Tea rose oil for face


Roses are amazing flowers. They are a delight for any occasion. They will cheer you up and decorate your home. But this is not only their charm. Rose petals make an excellent facial oil. This is a special product in cosmetology, which has been used for many centuries. Rose oil transforms the skin, smoothing it out, giving it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.


It is used to treat certain skin diseases, such as herpes.

How do you get it?

It is called pink not because it has that color, but solely due to its raw materials. It is the fragrant pink petals of various varieties of these plants that become the main ingredient from which the most valuable product - oil - is obtained.


They mistakenly believe that ordinary garden plants are suitable for this. No, to obtain rose oil, special plantations are planted, which are given special care all year round.

“Raw” roses need special feeding; a certain temperature and humidity are maintained for them. The most commonly used varieties are “Damascus”, “Stolistnaya”, “Galskaya”, tea, wild and some others. In different European countries, certain varieties are grown on such plantations for further production.


The petals of a blooming and fragrant rose are mercilessly torn off and sent for recycling. This is a complex and multi-step process, resulting in a small amount of product. One can imagine that from ten kilograms of petals, only about five hundred milliliters of the finished product are obtained. The main production method involves exposing the plant to steam. An equally common method is hydrohistallation.


The oil obtained through production consists of two components, one of which is in solid form, the second is in liquid form. The solid product is completely odorless; it is separated from the total resulting composition at a temperature of plus 17 degrees. The liquid component is a composition fragrant with roses. It is cooled and in this state resembles fat. Its color ranges from pale green to yellowish.


How to use

Rose oil is a favorite product of cosmetologists all over the world, who know how to use this natural gift to restore youth, beauty and beautiful appearance to the skin. It is useful for all women: young and those who are of advanced age. It restores elasticity and youth to the layers of the epidermis, eliminates wrinkles, and regenerates cells.


But most often cosmetologists recommend it to women with signs of skin aging. Regular use of a properly prepared composition returns a clear oval face and tightens it. With its regular use, not only noticeable wrinkles, but also age spots disappear. The skin regains its elasticity, beautiful complexion and healthy tone.

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of oil from the video below.

Who is it suitable for?

Modern cosmetic companies have developed a lot of preparations and products that include rose oil. And manufacturers took into account all the features of the skin associated with age and type. Essentially, rose petal oil is suitable for all women. A properly selected cosmetic product, as evidenced by reviews from cosmetologists, will have the expected impact and effect.


First of all, it needs dry skin faces. Rose oil nourishes, saturates, softens, in general, works magically. After several uses, the result is obvious, and you no longer want to use an expensive cream, the manufacturer of which promised the result that the oil gave. The roughened layers of the epidermis become soft and velvety. Flaky areas disappear, the face takes on a fresh and healthy appearance.

It is especially useful in autumn and winter, with strong gusts of cold and damp wind.


The oily composition protects against natural influences, protecting the skin from frost, ultraviolet radiation and dry air on windy days.

After using this cosmetic product, he will say “thank you” and sensitive skin. It is for this type that it is extremely difficult to choose care, nutrition and moisturizing products, since the epidermis reacts sharply to components it does not like with redness and rashes.

Rose oil copes with such problems in the best possible way. It soothes irritated areas, relieves inflammation, and eliminates small pimples. Its constant use will eventually lead the skin to a normal state and will maintain it in this form. It also helps get rid of small capillaries, eliminating “networks” in different parts of the face.


Of course, the oil also has some limitations in its use. It is not recommended for pregnant women; doctors explain this by the smell, which can cause discomfort in expectant mothers.

And in exceptional cases, it can cause allergic reactions, so before the very first use it is necessary to conduct a test on the elbow. A few drops are applied for 3-4 hours, and if there is no redness, then there is no allergy.


For eyelids and lips

Yes, it's universal. And one wonderful product can replace a lot of jars and bottles used as a night, day cream, cream for the skin around the eyes or as a lip balm. Rose oil is ideal for eyelid skin. And it is part of many types of cosmetic products designed to care for it. Using it, you can get rid of dark circles under the eyes; it smoothes out both barely noticeable wrinkles and those that have already become obvious.


It is recommended to apply it to chapped, dry lips, use it as a daily lip balm, use it during herpes and for manifestations of allergic dermatitis.


Rose oil is included in such effective products as a mask. Ready-made masks can be purchased at specialized cosmetic stores and pharmacies.



