Cream for vascular network on the face

Cream for rosacea on the face - in the pharmacy there is a large assortment of medicines designed to combat spider veins.

Most often, areas on the cheeks, nose, cheekbones are affected; less often, the vascular network occurs on the forehead and chin.

What effect does rosacea cream have on the face?

When capillary elasticity decreases, rosacea occurs. This is due to poor functioning of blood vessels. As a result: they expand and appear on the surface of the skin.


Therapeutic creams are designed to strengthen vascular walls, increasing their elasticity and protective functions. After a course of medical therapy, the vascular patterns disappear.

Effect of pharmaceutical medicinal cream:

  1. restores vascular walls (elasticity, structure) during cupidosis;
  2. moisturizes, normalizes water balance on the face;
  3. restores elasticity;
  4. nourishes the skin with beneficial substances in the deep layers;
  5. strengthens the epidermis and blood vessels;
  6. protects against the negative effects of weather conditions.

Cuperosis affects sensitive, weak integuments that react to various stimuli.

Cream products eliminate the problem due to the content of natural ingredients and vitamins. Creams for rosacea are selected according to the stages of the painful condition.


For minor manifestations of the vascular network, you can use a cosmetic product; it will be enough for preventive and strengthening treatment sessions.

With severe rosacea on the face, complex therapy with medicinal creams sold in pharmacies is required.

Only a specialist can analyze the condition of the integument and prescribe therapeutic therapy. In the severe stage of the disease, medications for unpleasant and painful symptoms are also prescribed.

What components must be included in an anti-rosacea cream purchased at a pharmacy?

Cream products sold in pharmacies must have effective ingredients, the action of which is aimed at normalizing blood circulation and restoring the skin.


It is important to know! High effectiveness of treatment with creams can be achieved only thanks to the active components included in the preparations: extracts from medicinal plants, vitamins, collagen.

Ingredients of creams sold in pharmacies Action against rosacea on the face
Angioprotectors: extracts of natural origin from plants (ruscus, walnut, grapes, horse chestnut) Strengthen metabolic processes in cells and blood vessels, improve blood flow
Excipients: lipids, hyaluron, glycerin Extra hydration
Vitamin complex A, C, E, K, found in tea tree, rice bran, corn, black currant, shea butter, olive Restores and strengthens blood vessels, making the skin elastic and soft
Natural extracts of mimosa, lemon, horsetail, chestnut (horse), blueberry Cleanses the skin of vascular patterns, increases the absorption of beneficial components into the walls of blood vessels
Elastin with collagen Increases firmness with elasticity

Cream for rosacea on the face: you can buy a really high-quality product at the pharmacy - it must have the necessary quality certificate, which states the full composition of the drug.


When choosing a cream for rosacea on the face at the pharmacy, carefully read the composition of the product.

Cream for rosacea on the face: review of the best products

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of vascular creams, including both budget and expensive options. They all differ in composition, but have a similar effect.

In addition, some products have additional properties, so they can be used for other skin problems.

Important to remember! Before choosing a remedy for rosacea, you should study the products offered, read the reviews of doctors and people who have overcome spider veins.

“Vichi Idealia Pro” – cream-serum to eliminate rosacea

The product is recommended for combating age spots and rosacea on the skin. After using the cream, all manifestations of the disease are eliminated, the skin takes on a healthy appearance.

When using the product, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, blood circulation improves, and signs of inflammation with peeling disappear.


Cream composition:

  1. "Vichy Ideal Pro" is a highly effective serum with an active complex of lipohydroxy acids, which helps relieve inflammation and affects pigmentation.
  2. Included in epiruline has an anti-inflammatory, calming effect.
  3. Thanks to thermal water The cream is enriched with useful components, minerals and trace elements.
  4. Glycerol Maximum moisturizes the epidermis, retains moisture in the top layer.
  5. Diacalite promotes smoothing of the skin.
  6. Amino acids (procystiine) is an excellent antioxidant.

"Vichy Ideal Pro" eliminates vascular patterns with a capillary network in case of rosacea on the face. After the components penetrate into the thickness of the epidermis, existing damage in the capillaries is quickly restored.

