Cream for acne and blackheads on the face

Cream is a light cosmetic skin care product that is used to moisturize, tighten or nourish the epidermis. But if there are serious problems in the form of comedones or acne, then the creamy mass will not help. To treat such imperfections, a special ointment for acne on the face is used.

The most popular ointments for acne on the face

Ointment is a remedy for the treatment of superficial skin damage. It differs from cream in thickness and percentage of fats, active substances and some other components (thickeners, etc.). Due to the high density, almost all ointments can only be applied spot on. Otherwise, acne and acne problems may worsen.


There are also medicinal creams or liniments. They belong to cosmeceuticals, a branch of pharmacology that has similar goals to cosmetology. For example, this is a good cream for acne on the face and neck: Baziron, Skinoren, Ornidazole and others.


Vishnevsky ointment

Balsamic liniment created by surgeon Vishnevsky exclusively using natural ingredients. The composition includes tar, xeroform and castor oil. They have a strong antiseptic effect, promote tissue regeneration, and normalize the moisture balance in cells.


You can buy the product at any pharmacy; the drug is available without a prescription and the average price is up to $1. Despite its availability, Vishnevsky ointment for acne on the face can only be used after the recommendation of a specialist. Tar and castor oil have strong irritating properties and negatively affect ulcers and wen. In addition, they can provoke the accumulation of exudate in inflamed areas of the skin.


Zinc ointment

An effective ointment for acne and pimples on the face. It is a mixture of paraffin wax, mineral oil and zinc oxide powder. Due to zinc powder, it has a beneficial effect on the skin. Helps reduce inflammatory processes, dries out pimples and blackheads, and “pulls out” pus from wounds. Vaseline softens tissue, which helps prevent scarring.


This is one of the few drugs that is approved for use during pregnancy. Clinical studies have shown that there are no acute contraindications or side effects after using the zinc mixture. Although those with oily and acne-prone skin need to be careful. Paraffins clog pores and are addictive. The product can only be used spot-on.


Tetracycline ointment

The main active element of the product is tetracycline. It is a broad-spectrum antibacterial antibiotic. Helps get rid of purulent pimples and comedones, subcutaneous lesions and other imperfections that arise under the influence of aggressive microorganisms.


The product is strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy. It should also be used with great caution in relation to children. Prescribed exclusively by specialists in the presence of acute inflammatory processes and diseases of the subcutaneous tissue.

Ichthyol ointment

Natural antiseptic. In terms of action, it is the closest analogue of Vishnevsky’s liniment. Ichthyol ointment is used to treat subcutaneous acne on the face, inflamed pores, and boils. The composition includes ichthammol and petroleum jelly.


Ichthammol or ichthyol are sulfonic acids of shale oil. They have an antiseptic effect and have an analgesic effect. The drug is prescribed for bacterial skin lesions, infectious diseases and purulent accumulations (boils). In the form of compresses it helps to treat subcutaneous acne. It is even used in neuralgia. There are no special instructions for use.



Heparin ointment

A common anticoagulant. Healing heparin ointment is used for traces of acne and comedones, elimination of hematomas, treatment of hemorrhoids. The composition includes benzonicotinic acid, fats, heparoid.


Properties of heparin:

  1. Reducing the inflammatory process;
  2. Anesthesia;
  3. Antithrombotic effect.

An important feature of the drug is its incompatibility with tetracycline. Also, this ointment is not used during pregnancy and lactation.


A very cheap substance for allergic reactions and various diseases that are accompanied by peeling and dryness of the epidermis. Contains propylene glycol, which is used to treat the allergic effects of chemotherapy, fungal diseases, rosacea and sunburn.




This is the best acne ointment for teenagers. It is considered unique in its own way. There are no additional components in its composition. The product consists entirely of medicinal components: chloramphenicol and methyluracil. Tops the rating of antimicrobial drugs, used to accelerate tissue regeneration and draw out purulent accumulations from open wounds.


Levomekol ointment

Methyluracil is used externally and internally. To be effective, it must be applied to the skin in the form of compresses or combined with usual foods (as prescribed by a specialist).


