The effect of hyaluronic acid on the skin

The beauty industry is constantly expanding the list of cosmetic procedures and preparations that allow you to maintain a youthful face and eliminate age-related skin changes that inevitably happen to every person. For a long time and effectively in aesthetic medicine, hyaluronic acid has been used for the face, presented in various cosmetic products for salon and home use. It is included in cosmetic products (creams, lotions, masks and others), used for biorevitalization of the face and other manipulations that slow down the aging process and improve the condition of tissues.

How effective these procedures are and what role hyaluronate plays in maintaining youth and skin tone will be discussed in this article.

Properties, structure of hyaluronic acid and its role in the skin

This chemical compound was discovered in the 1930s. Karl Meyer and is still being intensively studied by physicians, chemists, pharmacists and other scientists using experimental and biological models.

It has a unique physical property - it is able to retain water, while forming a gel-like structure. Participates in most vital processes occurring in the human and animal body. The substance is formed in the human body, and about 1/3 of the total amount of hyaluronate is broken down and utilized daily, and this deficiency is replenished with new molecules.

It is a polysaccharide and consists of many identical small fragments, the number of which may vary. Therefore, the hyaluronate molecule can have different lengths and weights and is classified into low, medium and high molecular weight.

It is part of many tissues and fluids of the body, including the dermis:

  1. keeps collagen and elastin fibers in the correct position and thereby helps maintain elasticity and skin turgor, which are prerequisites for maintaining youth;
  2. by binding water, it ensures optimal moisture content in the skin, maintaining hydrobalance, which is also a factor preventing wrinkles and aging;
  3. reduces moisture evaporation and at the same time helps to attract and retain water from the air on the surface of the dermis, moisturizing the skin and making it smoother and more elastic;
  4. acid molecules prevent pathogenic microbes from penetrating deeper in the presence of damage, such as wounds, scratches, etc.

The “lifetime” of a hyaluronate molecule in the epidermis and dermis is 1-2 days.

The best hyaluronic acid for the face is your own, which is produced in the body. But with age, the ability to synthesize acid in the required quantity and with the proper molecular weight decreases, which also plays a role in aging. Therefore, the body needs an additional source of acid, one of which is cosmetic preparations.

Preparations and products with hyaluronic acid

The production of hyaluronate on an industrial scale today occupies its own market niche, since this “product” is extremely in demand both in medicine and in cosmetology. Acid is obtained in two ways:

  1. from animal tissues;
  2. by bacterial fermentation.

From animal raw materials, the most common option (and optimal) are the combs of mature roosters and chickens. The vitreous body of the eye, hyaline cartilage, synovial fluid of joints, and the umbilical cord of animals are also used.

The second method involves the participation of bacteria (most often hemolytic streptococci types A and B), which are placed on a nutrient medium and provide optimal conditions for reproduction. Bacteria produce acid, which is then purified, but impurities of proteins and peptides still remain in the purified product and can provoke allergic reactions, which significantly limits the scope of application of the acid obtained in this way.

The finished acid is produced at pharmaceutical factories in the form of granules and powders, which contain molecules of various masses. This is the basic raw material for obtaining solutions that are sterilized in autoclaves and added to masks, creams, preparations, etc.

Properties of hyaluronic acid preparations with different molecular weights

The mass of hyaluronate molecules directly affects the function of the substance and the degree of penetration into tissues.

Low molecular weight species weighing less than 30 kDa:

  1. pass well through barriers and cell membranes, are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis from the surface of the skin;
  2. improve microcirculation;
  3. improve skin nutrition.

Medium molecular drugs with a mass of 30-100 kDa:

  1. accelerate the healing of skin damage;
  2. stimulate the process of cell division.

High molecular weight drugs with a molecular mass of 500-730 kDa:

  1. are not able to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and moisturize the epidermis;
  2. stop inflammation.

Therefore, for different purposes of aesthetic skin correction, the correct drug or product should be used, while a universal option, a “10-in-1 miracle cocktail,” simply does not exist!

Hyaluronic acid for the face: use for aesthetic purposes

This unique substance is widely used in aesthetic medicine, both for home use (creams, face masks with hyaluronic acid) and for salon procedures.

Most widely used for:

  1. skin rejuvenation;
  2. eliminating age-related changes in the face;
  3. elimination of “minus tissue” defects that occur after surgical interventions.

The procedures and medications are well tolerated, rarely cause allergies and provide a fairly long-lasting effect of up to one and a half years. The greatest effect is observed in the age group of 30-40 years, but after 40 years, a significant correction of age-related changes, unfortunately, should not be expected.

Salon treatments

Facial injections - this broad category includes several methods of non-surgical (non-surgical) skin rejuvenation and reducing the appearance of age-related changes. They are united by the method of introducing hyaluronate into the skin tissue: through injections. All procedures are performed under local anesthesia.

General indications for the use of hyaluronic acid preparations are:

  1. dehydrated, dry, sagging skin;
  2. decreased skin turgor;
  3. unhealthy, dull complexion;
  4. age wrinkles;
  5. age-related changes in facial contours;
  6. dark circles under the eyes;
  7. uneven skin texture;
  8. thin, disproportionate lips.

After hyaluronic acid, the face takes on a renewed appearance: the skin is smoothed, the severity of wrinkles decreases, turgor improves, and the degree of hydration of the skin structures increases.


Facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is performed locally, only in areas that need correction (wrinkles, folds). The course includes several injections, which are administered at intervals in small doses. It is characterized by a cumulative effect that lasts for several months.


It is carried out according to the same principle with the difference that a large dose of high molecular weight acid is used and only one injection is required. It is characterized by both immediate and delayed results. Immediately after the injection, a noticeable smoothing of wrinkles is observed, which lasts only 1-2 weeks. Next, the injected drug is destroyed by special enzymes, and short fragmentary molecules are obtained from an acid molecule with a high molecular weight. They stimulate the production of its own hyaluronate, the growth of elastin and collagen fibers, which leads to gradual rejuvenation: improvement of dermal turgor, disappearance of sagging and reduction of the severity and depth of wrinkles. This effect is observed for one and a half years.


A procedure similar to biorevitalization, with the only difference that the preparations for its implementation are saturated not only with hyaluronate, but also with other substances with biological activity: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. This provides a longer and more pronounced effect and expands the possibilities of the procedure: it allows you to eliminate defects skin such as scars, acne marks.


Facial contouring using fillers - special threads of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid in local areas of the skin that need correction (another name is bio-reinforcement). The most justified injection of fillers is considered to correct the line of the cheekbones, the oval of the face, and to eliminate bags under the eyes.

Point injections into the lip area

They are performed to increase the volume of the lips and obtain a clearer contour. The effect lasts for a period of 8 to 18 months, and the full effect of the injections is achieved on the second day after the procedure.

Injections for dark circles

Injections to eliminate dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes and correct the condition of the delicate skin around the eyes. They improve the elasticity of thin skin, increase hydration and reduce the appearance of “crow’s feet” - characteristic small wrinkles on the outside of the eyes.

Approximate effects from the procedures described above can be seen in the photos posted in the beauty salon gallery. But it should be remembered that in each specific case the result will be individual.

Side effects after the procedures are possible in the form of pain at the injection sites, as well as swelling and redness of the skin. But, if the injections are given by an incompetent specialist, there may be more serious reactions, such as inflammation at the injection site, significant swelling and hardening, and if pathogenic microorganisms are introduced, serious skin infections.

Contraindications for injection of hyaluronate

Injection facial plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. intolerance to the main or auxiliary components of the drug;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. exacerbation of chronic diseases and any acute pathologies;
  4. autoimmune diseases;
  5. connective tissue diseases;
  6. oncopathology;
  7. hypertonic disease;
  8. tendency to form scars on the skin;
  9. bleeding disorders and treatment with drugs that affect blood clotting;
  10. diabetic angiopathy;
  11. inflammation, moles and skin diseases in the area of ​​drug administration.

