, peeling, and itching. The skin of the face most often suffers, as it is thinner and more sensitive.

Note! Over many years of life, the body accumulates stress, allergens, and diseases, which can make the body itch. Even if it seems to you that there are no visible reasons, this is not so. That is why you need to take care of your physical and mental health from a young age.

Parasite infestation

Itchy skin can be caused by parasites such as scabies mites and demodex mites. The parasite does not necessarily have to live under the skin. Even worms and roundworms can cause skin rashes and itching.

Most often, antibacterial agents and antipruritic ointments are prescribed to get rid of them. Remember that self-medication with ointments alone will not bring results; you need to identify the cause and treat it.


During menopause, women's hormonal levels change, which affects the condition of the entire body. In addition to changes in the sexual sphere, you will feel a change in the condition of your skin and hair. This may include the body itching for no apparent reason.

Why you shouldn't be afraid of it: As soon as the hormones return to normal, the itching will go away. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, use moisturizing creams.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Pregnant women often have itchy breasts and stomach. These are normal phenomena, as the body is undergoing restructuring. Other parts of the body may also itch.

This should be treated carefully, as itching indicates allergies or diseases of the internal organs. See your doctor to determine the cause of the itching.

Itching of the body as a result of taking medications

If you are being treated with pills or folk remedies, itchy skin may be a side effect. Read the instructions before diagnosing yourself differently. It is best to replace the medicine that makes your body itchy with a similar one.

Itchy skin can be caused by skin diseases, diseases of internal organs and some other reasons. If you have other symptoms besides itching, consult your doctor.

If there are no apparent reasons, eliminate stress and anxiety from your life, and the itching will go away.

Why the body itches for no apparent reason:

Causes of skin itching:
