Honey cream saved price

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Rating - 4.80 (74 votes)

In stock - 9 pcs.

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  1. Description
  2. Characteristics
  3. Reviews
  4. Pharmacies in Izhevsk Pharmacies in Izhevsk
  5. Certificates

Well-known anti-varicose ointments and gels sold in pharmacies in Izhevsk usually give only a temporary effect. We recommend trying the Honey Saved cream for varicose veins, which helps achieve long-term remission. It strengthens the venous walls and protects against new exacerbations, relieving excessive tension. The remedy is indicated for everyone who has already encountered an illness or is at risk due to a sedentary life, poor heredity and constant standing. Do not underestimate the risks - they can result in serious health problems.

When should the new product be used?

As soon as it appeared on sale, the anti-varicose cream Honey Spas immediately became famous. It can be obtained without a prescription, so people begin their wellness course without unnecessary formalities. Treatment is necessary if you have the following symptoms:

  1. Pain and constant fatigue in the legs (even in the morning).
  2. Bulging of individual sections of veins.
  3. Swelling.
  4. Feeling of being burst from the inside.
  5. Convulsive phenomena.
  6. Changes in the appearance of the skin - pigmentation, thickening, etc.
  7. Tissue damage and formation of trophic ulcers.

Particular attention to Honey Saved Cream from varicose veins should be paid to athletes, representatives of professions with increased stress on the legs, lovers of high-heeled shoes and citizens with unfavorable heredity. The risk of developing or exacerbating varicose veins will be lower if you regularly take care of the condition of your veins.

Spectrum of action of the product

Now let's take a closer look at the useful properties of a promising development that solves more than one or two problems. The anti-varicose cream Honey Saved has a wider potential. It covers a number of areas:

  1. Normalizes blood circulation.
  2. Restores the functions of venous valves.
  3. Improves the condition of blood vessels and capillaries.
  4. Prevents the formation of blood clots.
  5. Provides high-quality prevention of varicose veins.
  6. Helps heal damage.
  7. Protects against complications.
  8. Removes external signs of the disease - nodules, stars, too bright venous pattern.

The drug will be a real godsend for patients who are desperate to get good results. Even in advanced cases, improvement begins, which makes it possible to avoid surgical intervention.

It is important! For residents of Izhevsk, the price of Honey Saved cream from varicose veins will not cause unpleasant emotions. Rather, on the contrary, you will be happy to learn about the opportunity to save. Without pharmacy markups, the cost of a high-quality product will be quite affordable.

What reviews do patients give about Honey Spas for varicose veins?

Medical research and medical recommendations indicate that this unique product will not let you down. But even more revealing are the responses of people who managed to recover. They highlight many qualities that can play a special role:

  1. Painless – treatment of problem areas is carried out at home and does not cause discomfort.
  2. No harmful side effects – there will be no unpleasant reactions.
  3. Protection against addiction - Honey Saved Cream from varicose veins is sufficient to use in courses, and not constantly.
  4. Quick relief - it appears from the very first procedures.
  5. The ability to avoid surgery - after treatment, the veins will return to normal.

Each of the arguments is important, and all of them together clearly reflect the great possibilities of amazing development. From it you will only receive benefits that will be multifaceted and comprehensive.

What's included?

The effectiveness and reliability of a product is by no means a coincidence. While the shelves of Izhevsk pharmacies are crowded with synthetic medications, you can choose the natural anti-varicose cream Honey Spas, which does not contain harmful chemicals. We invite you to familiarize yourself with its main components:

  1. Bee moth. Tones veins, gives them elasticity, regulates local metabolic processes, improves blood flow.
  2. Common chestnut. Its fruits and seeds prevent venous changes and deformations, relieve inflammation, and have a healing effect.
  3. Rhizomes of Dioscorea nipponensis. Reduces cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  4. Siberian larch bark extract. This ingredient in the Honey Saved from varicose veins cream supports the rapid restoration of affected tissues. It also relieves swelling and accelerates the resorption of cones.
  5. Goji berries. Rich in amino acids, minerals and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the veins.