Or you can cook it yourself at home. And for this you will need essential oil of rose, tea tree, jasmine and other oils that attract you with their aromas.


If you prepare a healthy mask at home, you will only need a few drops of the recipe ingredients for one application. The base can be lotion or tonic - about two hundred and fifty milliliters. It is placed in a glass container, always with a lid. Add two drops of rose oil and 1 drop of another fragrant oil that you like to the lotion. The composition is thoroughly shaken and placed in a cool, dark place for about a day.




Within a day, the finished product according to this recipe can be used. It must be at room temperature.

If preparing eye cream - and it’s also easy to make at home, using the best grade of olive oil. One tablespoon will be enough. Two drops of an oily solution of rose petals are added to it.



The well-mixed composition is applied to the skin around the eyes about an hour before bedtime, and the remains are blotted with a gauze cloth soaked in warm water.

The rose is considered the queen of flowers because of its beauty and delicate aroma. It is not surprising that essential oil is extracted from the petals of this plant, which helps girls maintain their natural beauty. Cosmetologists recommend using rose oil for wrinkles. It perfectly “erases” the signs of time from the face, eliminating wrinkles, evening out tone, cleansing and eliminating inflammation.


To obtain rose oil, the method of steam distillation is used. The raw material is rose petals. The finished product has a light color, viscous consistency and a sweetish floral aroma.


The oil has a very complex multicomponent composition, consisting of solid and liquid parts. The liquid part has a pronounced aroma, the solid part has no smell. At room temperature and below, the solid part may separate and precipitate. To restore the homogeneous structure of the oil, it needs to be slightly heated. But you cannot overheat the product, as light essential substances will begin to evaporate.


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What effect does it have?

When used correctly, rose essential oil has the following effects on the skin:

  1. Rejuvenates. By stimulating regeneration processes, the product promotes cell renewal. In addition, it activates the natural synthesis of collagen, which increases the elasticity of the skin.
  2. Pulls up. Rose oil provides a lifting effect, so the oval of the face becomes clearer.
  3. Relieves inflammation and irritation. This property allows us to recommend rose oil for problematic and sensitive epidermis.
  4. Refreshing. The use of ether eliminates signs of fatigue and perfectly tones.
  5. Cleanses. Rose ether helps remove toxins and also effectively cleanses pores, eliminating comedones - blackheads.

In addition, rose essential oil helps eliminate various cosmetic defects; it not only smoothes out wrinkles, but helps make them less noticeable:

  1. dark spots;
  2. spider veins;
  3. peeling;
  4. scars and dark spots from healed acne;
  5. swelling and purple shadows under the eyes.


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Precautionary measures

Like other essential oils, rose petal product is highly concentrated. Therefore, it is used in small quantities, adding a few drops to various cosmetics. These can be commercial lotions and creams or homemade cosmetic formulations.

Rose oil can cause allergic skin rashes. Therefore, before applying mixtures of this product to your face, test it on the skin of your wrist. If there is no negative reaction within 24 hours after application, then this ether is safe for you.


Important! It is not recommended to use this product for cosmetic care by girls who do not tolerate strong, heavy fragrances. This drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, problems with blood pressure or blood vessels.

Basic Rules

In order for home cosmetic procedures to bring maximum effect, you need to remember the nuances of using essential oils:

  1. When heated to temperatures above 38 degrees, valuable substances evaporate from rose oil. Therefore, never add ether to hot mixtures. If the recipe calls for some product (for example, honey) to be heated, then first cool the mixture and then add the ether;
  2. The principle “the more, the more effective” does not work when preparing cosmetic formulations with essential oils. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the prescription;
  3. Apply prepared formulations only to previously cleansed skin. The holding time should not exceed twenty minutes.
  4. If you want to eliminate cosmetic defects, you need to use rose essential oil once every three to four days. If the procedures are carried out for preventive purposes, then it is enough to do them weekly;
  5. Do not use essential oil for too long; after 15 procedures, you need to take a break.


In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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Application options

The easiest way to use the product is as an additive to finished cosmetics. It is enough to drop one drop of ether into a single portion of your regular cream to make the cosmetic product more effective. But you can also prepare homemade, completely natural cosmetics.

Tonic or cosmetic ice

150 ml of purified or mineral water should be mixed with five drops of rose essential oil. This tonic can be used for daily wiping of the face. Or freeze it in molds and rub ice cubes on your skin in the morning.


This homemade cosmetics option is suitable for problematic, combination or oily skin.

  1. Purified water – 200 ml;
  2. Glycerin – 50 ml;
  3. Salicylic alcohol – 15 ml;
  4. Rose essential oil – 10 drops.

Use the product twice a day to wipe the skin

Eye cream

To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, it is recommended to prepare the following composition:

  1. rosehip and jojoba oils – 10 ml each;
  2. rose essential oil – 5 drops.


Mix everything, pour into a small dark glass bottle, leave for a day in a dark place. Apply the finished cream every evening in a thin layer to the skin of the eyelids and gently pat them in with your fingertips.

Mask options

Rose essential oil can make homemade anti-aging masks more effective. Here are some proven recipes:

  1. With rice flour. Grind 50 grams of white rice in a coffee grinder to obtain flour. Separately, mix 30 grams of yoghurt or fermented baked milk with 10 ml of avocado oil and three drops of rose essential oil. Add rice flour to the prepared mixture.
  2. Honey and sour cream. Mix a large spoonful of liquid honey and full-fat sour cream. Add four drops of rose essential oil to a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Oily. You need to mix 10 ml of grape seed and jojoba oils. Then add three drops of rose ether and the same amount of vanilla ether to the mixture. This composition whitens well and gives the face a healthy, even color.
  4. With clay. Two tablespoons of blue clay must be diluted with milk until a thick paste is obtained. Then enrich the composition with esters (two drops each) - lavender, ylang-ylang and rose.


  1. Honey-butter. Prepare a homogeneous mixture of almond oil and natural honey. To facilitate the mixing process, the honey needs to be warmed up a little. Add the contents of one ampoule of aloe extract and three drops of rose ether into the cooled mixture.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Professional cosmetologists believe that, if used correctly, rose essential oil will help solve various cosmetic problems. But it is very important not to forget to be careful and not to use the product too often, as this can only worsen existing skin defects.

Women's opinion

Many girls are happy to use rose essential oil, their reviews speak about this.

Rose oil is my favorite. I love its sensual scent. In addition, it is not too greasy and does not stain clothes. The oil is wonderfully refreshing and fights wrinkles. I've been using it for over two years now and have no plans to give it up.

I, like most women, love roses. And just recently I discovered such a wonderful product as rose oil. This is a real elixir of youth, which allows you to refresh aging skin, make it more elastic and toned.

Nowadays, rose oil is valued no less than in the time of the Persian princess, who discovered this product to the world; it is used in perfumery, as well as in the fields of cosmetology (skin and hair care), medicine and pharmaceuticals (production of patches, drops, ointments and etc.).


  1. Beneficial properties of rose oil
  2. Rose oil in cosmetology and perfumery
  3. Use of rose oil in dentistry
  4. Ways to use essential rose oil, recipes
  5. Rose oil treatment recipes
  6. Use of rose oil in aromatherapy
  7. Contraindications to the use of essential rose oil


In appearance, rose essential oil is a pale yellow liquid with a dense and viscous structure; it is obtained from several types of roses (Gallic, Centifolia, Damascus, etc.) using the enfleurage method, which allows you to preserve its wonderful aroma and beneficial properties.

Beneficial properties of rose oil

  1. relieves inflammatory processes on the skin, fights irritation and peeling of the skin;
  2. promotes cell rejuvenation;
  3. smoothes the skin, increases firmness and elasticity;
  4. controls the secretions of the sebaceous glands;
  5. eliminates scars and scars;
  6. fights stretch marks (striae);
  7. perfectly fights migraines, headaches, eliminates cerebral vascular spasms;
  8. normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, normalizes a woman’s hormonal levels;
  9. has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract;
  10. has a healing and protective effect on mucous membranes;
  11. is an excellent remedy against thrush (candidiasis);
  12. has a disinfecting effect, stimulates tissue regeneration;
  13. has a calming effect in case of overexcitation, relieves neuroses, depression, insomnia;
  14. improves memory, tones, improves concentration;
  15. has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  16. considered an excellent aphrodisiac;
  17. treats eye diseases, improves vision in general;
  18. has a beneficial effect on PMS days and normalizes the amount of menstrual flow.

Rose oil in cosmetology and perfumery

The rose is rightfully considered the queen of fragrances and the queen of flowers. Her scent has always been associated with luxury and femininity. Today, essential rose oil is used in the production of perfume, cosmetics, as well as directly in facial and hair care.

Due to its high anti-aging properties, rose oil is effectively used in the care of mature, aging skin, as well as skin that has partially lost its firmness and elasticity. Regular use of rose essential oil in skin care stimulates regeneration processes in cells, clears the oval of the face and the contour of the eyelids, tones, increases the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, makes the face smoother, eliminating shallow expression wrinkles. In addition, it can eliminate age spots, improve overall complexion and even out the skin.

The use of rose oil on dry skin with signs of roughness and flaking has a beneficial effect; it intensively nourishes and softens the skin, eliminating existing problems in the shortest possible time. When used in skin care, it creates an invisible film that protects the skin from the negative effects of external factors (wind, frost, sun).

Rose oil exhibits beneficial properties in the care of hypersensitive facial skin. Its application soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, preventing their reoccurrence. For those who have problems with rosacea (spider veins) on the face, rose oil will help make them less noticeable with regular use.

Rose oil will also bring undoubted benefits in eyelid skin care. Adding it to skin care products for the skin around the eyes will quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes, swelling, and expression lines.

This truly “royal oil” will help to improve the overall health of the facial skin in diseases such as psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, herpes, neurodermatitis, etc.

Use of rose oil in dentistry

It is effectively used to eliminate bleeding gums (with periodontal disease), for pulpitis, for pain relief and eliminating bacterial infections from canals, and for the production of certain types of toothpaste.

Ways to use essential rose oil, recipes

Rose oil is a rather expensive product, so manufacturers of cosmetic products mostly use synthetic analogs that do not have the beneficial properties inherent in a natural product. Rose oil can be purchased at the pharmacy and added to your skincare products (creams, gels, tonics, milks, etc.), approximately 3 drops per application, prepare natural homemade masks with it, or mix with a herbal base and use yourself, instead of the usual nourishing cream for the face and skin around the eyes (2 drops of essential component per tablespoon of base). In the latter case, the product must be shaken before each use, since rose oil does not dissolve and will be in the bottle as an emulsion. It is advisable to store it at room temperature to make it easier to measure drop by drop.

Rose oil is good to add to a warm bath, which will not only help relieve irritation and calm down, but also soften the skin, giving it a velvety feel. For such a bath, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of liquid natural honey in a liter of warm milk and add 10 drops of rose essential oil. Pour the mixture into a bathtub filled with warm water. The duration of the procedure is no more than fifteen minutes.

Video: how to use rose essential oil.

Massage Oil

Rose oil - 4 drops.
Sandalwood oil – 5 drops.
Ylang-ylang oil – 1 drop.
Peach oil – 50 ml.

Connect the components. The product can be used as an aphrodisiac by lovers to increase sexual desire.

Pink water.

Fights crow's feet, eliminates oily shine, tightens pores.

Warm boiled water - 250 ml.
Rose oil – 10 drops.

Add oil to water and use daily, morning and evening, as a cleansing lotion. The product can be used to eliminate swelling and bags under the eyes. To do this, apply cotton pads soaked in rose water to your closed eyes and leave for ten minutes. After a few procedures, the problem will completely disappear.

Video: Making homemade rose oil.

Anti-aging night cream.

Sweet almond oil – 30 ml.
Rose oil - 3 drops.
Patchouli oil - 3 drops.
Ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops.
Neroli oil - 2 drops.

Add the remaining ingredients to the almond oil and stir well. Apply this “cream” at night to the skin of the face, previously cleansed of impurities and makeup. After twenty minutes, blot off excess product with a paper napkin. Keep refrigerated.

Rose oil treatment recipes

For thrush, it is recommended to douche with rose oil; to do this, add a mixture of a teaspoon of soda and 3 drops of rose oil to warm boiled water (05 l). Do the procedure daily for seven days.

Rose oil, used undiluted, helps against herpes on the lips. It should be applied directly to the blisters three to four times a day.

To get rid of psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, it is good to add rose oil to ointments prescribed for the treatment of these diseases. For a single dose of ointment you should take one drop of oil.

To relieve toothache, it is good to rinse your mouth with the following composition: add a mixture of half a teaspoon of baking soda and one drop of essential rose oil to 100 ml of water.

In order to improve overall well-being, rose oil is recommended to take one drop three times a day before meals. It is dripped onto a piece of sugar and consumed.

Use of rose oil in aromatherapy

To achieve inner harmony, relieve fatigue, irritation, stress, it is good to add five drops of rose oil to the aroma lamp. The effect is immediate, since the biological substances contained in the product are quickly absorbed by skin cells and have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.