This remedy for rosacea is sold in the pharmacy, the approximate price for serum (30 ml) is 1900–2100 rubles.

Attention! scientific studies have shown that thanks to the use of cream-serum, the symptoms of facial rosacea are reduced by 34%, signs of pigmentation - by 28%. The epidermis becomes soft, pores become narrower, and wrinkles disappear.

The versatility of the remedy allows it to be used to eliminate a number of skin diseases:

  1. pigmentation from ultraviolet rays;
  2. manifestations of hormonal imbalance;
  3. age spots;
  4. melasma;
  5. inflammation processes;
  6. post-acne.


Before applying the serum, the skin is cleansed and washed.

The cream must be applied to a dry surface, avoiding the area near the eyes. The product is applied twice a day as an independent or complex application.

Skin cream “Bark” for rosacea

The product is recommended for effective care of skin prone to vascular fragility and redness.

The ingredients included in the treatment complex have a capillary-strengthening effect and also help prolong youth.


  1. plant extracts;
  2. betaine;
  3. verbena (peptides);
  4. phyto-oils;
  5. panthenol;
  6. vitamin complex.

The product is applied to skin cleansed with tonic by patting with fingers. Use the cream twice a day: in the morning and evening.


Particular attention is paid to areas prone to rosacea. After a month's course, there is a noticeable improvement in the epidermis, with the restoration of a healthy structure.

The approximate price for “Bark” cream is 380–420 rubles.

"Tian De" cream for rosacea

The creamy product strengthens blood vessels and skin, eliminates existing vascular patterns, and prevents new manifestations. The disappearance of wrinkles is noted.


  1. Coconut oil;
  2. chamomile extract;
  3. collagen.

The product relieves inflammation, softens, moisturizes, and stimulates regeneration at the cellular level.


Regular use of the cream eliminates inflammatory processes, remove dryness, peeling, wrinkles, prevent premature aging, strengthen blood vessels.

The price of the cream ranges from 480–520 rubles.

Treatment cream for rosacea “Avene Diriseal”

It is recommended to use for vascular manifestations in the form of stars for the sensitive integuments of the epidermis of the face.

The product in question is an analogue of Troxevasin. It follows that the cream has therapeutic and preventive properties.

Action: eliminates irritation and inflammatory processes. Promotes effective restoration of the epidermis, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. The result is healthy skin and strong capillaries.


  1. retinaldehyde and dextran sulfate;
  2. water (thermal).


The cream is applied once a day for 90 days. Recommendations for use, as well as the required course of therapy, should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the individuality and complexity of the disease.

The price is 610–660 rubles.

Cream "Uriage Roselyan" for rosacea on the face

Cream for rosacea on the face in a pharmacy costs 980–1100 rubles.

The product is intended for everyday care of hypersensitive skin prone to spider veins. The cream relieves redness and treats rosacea.


  1. glycerol;
  2. ginseng extract;
  3. cerasterol;
  4. water (thermal);
  5. dextran sulfate;
  6. phytosqualanes;
  7. waxy product of roses.


Thanks to the unique composition of the cream, microcirculation improves, moisturizes, soothes, softens problematic skin, and eliminates irritation. The product is suitable as a base for decorative cosmetics.

Recommended morning and evening application to clean skin, paying special attention to problem areas.

Cream for rosacea "Sensibio" (Bioderma)

The drug in the form of a cream is intended to relieve redness that has arisen as an allergic manifestation of stressful situations, foods, and climate change.

The cream is recommended for use on epidermis with a predisposition to rosacea. An independent or integrated approach with the means in question is possible.

Active substances:

  1. glycerol;
  2. enoxolone;
  3. avocado;
  4. phytosterols;
  5. allantoin;
  6. essential oil (canopic oil);
  7. hydroxypropine.


It is recommended to use twice a day on cleansed, dried skin. Regular use of the creamy medicinal product allows you to completely get rid of redness and visible vascular patterns.

After treatment, the skin receives hydration, an elastic, elastic structure, peeling, dryness and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The product has a long-term effect of maintaining the result.