In one whole, all elements reveal their healing properties with maximum completeness. You will see this for yourself once you start treatment.

Application procedure

The practicality of the product is emphasized by the fact that it leaves no stains, streaks or other traces. Anti-varicose cream Honey Spas is well absorbed and immediately begins to act. The treatment course is carried out according to a simple and understandable scheme:

  1. Take some.
  2. Apply evenly to the area with varicose veins.
  3. Gently rub into skin until mixture is absorbed.
  4. Repeat the procedures with reasonable regularity.

In less than a month, your leg health will return to normal. If you turn a blind eye to the problem, the consequences can be disastrous.

Having decided to buy Honey Saved Cream from varicose veins in Izhevsk, contact our online pharmacy iMED. We work in a mode convenient for consumers and quickly send the ordered drug without delaying the wait.

Manufacturer: Alina-Pharma (Russia)

Release form: cream

Shelf life: 2 years

Storage method: At temperatures up to 25 °C, avoiding direct sunlight

Delivery: from 150 rubles, the operator will specify

Payment: cash on delivery/cash upon receipt


Varicose veins are not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious disease that can cause blood clots, ulcers, or bleeding. Cream for varicose veins Honey Spas is an effective natural remedy to combat this pathology. Many phlebologists recommend it to their patients as a preventive and therapeutic biocomplex at a very reasonable price.

Etiology of varicose veins

Varicose veins can develop for the following reasons:

  1. congenital vascular anomalies, against the background of which the reverse outflow of blood is disrupted, leading to its stagnation and stretching of the veins;
  2. professional activities that require constant standing (hairdressers, salespeople, teachers);
  3. excess body weight, which significantly puts pressure on the lower limbs and causes dilation of the veins;
  4. pathologies of the lower digestive tract, difficulty defecating (intraperitoneal pressure provokes varicose veins);
  5. carrying a child (the uterus with the fetus creates additional stress on the lower limbs);
  6. when lifting overly heavy objects, veins expand and stretch the vascular walls;
  7. professional jogging, tennis or other sports that put stress on the legs.

Women are most often at risk of developing varicose veins, but it can also occur in the stronger sex.

Indications for use of Honey Spas

It is appropriate to use the remedy for varicose veins Honey Spas if you have the following symptoms:

  1. A variety of painful sensations (distension, aching, pulsation, involuntary muscle contraction, pain when walking or during sleep).
  2. Swelling of the lower extremities, which appears in the evening even when wearing absolutely comfortable shoes.
  3. A feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities that goes away after a night's rest.
  4. Dermatological changes in the area of ​​the pathological focus (the skin becomes drier, darkens, becomes covered with brownish spots, and long-term non-healing ulcers appear).
  5. The inner surface of the shins becomes denser and less elastic. A slight shine appears on it and hair falls out.
  6. Veins protruding above the surface of the skin of the legs and feet acquire a dark blue or purple hue and become very tortuous. At the same time, they hurt and itch.

This biocomplex is suitable for almost everyone who wants to have beautiful and healthy legs.

Composition of the product

The balanced composition of Honey Spas has the following components:

  1. Goji berry extract. They contain a natural complex of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that improve the elasticity of blood vessels and veins, preventing stagnation and the formation of blood clots in the veins.
  2. Chestnut fruits and seeds. Relieves inflammation and relieves pain. This component is especially recommended in the postoperative period to restore the vital tone of blood vessels.
  3. Bee fire. Increases the tone of the veins, making the walls firmer and more elastic. Improves metabolism, local blood circulation and prevents thrombosis.
  4. Dioscorea rhizome extract. Normalizes the functioning of venous vessels. Lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes blood clotting.
  5. Siberian larch. The bark extract of this plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Strengthens and restores vascular walls and skin tissue. Protects against the development of trophic ulcers.