Serum, masks and face cream with hyaluronic acid - effectiveness and application features

A huge list of cosmetic products that contain hyaluronate are intended for topical use. Shown when available:

  1. sagging and decreased skin turgor;
  2. rosacea;
  3. enlarged pores;
  4. uneven complexion;
  5. uneven skin texture;
  6. wrinkles

To achieve a visible effect, it is recommended to use the products in combination (tonic, cream, mask, etc.), regularly and for at least 1 month.

Each product contains a different amount of hyaluronate. Thus, facial serum has the highest concentration of acid, so it is recommended in the presence of pronounced skin changes and if it is necessary to achieve a quick effect at the initial stage of care. Next, they switch to a cream containing high-molecular or low-molecular hyaluronic acid:

  1. creams with high-molecular hyaluronate cover the skin with an invisible film and from it are absorbed into the epidermis, moisturizing it and evening out the complexion;
  2. products with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid are able to penetrate deep into the skin, which leads to a more lasting and pronounced effect. Such creams are expensive, so they are used to reduce the severity of significant age-related changes.

Masks are chosen according to the same principle as creams, and they are used 1-2 times a week.

It is recommended to use all products with hyluronate only at above-zero temperatures or if you do not plan to go outside. In the cold, its molecules crystallize and can even damage the skin.

It is not recommended to use cosmetic preparations with hyaluronate under 25 years of age. At this age, the skin produces a sufficient amount of its own acid, and its supply from the outside can cause the opposite effect: the skin will stop producing its own polysaccharide.

Review of some products for home use with hyaluronate

Lybriderm with hyaluronic acid for face

A universal moisturizer without fragrance or synthetic additives, which is suitable for all skin types, including hypersensitive and dry skin. Contains an increased amount of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid and has the following properties: moisturizes the epidermis, restores the hydrobalance of the dermis, evens out the relief of the face, improves color. Eliminates peeling, redness and other manifestations of hypersensitive skin. Helps eliminate early signs of aging. Recommended for daily care of the area around the eyes, face, neck and décolleté.

Libriderm face cream is sold in a convenient bottle with a 50 ml dispenser and will cost 400-500 rubles. Produced in Russia.

In addition to the cream, the Libraderm line includes other products with hyaluronate designed for comprehensive care: water, serum and others. Reviews about the products in this line are mostly positive, but all products require comprehensive and regular use.

Cream Laura

Another Russian-made cosmetic product, which belongs to the anti-aging category and contains many active ingredients in addition to hyaluronate: vitamins, butcher and wild yam extracts, plant phospholipids, soybean oil and others.

Tube 30 gr. will cost about 350-450 rubles.

Topping Moisturizing Cream

The well-known cosmetic concern, which positions its cosmetic products as natural products, did not ignore hyaluronate, in addition to which the universal cream for all ages contains olive and shea butter, panthenol, vitamin E, trace elements, linalol. It has a good moisturizing effect.

A 50 ml jar costs 700-800 rubles.


French anti-aging cream containing 2 types of hyaluronic acid (high and low molecular weight), shea and baobab butter, avocado extract. Replenishes moisture in the dermis, provides elasticity and softness and significantly improves complexion. Recommended for the care of dry skin after 30 years.

A 40 ml bottle costs 1300-1400 rubles.

It is a gentle, quickly absorbed mousse, especially recommended for delicate and sensitive skin. Contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, algae, glucosamines. It moisturizes very well, stimulates skin renewal and the synthesis of its own hyaluron.

The price of a 50 ml bottle is 800-900 rubles.


Cream from a Polish manufacturer with pronounced moisturizing properties and slightly less anti-aging properties. Covers the surface of the epidermis with a breathable film that prevents moisture loss.

Price – 380-400 rub.