The cream does not contain harmful coloring or flavoring substances. The price of the product is about 950–1100 rubles.

The choice of a remedy for rosacea is best left to specialists who, based on the condition of the skin, will select adequate treatment.


Based on customer reviews, the products presented above are most in demand and are highly effective in restoring and strengthening blood vessels and the epidermis.

From this video you will learn about creams for rosacea on the face, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

This video will help you choose a remedy for you to treat rosacea.

Cuperosis is the appearance of a network of capillaries on the surface of the skin, which are visible even with the naked eye. These areas may have a reddish or bluish tint. To get rid of this problem, various means are used, but the greatest benefit comes from cream for rosacea on the face.

How does rosacea cream work on the face?

Choosing an anti-rosacea face cream in a pharmacy is very simple, because there is a wide range of drugs that have a comprehensive effect on the problem. Basic properties:

  1. Reliable skin protection from ultraviolet rays and other negative environmental factors.
  2. With regular use, the elasticity of blood vessels and endothelium is restored.
  3. Couperose cream helps strengthen the capillaries and gradually the vascular network becomes less noticeable, and soon disappears completely.
  4. Therapeutic cosmetics for facial rosacea improve the blood supply process.


What should be the composition of a remedy for rosacea on the face?

Taking into account the skin type and the degree of the problem, a cream for rosacea on the face will be selected at the pharmacy, and individual characteristics must also be taken into account. The composition of medicinal cosmetics should include:

  1. active plant components;
  2. antioxidants;
  3. vitamins;
  4. essential oils.

How to choose anti-rosacea facial products

When purchasing a cream for rosacea on the face at the pharmacy, it is worth remembering that during this period the skin needs special care. When choosing a medicine, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. A special fatty cream is useful for cleansing the skin.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use medicinal fat-free products, because these drugs have too aggressive an effect on the dehydrated epidermis.
  3. The composition of the product should include calendula or chamomile extract, due to which it has a tonic and healing effect.
  4. You should not purchase products containing alcohol.
  5. Cream for capillaries on the face should contain vitamins E, K, A, C.
  6. It is useful to use additional sunscreens during treatment.
  7. An effective course of treatment for the disease will be subject to the use of nourishing creams, which contain almond oil, jojoba oil, and grape seed oil.


The best cream against rosacea on the face

Before purchasing creams for rosacea on the face at the pharmacy, you need to carefully study the composition and main actions of the product. The most popular drugs are the following:

  1. Anti-Ruger Plus cream and its analogue give amazing results if used regularly. The drug has a light texture, no greasy film remains on the skin after it is completely absorbed. The product can be applied in any weather, ideal for use even with hypersensitive skin. Microcirculation of small blood vessels improves, redness is relieved and the disease is soon completely eliminated.
  2. Dr. Taffy performs effective treatment and does not cause side effects. It is recommended to use this remedy for thin vessels. This anti-rosacea cream quickly relieves redness and irritation. The composition includes plant components - chamomile, marshmallow, vitamin C, aloe, immortelle, avocado, shea butter, calendula. Used for at least 3 months, applied to problem areas several times a day.
  3. Uryazh includes moisturizing agents, ginseng extract, and dextran sulfate. This cream for rosacea on the face, when used regularly, will help treat the disease. This product provides intense hydration and soothes areas of irritation. The product has a pronounced effect - with regular use it eliminates vascular patterns from the surface of the skin, strengthens capillaries, and has a cumulative effect. Can be used to prevent problems from occurring in the future.
  4. Vichy >


Where to buy and how much it costs

Effective creams for rosacea on the face can be bought at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Thanks to the wide range, there is a chance to choose a product that will be ideal for solving a particular problem. If you don’t have time to visit a pharmacy, you can purchase a medicinal product through an online store. The price for such a drug is from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Video: cream for spider veins on the face


Larisa, 30 years old Recently I encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as rosacea, and it turned out to be very difficult to get rid of the disease. For a long time I could not find a suitable treatment. I used heparin ointment, Bioderma cosmetics, Diroseal, but there was no result. The most effective drug turned out to be Vichy.