The cream has an exclusively natural composition, so it has no contraindications (with the exception of individual hypersensitivity to some components) and does not cause adverse reactions.

What effect does Honey Spas have?

This cream for varicose veins can have the following effects:

  1. tones blood vessels and normalizes their general condition;
  2. prevents thrombus formation or has a thrombolytic effect;
  3. eliminates inflammatory processes;
  4. improves local blood circulation;
  5. relieves difficult venous outflow;
  6. improves the functioning of the valve mechanism of the lower extremities;
  7. heals long-term tissue defects (trophic ulcers);
  8. increases local immunity.

With regular application of this product, patients note that their legs feel lighter and pain decreases.

Comparison of Honey Spas with Venitan

A popular angioprotector from the pharmacy is Venitan. It contains β-escin (a natural mixture of triterpene saponins derived from horse chestnut seeds). Honey Spas is superior to this gel by the presence of other useful components that enhance each other’s effects.

In addition, Honey Spas cream practically does not cause dermatological adverse reactions, unlike Venitan, which often causes side effects on the skin. And also in both cases, local application of the drug for varicose veins does not replace other preventive or therapeutic measures.

Divorce or truth

People who know first-hand about varicose veins are ready to smear their legs with anything, so long as they don’t hurt or swell. Of course, some are skeptical about such biocomplexes as Honey Spas. But others look at it more simply and, focusing on the composition, believe that it will not get worse for them.

To ensure the veracity of the manufacturer’s promises, you should try this cream on your own limbs. But you shouldn’t expect excellent results after the first use. To see positive dynamics, you need to use the product in a course.


The use of Honey Spas is no different from creams and gels from pharmacies:

  1. The skin to which the product will be applied should first be thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Using a special spatula, take a small amount of product from the jar, apply it to the skin and gently rub in with massaging movements.
  3. You need to use the cream 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks.

After a short break, it is recommended to repeat the monthly course.

Where can I buy

You can buy Honey Spas cream for varicose veins in Kazan in our online pharmacy at a price of 990 rubles. You do not need to have a prescription from a doctor to purchase it. It is enough to fill out a special form on the website and this biocomplex will be delivered by transport carrier to any region of Russia within a few days. In our pharmacy, unlike others, the price for this product is very attractive.

Customer Reviews


I encountered varicose veins in the last trimester of pregnancy. And after giving birth the situation worsened. A friend advised me to smear my feet with Honey Saved cream. I am skeptical about such remedies, but I decided to try it. I was pleasantly surprised. After just a week, I noticed clear improvements. Now I intend to undergo a full course of treatment with this cream.


I inherited varicose veins from my mother. My legs do not look attractive, they hurt and I often suffer from cramps. I tried various products, but my favorite was the Honey Saved cream. It is very effective, absorbs well and does not leave stickiness when applied, like gels from the pharmacy.


I work as a teacher and spend a lot of time on my feet. Lately my legs have started to swell and hurt. It turned out that I was developing varicose veins. I don't really trust medicines from pharmacies. I wanted to choose something natural. A friend recommended me the Honey Saved cream. I have been applying it for 3 weeks 2-3 times a day. They may note that the legs have stopped swelling, and the pain appears less and less.

Price in pharmacies in Kazan

Planet of Health - 2082 rub. Kazan, Kosmonavtov street, 4, +7 (843) 211–20–02

Farmland — 2368 rub. Kazan, Dostoevsky street, 53, +7 (843) 205–03–93

Soyuzprom - 1564 rubles. Kazan, Gagarin street, 109, +7 (843) 557–31–02

Pharmacy 24+ — 1666 rub. Kazan, Energetikov street, 3, +7 (843) 205–57–99

Pharmaimpex - 1576 rub. Kazan, Tatarstan street, 11, +7 (843) 527–77–77

Aliya - 1793 rub. Kazan, Chistopolskaya street, 60, +7 (843) 560–41–19