Syntomycin ointment

Syntamycin liniment is an antibiotic ointment that is actively used to treat burns, insect bites, acne, and helps with scars and subcutaneous pimples. The composition includes synthomycin emulsion, castor oil, water and a special preservative.


This is an excellent and inexpensive pharmaceutical for treating problem skin in adolescence. Its difference from other similar products is that it can be used as a cream. Doctors have allowed the product to be applied to the entire face, rather than spot-on, which is very convenient when treating acne. Side effects include itching and hives.


An affordable product that belongs to pharmacopoeial drugs. The classic composition includes animal fat (most often pork) and sulfur powder. Nowadays, the more common one is the so-called Kutumova formula. It uses Vaseline instead of fat. The drug is used to dry out inflamed acne, cold redness, treat skin parasites and fungal diseases.


The product can be used on all parts of the body, with the exception of the head (due to the dense fat base, it is quite difficult to wash out). Sulfur ointment can cure the most painful pimples in a week.


An effective cream for acne on the face, which contains erythromycin ointment and zinc powder. This is a combined action drug used in cosmetology, cosmeceuticals and medicine for the treatment of various skin diseases. It has a strong anti-acne effect, relieves inflammation and reduces redness.


It is characterized by a bacteriostatic effect on staphylococci, but is not recommended for disinfecting wounds and mucous membranes.

Useful properties of Zinerit ointment:

  1. Normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  2. Acne treatment;
  3. Quickly relieves swelling and eliminates skin pain in areas where pimples form.



Baziron is a bacteriostatic gel based on benzoyl peroxide. There are different types of this drug, classified according to the concentration of the active substance. Like many other antibiotic ointments against acne on the face, Baziron AS provides a local anesthetic effect. In addition, the product has a pronounced exfoliating effect and quickly draws pus from the follicle.


The main disadvantage of the gel is the reduction in the amount of melanin in the skin, which affects its sensitivity to sunlight. In addition, it should not be used by children under 12 years of age.


Complex antibacterial agent. This ointment is on the list of the most popular drugs for acne and folliculitis on the face and body. It is actively used in dermatology to relieve inflammation and cure diseases caused by pathogens. In addition, it is used in obstetrics, pediatrics, and otolaryngology.


What can be treated with Baneocin:

  1. Mastitis, various diseases of the follicles during lactation;
  2. Acne, boils, burns. In some cases, doctors prescribe an ointment to disinfect open wounds;
  3. Subcutaneous pimples, boils, inflamed comedones;
  4. Like Bepanten, Baneocin is used for diaper dermatitis and diathesis.


  5. Hidradenitis. This is a common inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Hormonal ointments

Corticosteroids are widely used in modern cosmetology. They help against acne, blackheads, comedones, acne, fungal infections and many other problems. It is important to understand that these are serious pharmaceuticals that can only be prescribed by a specialist.


The use of hormonal ointments for acne is advisable when such problems are caused by complex strains of microorganisms. Basically, such drugs are used to treat eczema, vitiligo, lichen, etc.

Hormonal agents:

  1. Elokom. The composition includes mometasone furoate;


  2. Advantan. Active substance – methylprednisolone aceponate;


  3. Triacutan. Concentrated cream containing betamethasone;


  4. Acyclovir. Contains 1 mg acyclovir.


  5. Clotrimazole. The cream is enriched with 1 mg of Clotrimazolum.


List of ointments for subcutaneous acne

It is subcutaneous acne that causes the most discomfort. The main disadvantage is the difficulty in treatment. It is almost impossible to get rid of subcutaneous tissue mechanically. The inflammatory process begins in the depths of the follicle, which is why it is impossible to squeeze out the pus. Special ointments are used to treat internal acne.

  1. Streptocide. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. Destroys all streptococcal microorganisms. Quickly relieves inflammation and reduces pain, accelerates the process of pimple maturation. For the treatment of subcutaneous tissue, streptocide can even be used in tablet form. The capsule is crushed and applied as a compress to the affected area;