Alla, 25 years old I had to look for medicinal face creams at the pharmacy to get rid of a disease such as rosacea. A friend advised me to use a drug such as Troxevasin in gel form. And already the first application gave a noticeable positive result - the skin became clean, the capillary network almost completely disappeared.

Inga, 35 years old After unsightly spots appeared on her face, she went to the doctor, and the diagnosis shocked her - rosacea. The specialist advised me to purchase a cream for rosacea on the face from the Rosaliak and Cora pharmacy for treatment. The last option turned out to be the most effective, because it contains green tea extract, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Appearance plays a huge role in a woman’s life. Clean and well-groomed skin indicates that a girl takes care of herself, and this attracts the attention of others. After all, many will agree that it is more pleasant to communicate with a well-groomed person. But, unfortunately, various diseases sometimes interfere with looking beautiful, one of which is rosacea on the face. It manifests itself as a cluster of vascular nodules and stars on the cheeks, nose, and chin. Girls suffering from this disease should pay special attention to their skin. Sometimes treatment requires the help of a specialist.

How to choose an ointment for rosacea on the face

Today, pharmacies offer many products that help in the fight against rosacea on the face. Among them there are creams, ointments, tablets. It is worth noting that before using any medicine you should consult a specialist.


When visiting a pharmacy, the question usually arises: how to buy an effective medicine that will certainly help, and at the same time try to save money? It's actually quite difficult to answer. Often, buyers are faced with such a problem as the imposition of this or that product by pharmacists in order to make a profit. Gullible people, in pursuit of treatment, in most cases purchase unnecessary medications. Therefore, it is worth considering the most popular products in advance in order to know exactly what to buy.

Important! When choosing a remedy for rosacea, refrain from components such as alcohol, essential oils of menthol, eucalyptus, cloves, and mint. They dry out the skin very much.

Heparin ointment

The approximate cost of heparin ointment in pharmacies is 70 rubles. It is available in tubes of 10 and 25 mg. If rosacea is in advanced form, it is better to immediately purchase a larger volume.

The main component of the ointment is heparin, which gave the product its name. This substance has an anti-inflammatory effect and also helps normalize blood circulation in capillaries and vessels. After completing a course of treatment with this ointment, the vascular network becomes dull and gradually disappears. Relief occurs due to the antithrombotic effect of heparin, in simple words - due to the obstruction of blood clotting. Another important component in this ointment is benzyl ether, which has vasodilating properties. Thanks to this component, heparin is rapidly absorbed and the desired effect is achieved faster.


The ointment is quickly absorbed into the skin and does not cause unpleasant sensations and does not have an unpleasant odor. There is no greasy shine left on the skin. In some cases, heparin ointment is prescribed not as the main medicine, but in combination with other drugs. This usually happens in severe forms of the disease.
An important plus is the possibility of using this ointment during pregnancy. The product is applied only to the skin and does not penetrate inside, which means there are no contraindications for use.

Series of therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics Stop Cuperoz SOS

Stop Cuperoz SOS therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics contain substances such as pentonal, shea butter, a complex of vitamins and lipids, as well as ultraviolet filters. The effect is visible almost immediately, and the disease disappears completely in a short time. Most doctors and specialists recommend using it for rosacea, since it has a natural composition, the basis of which is:

  1. green tea extract, which helps cleanse pores;
  2. lavender oil, softening the skin;
  3. behenic acid, which has a rejuvenating function;
  4. linoleic acid, which protects blood vessels from negative influences;
  5. beeswax, which strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels;
  6. tricolor violet extract, which helps the skin regenerate and also has a calming effect;
  7. Shea butter improves blood circulation.

Stop Cuperoz cosmetics have a complex effect. It not only treats rosacea, but also improves the condition of the facial skin as a whole: moisturizes it, nourishes it, and saturates it with essential microelements. The cost of the kit in pharmacies and specialized stores is about 600 rubles. But each of the products contained in it can be purchased separately. So, the set includes:

  1. Gel with a calming effect. Available in a large 270 ml bottle. Use in the morning and evening to wash your face. Cleanses the skin well and does not cause allergic or other negative reactions. The price is 190 rubles.
  2. Cream for daily use. Sold in a small tube of 15 ml. The product should be applied once a day to areas affected by rosacea. The cost is within 200 rubles.
  3. Firming tonic. Apply to the skin after washing in the morning because it has protective properties. The manufacturer produces it in a 200 ml bottle. Price - 170 rubles.
  4. Day cream. According to the instructions, you need to apply it every day. The cream will protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and other negative factors, and also saturate it with essential vitamins. Bottle volume - 200 ml. Cost - 190 rubles.