Homemade face cream

An alternative to expensive products sold in pharmacies and stores is a homemade cream. To obtain it, you first need to prepare a gel with hyaluronic acid: combine 0.3 g. hyaluronate powder with distilled water until a creamy consistency is obtained, mix and place the base in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Next, take any basic cream, for example, children's cream, add 8-10 grams to it. gel and mix thoroughly, leave in a cool, dry place for 6 hours and then apply as a regular cream in the morning and evening, just store it in the refrigerator.

Internal use of hyaluric acid preparations for the skin

In 2014, Japanese scientists, in a randomized, blind, double, placebo-controlled study, proved that internal administration of preparations with hyaluronate, as a dietary supplement, increases the level of skin hydration.

Internal use of hyaluronate as a food additive is a relatively new method of eliminating dry skin, and is most widely used in Japan. Moreover, recently this method has been positioned as one of the alternative methods of treating patients with chronic dry skin.

The first cosmetic product with acid for external use appeared in 1979, while hyaluronate began to be added to food back in 1942. It was then that Andre Balazs applied for a patent for the commercial use of hyaluronate as an egg white substitute for bakery production. In China and Western Europe, cockscomb, the main plant material for the production of hyaluronate, was a royal dish. It was used by Catherine de Medici and the wife of Henry II to preserve youth. Today, food supplements with hyaluronic acid are positioned more as a means to improve the function of knee joints with arthrosis and as a preventive measure for this disease.

In Korea and Japan, hyaluronate products are used with equal frequency to support healthy joints and skin. It has been proven that daily consumption of 120-240 mg of acid per day leads to a significant improvement in the condition of the skin of the face and body and restoration of water balance.

Partially depolymerized hyaluronate taken orally is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The acid is absorbed unchanged into the lymphatic system. Both types of hyaluronate then enter the skin. Hyaluronic acid oligosaccharides increase the production of their own hyaluron in fibroblasts and stimulate cell proliferation, which directly affects skin hydration.

The safety of oral administration of GCs of various origins and with different molecular weights has been proven in animal experiments, however, like everything foreign entering the body, it requires a more in-depth and thorough study, as well as monitoring the health status of patients in long-term dynamics and in no case is not a panacea.

Based on what has been written, we can conclude that products and procedures with hyaluronic acid have a positive effect on skin hydration and allow you to maintain optimal hydrobalance, especially in women 30-40 years old. However, you should not expect any dramatic improvements in the condition of the skin and a significant reduction in wrinkles, especially for women over 40 years old.

Hyaluronic acid - the main source of moisture for skin and hair, the main ingredient in decorative cosmetics, skin care products, hair and nail products.

The content of the article:

For women in adulthood, one of the main problems is the issue of maintaining youth without surgical interventions. Modern women are increasingly thinking about how to maintain youth. With age, the skin is no longer so firm, soft, elastic, without a pinkish tint of attractiveness. Instead, dryness and thinness of the dermis appears, which is covered first with expression wrinkles, and later with deeper ones. As a result, the upper layer of the dermis becomes flabby, dehydrated, acquires an earthy tint and looks less attractive.

Many representatives of the gentle sex think about what to do and how to preserve the natural beauty of their faces. Almost every second woman uses at least one product daily for comprehensive care of her appearance. Some, on the advice of acquaintances, friends, girlfriends or information from the Internet, find facial care complexes with hyaluronic acid and use them at home. It is not uncommon for products containing this acid to be used by professional cosmetologists and beauty salons in their restorative procedures. They use products with such components to restore the natural beauty of the skin. The properties of this acid are that it retains moisture on the surface of the skin tissue, forming a thin invisible crust, and does not allow moisture to evaporate.

What is hyaluronic acid?

This is a carbohydrate that is found in every cell of a living organism. When interacting with water, hyaluron molecules absorb and retain moisture within themselves, preventing it from getting out. On the face, this acid is contained deep in the epidermis, making the skin elastic and firm.

The use of hyaluronic acid in creams, shampoos, etc., for some time can become a replacement for biorevitalization - the introduction of hyaluronic acid, and mesotherapy - the introduction of active drugs that affect cellular processes. The effect of hyaluronic acid on the condition of the skin has many positive reviews and its use in practice is very productive.

How does hyaluronic acid work on facial skin?

At the beginning of the last century, scientists discovered this miraculous component. But only 80 years later they proved that it is capable of not only visually preserving youth, but also slowing down the aging process. This substance is capable of:

  1. moisturize the skin and start metabolic processes in it;
  2. block access to harmful environmental influences on the dermis;
  3. start the process of regeneration and smoothing of wrinkles: facial and deep, rid the skin of peeling;
  4. tighten pores and remove post-acne (acne);
  5. remove the double chin after just a few insertion procedures;
  6. restore skin after scars and surgical interventions.

How does hyaluronic acid work on facial skin?, you can find out in more detail from your cosmetologist, only he can say exactly how this or that substance will affect the upper skin layer of a particular client.

The procedures can be carried out both at home and in beauty salons. But due to the fact that the drug lasts longer there, the procedure has to be done more often.

The method used in salons is called injection. The needle is carefully inserted under the skin, where the substance turns into a gel lubricant that fills with liquid. Due to this, the structure of the external integument is leveled and blood circulation improves. This procedure is carried out not only for the face; it is also popular among young beauties. The effect of the drugs on the skin is quite effective and instantly produces visible results, so many salon clients are satisfied with the biorevitalization procedure.

The second method is non-injection. All care products and preparations that do not need to be injected under the tissue are considered a non-injection method of rejuvenation using the described substance.

After the first procedure, the skin becomes noticeably better: the number of wrinkles decreases, the skin is smooth, velvety and pleasant to the touch.

This substance has virtually no drawbacks; only a small proportion of people cause an allergic reaction. It is safe and does not cost too much money.

List of procedures for administering the drug:

  1. mesotherapy - injections of hyaluronic acid directly under the skin, the procedure costs from 1000 rubles to 3000 rubles;
  2. biorevitalization is a rejuvenation procedure, costs from 4,000 rubles to 8,000 rubles;
  3. Contour plastic surgery is an injection consisting of one medication. Such an injection costs from 13,000 to 18,000 rubles. With its help you can get rid of wrinkles, smooth out folds and improve the overall condition of the skin.

For those who cannot afford such cosmetic procedures, there are many options for using the component yourself. Rules for use at home:

  1. Determine whether there is a need for this procedure, find out whether there are indications and contraindications for use in a particular case;
  2. Crush the tablet into powder, dilute it in 20 grams of warm boiled water, stir with a whisk until completely dissolved;
  3. Determine whether you are allergic to the drug, to do this, apply a drop of the prepared solution to your wrist and walk for a day;
  4. This substance can be added to cream and used as a base for care products;
  5. After the drug is applied to the skin, a thin, invisible film should form. It will begin to absorb moisture, and there is no need to wash it off the surface. Then the cream is applied;
  6. It is advisable to do such masks once or twice a week for two weeks, then you will notice the result.

Contraindication to using the mask at home, only in the summer. This mask cannot be used in summer due to active ultraviolet rays.

Impact at different ages

Effect depending on age: it is recommended to use this remedy after 25 years. Up to this age level, the skin itself is still perfectly restored and does not require any excessive attention, maintenance, and especially associated with injections. After 25, acid is introduced in small quantities, since the skin is still good, but is already prone to the first signs of aging. After 45 years, the dose is increased so that the dermis does not lose its appearance and is soft and velvety.

The key point for dose selection is the degree of condition of the epidermis. If at 25 she already has a lot of wrinkles and other imperfections, then the amount of the active substance should be suitable for treating this problem. The ideal time for injections is around the age of 30, when the skin is already beginning to lose a large amount of moisture and needs to be retained somehow. Do 1-3 procedures with an interval of 1-3 months. The largest number of sessions performed in one cycle is carried out at the age of 45, and such procedures number from six to ten. The effect of hyaluronic acid on facial skin always and at any age after 25 years has a positive result.