It is worth concluding that buying a set is still more profitable and will also bring more benefits, since the products complement each other and work together more effectively.

Cream Diroseal

Diroseal cream is one of the most effective means to combat rosacea. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. The cost is about 900 rubles per 30 ml tube.

It is used even in severe cases, when the mesh on the face becomes very noticeable. The product is recommended for both treatment and prevention of the disease. Diroseal prevents the development of rosacea, restores the elasticity of blood vessels, relieves inflammation, itching, has a calming effect on the skin, and also increases its elasticity.

Since the cream is green in color, it will be useful for girls who want to mask redness on their face. The product contains mainly natural substances. The basis of Diroseal is retinaldehyde, which improves the metabolic process in cells. It strengthens and restores capillary walls, thickens the skin, and as a result, rosacea becomes less noticeable. To relieve redness, manufacturers added dextran sulfate to the cream, which helps improve blood circulation in the vessels.


Diroseal is a hypoallergenic cream, so even if you have any allergic reactions, you can use this product. The cream has a gentle effect on damaged areas and is perfect even for sensitive skin. It carefully fights the disease without leaving any side effects.

Ascorutin tablets

Couperosis can be treated not only externally, by applying various creams and ointments. In particularly advanced cases, doctors also prescribe pills, without which it is quite difficult to get rid of the disease. One of the popular drugs recommended by experts is Ascorutin. It contains the substance rutin and ascorbic acid, which are necessary to restore and strengthen the walls of capillaries. Light yellow tablets, 50 pieces per pack.


The action of Ascorutin is that it reduces vascular permeability and also reduces blood clotting. These tablets are prescribed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of disease for those people whose skin is prone to rosacea.

The cost of the drug is 50 rubles.

Gel Lyoton

Lyoton is usually used in combination with other drugs. The gel contains the substance heparin with concentrated essential oils. It copes well with inflammation and irritation and is suitable for people with any skin type. Lyoton brightens skin tone and makes it softer. To combat rosacea, apply the gel 20–30 minutes before bedtime, thoroughly rubbing it into the affected areas.


Lyoton is produced in tubes of 100 g. Its approximate cost in a pharmacy is 530 rubles.

Detralex tablets

Detralex tablets are not particularly popular, but they are a good way to combat rosacea. Its effect lies in the fact that the main active ingredient diosmin keeps capillaries toned and helps strengthen their walls. The result becomes noticeable after taking 2 tablets: the vascular network becomes dull, the skin takes on a healthier appearance.


The cost of the drug is 1,400 rubles per package of 60 tablets.

Cream Citralgin

Citralgin cream has a rather dense texture. Available in 50 ml jars. The cost of the product is 100 rubles.

Citralgin is applied topically 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months, after which you need to take a break of 1 month, and then continue to use the cream according to the same regimen. It is worth saying that Citralgin has more of a preventive effect than a therapeutic one.


Citralgin can be applied instead of regular cream in the morning and before bed, because the alpha acid salts included in its composition have a positive effect on the skin of the face: moisturize and give it a natural glow. Advanced cases of rosacea cannot be cured with Citralgin: it can only remove small, dull vascular mesh. Therefore, for more severe forms of the disease, you need to choose other means.

Phlebodia tablets

The main active component of Phlebodia tablets is diosmin. The cost of the drug is 1 thousand rubles. The tablets affect blood vessels. Phlebodia strengthens and tones their walls, preventing the formation of damage. Experts prescribe this drug less often than others due to its low popularity compared to other drugs for rosacea. In fact, in terms of its effects, Phlebodia is no worse than its competitors: with regular use of the tablets in accordance with the instructions, the vascular network disappears in 1 month. Doctors recommend this drug in combination with creams and ointments; in this case, the result can be seen after 2 weeks. Phlebodia copes well even with advanced forms of rosacea.