Massage is a new way of rejuvenation

A new method of rejuvenation is massage with hyaluronic acid: these droplets are mixed with massage oils and applied with rubbing movements to the neck, face, and décolleté area. The particles enter the inner layers of the dermis and form a water rejuvenating pad.

Cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid.

Since injections can be addictive, cosmetologists and pharmacists have created lines of care products based on the component, they are not addictive.

  1. Scrub – cleanses and tightens the skin well;
  2. Lotion – applied after scrub and has a positive effect on oily and combination skin;
  3. Whey – contains a large amount of acid, gives good results. Suitable from 45 years old.

Negative consequences of using hyaluronic acid: redness, itching, formation of lumps. But it is worth keeping in mind that the formation of lumps on the skin does not mean that you have an allergy; most likely, this is an incorrect procedure. If you contact an inexperienced specialist in a salon of questionable quality, various infectious diseases may arise after the procedures, and scars may appear at the injection site.

According to the results of numerous studies, the Leorex series of anti-aging cosmetics with hyaluronic acid is recognized as the leader in cosmetic rejuvenation.

Preparations containing hyaluronic acid for facial skin

  1. Preparations synthesized from animal tissues;
  2. Products based on microorganisms.

Preparations containing hyaluronic acid for the face are in the middle price category.

Many people are mistaken, implying that Botox is a good replacement for hyaluronic acid or its alternative. With this procedure you can simply smooth out small wrinkles, but Botox will not provide a restorative effect.

Homemade masks with hyaluronic acid

  1. Mix two drops with 30 mg of yogurt and apply it for 20 minutes.
  2. Mix three drops of acid with 10 g of grapefruit and 1 egg yolk, apply and rinse after 30 minutes with cold water.

Creams for women that restore beauty and youth:

  1. For normal skin: 1000 mg mixed with 20 g water and 20 g olive oil.
  2. For dry skin: 750 mg mixed with 20 g coconut oil.

Hyaluronic acid for facial skin. It is considered the most effective remedy for rejuvenation.

So, modern young women always want to remain young and attractive, so they fight for their health and appearance. Some use various surgical interventions, but there are also those who use hyaluronic acid for this, with which you can rejuvenate yourself not only in the salon, but also at home.

The salon procedure will have a longer lasting effect, since the drug is injected directly under the top layer of tissue. Using medications at home containing this component will only slow down the aging process, but you should not expect any pronounced results. Although reducing the formation of new and deeper wrinkles is also an effective result.

From the above, we can conclude that the use of this method of rejuvenation is today one of the most effective among cosmetic procedures aimed at preserving the youth and appearance of a woman. These procedures are not expensive, and their advantage is that a trip to the salon is not necessary. Many women do the following: first, they do a course of injections in the salon, and then maintain the results obtained with the help of cosmetics, being in a comfortable environment. The choice is yours.

April 28, 2017 4:27:59 PM

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Aging is inevitable, but the effect of hyaluronic acid on the skin of the neck and face can slow down its visible manifestations. In cosmetology, this substance has gained popularity due to its positive effect, which remains for a long time and does not cause adverse reactions in the body. Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid was discovered more than 80 years ago, research and testing continues today. Thanks to this, scientists and cosmetologists received confirmation that products containing this component can not only visually rejuvenate the skin, but also prevent the aging process at the cellular level.

Source and Use of Hyaluronic Acid

In nature, this substance can be found in the cells of plants and animals, so you should not be surprised if the description of a cosmetic product indicates various sources of this organic acid. Over time, the natural components of the skin, which are responsible for its attractive, toned appearance, natural color and elasticity, decrease in quantity, which is the reason for the appearance of the first wrinkles.

The body needs help to visually rejuvenate the skin and restore its lost beauty and freshness. There is nothing better for the face and neck than the use of hyaluronic acid, since it does not cause the appearance of a “mask”, but works gently at the cellular level, allowing you to see changes from the first use.

In terms of its chemical and biological composition, this acid is a polysaccharide, which activates the work of all organs. This substance has a mild effect on the skin of the face, since the body perceives hyaluron as a natural component.

Use of hyaluronic acid

Most often, hyaluronic acid is used for cosmetic purposes to maintain or restore lost attractiveness, stimulate the skin of the face and neck to produce natural components that eliminate wrinkles and other signs of effort.

There are several ways to use acid:

In the first case, the acid is carefully injected directly under the skin of the face and neck, due to which a binding reaction of water molecules occurs, and all visible imperfections disappear. Directly under the skin, hyaluronic acid is converted into a gel-like substance that expands and plumps the skin, tightening it and restoring its natural tone. Using this effect, hyaluron is used not only for the face, but also for lip augmentation or correction.

Biorevitalization is very popular. It is carried out to maintain the beauty of the skin after reaching 30-50 years. In addition, the substance is also used in contouring and is part of creams, gels and serums that are actively used by women at home. Injections or injections with hyaluronic acid are also used in medicine as an effective means for strengthening joints.

Action of hylauron

For the face, you always want to choose a product that will have a positive effect visible to the naked eye. Therefore, cosmetologists actively use this unique substance. Its effect on cells and skin as a whole is mild, but at the same time fast, since the acid is related to the body, there are no problems with its perception.

The use of hyaluron allows you to:

  1. Form a thin protective film that will reliably protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment and ultraviolet radiation;
  2. Preserve or restore natural humidity levels in cells;
  3. During use, do not disrupt natural gas exchange, maintaining natural color;
  4. Remove fine wrinkles and significantly reduce deep wrinkles;
  5. Remove or reduce dryness and other skin problems;
  6. Restore your previous levels of firmness and elasticity without surgical intervention.

When choosing cosmetics for the face, it is important to remember that this component also affects other components, causing them to work more actively in skin cells.
Absolutely all cosmetic products and corrective preparations, as well as everyday cosmetics with organic hyaluronic acid are “relatives” with the skin, which is why in most cases of use they do not cause irritation or allergic reactions. Their timely use also ensures rapid healing of wounds and cuts without the formation of characteristic unsightly scars, which makes it possible to include such products in a complex in the treatment of acne.

The only disadvantage that causes controversy and debate among experts is addiction to the substance. This is supported by studies that have shown that with excess intake into cells from cosmetics, the skin of the face and neck after a certain period of time ceases to independently produce acid. Arguments against it claim that the use of drugs only stimulates processes, and the slowdown is caused by natural biological rhythms.

It is important to remember that rejuvenation products can only be used after consultation with a specialist. Self-medication, even for cosmetic purposes, is prohibited.

Possible consequences of using hyaluronic acid

Any intervention, even for the purpose of cosmetic correction of imperfections, is considered a medical procedure. That is why, in addition to the positive aspects, such as getting rid of wrinkles, sagging and pale facial skin, you can encounter undesirable consequences.

Among the most common are:

  1. Redness and swelling at the sites of acid injection under the skin;
  2. Lack of visible improvements for a long time;
  3. Bruising;
  4. The appearance of compactions.

It is important to remember here that bruises and lumps are the result of a poorly done injection, but not the body’s reaction to the drug. At the same time, it is better to refrain from cosmetic treatments or using home remedies during pregnancy and lactation.

Interventions should be completely excluded if there are problems with blood clotting. What can hyaluron be used for, besides cosmetic rejuvenation procedures? This substance actively protects against cold and wind, so it is often included in cosmetics designed for use in winter.

The development of bacterial and fungal infections of the facial skin can begin if you seek services from an unqualified cosmetology clinic. Sometimes scarring may begin to form at the puncture sites, or hyaluron administered through injection will cause the activation of “dormant” infections. Thus, despite the fact that the substance consists of skin-related components, its use should be treated with great care so that the result of the course of procedures is attractive, tightened and radiant skin.