One pack contains 60 or 30 tablets, depending on the packaging. People prone to allergies should also be careful, because the drug can cause allergic reactions.

Capilar tablets

Capilar tablets are not a medicine, they are a dietary supplement - a dietary supplement. Doctors recommend it as an addition to the main treatment of rosacea. Capillary helps with diseases of blood vessels and capillaries, which form a blue-violet mesh on the face. This drug helps improve blood circulation and is also an antioxidant. The main advantage of this product is its naturalness. The active component of Kapilar, dihydroquercetin, is extracted from Siberian larch.


The drug is produced in packages of 50 and 100 tablets. The cost of each is 180 and 300 rubles, respectively.

Calendula ointment

Calendula is a plant that is used to treat any type of skin inflammation. It has antibacterial, antiseptic and healing properties. Calendula-based ointment is often recommended for rosacea due to its vascular strengthening effect. The skin takes on a healthy appearance, the vascular wall gradually disappears. Apply the ointment with massage movements 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.


The cost of one tube is approximately 30 rubles per 30 g.

Advice! To achieve greater effect, Dimexide can be added to any ointment or cream. It promotes rapid penetration of substances into tissues, due to which the result can be seen in a shorter time. It should be added in a ratio of 1:10 cream or ointment.

Bioderma Sensibio AR cream

A fairly popular remedy for the treatment of rosacea is Bioderma Sensibio cream. It has a calming effect on the skin, removes redness and inflammation. It contains many natural ingredients, which makes it safe to use. The main component of the cream is the Rosactiv complex, which the company has already managed to patent. It strengthens blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on them. Bioderma Sensibio is made without the use of fragrances and fragrances, therefore it is a hypoallergenic product.


A tube of 40 ml of cream will cost 1,500 rubles.

Video: how to fight rosacea using pharmaceutical products

How to choose foundation for face with rosacea

Choosing a foundation is not an easy task. It becomes even more difficult in the presence of a disease such as rosacea. Here it is important to choose a product that will mask imperfections, but will not harm the skin. So, let's consider the main criteria for choosing a foundation for girls suffering from rosacea.

  1. The density of the cosmetic product determines how well the mesh on the face will be hidden. You need to pay attention to thicker products, but it is important that they do not clog the pores.
  2. One of the important factors in choosing a foundation is the presence of a UV filter. Choose products with an SPF of at least 30.
  3. Make sure that the composition contains natural essential oils. They will have a caring effect and prevent the skin from becoming dry.
  4. Do not buy foundation that contains glycerin. Please note that the line of products that are optimized for girls with problem skin, including those suffering from rosacea, is marked free-oil, or the word “non-comedogenic” on the packaging.
  5. Caring manufacturers sometimes produce foundation creams that contain the following substances: vitamins K, P, C, chestnut extract. They help strengthen the vascular wall, which is necessary for rosacea.

These simple rules should be followed when choosing a foundation for a face with rosacea. You also always need to pay attention to the expiration date - sometimes even in well-known stores you can purchase an expired product that has not been noticed by the merchandiser.


I suffered from rosacea for a long time until I tried Diroseal cream. The effect was noticeable after a week of use. A month later, rosacea completely disappeared. I was very surprised by this result, because nothing had helped me before. Yes, I had to spend money, because the cream costs more than a thousand, but I finally saw the result.


But Ascorutin tablets helped me, plus I smeared my face with calendula ointment. My couperosis was not exactly that severe, but it was still not very pleasant to look at my reflection in the mirror. I had not treated anything before, I thought that it would all go away on its own, I only tried to change my diet, but the mesh on my cheeks did not go away... And now I am happy with the result together with my husband!

Alina Jess

Cuperosis is one of those diseases that can be easily cured at home. It is important to follow the dosage of the drugs, as well as adhere to the timing of treatment. Under no circumstances try to take more than the prescribed dose, hoping that recovery will come faster. This will only cause harm.