How to wear makeup for work

In this article I will talk about summer makeup for work.

1. Face

I applied the tone, in my case - bb cream , because It's lighter and perfect for summer. I also applied bright pink blush ( very little ) And sculptor on the wings of the nose and under the cheekbones.

2. Eyes

I applied beige eye shadow on the moving eyelid, and dark peach eyeshadow - in the fold under the upper eyelid. Then I added it to the inner corner of the eye and blended it up to the crease of the eyelid. highlighter . Next, I took and applied a little dark peach eyeshadow under the eyelid and carefully shaded. The next step is drawing the arrow. I have painted eyeliner the most classic one and painted the interlash space on the upper eyelid black pencil for a clearer arrow. Don't forget to apply mascara .

3. Eyebrows

The model's eyebrows are thick and dark and I just secured them with transparent gel .

4. Lips

I applied it to my lips light peach matte lipstick apply a light layer and shade it a little.

In order to get beautiful makeup, it is absolutely not necessary to contact professional makeup artists on this issue; you can do it yourself, having the necessary cosmetics and makeup brushes on hand. So that you can cope with this task, let’s figure out how to put on makeup beautifully.

What should you consider before applying makeup?

To make your makeup look good, you should consider a few nuances. In particular:

  1. For what occasion do you do makeup? If you are preparing for an event: a banquet, a wedding, a party, you should do evening makeup, which allows the use of dark shades of eye shadow and eyeliner or lipstick. If you are going to work or a business meeting, you need to get by with a light daytime makeup with light beige or brown shadows, as well as nude lipstick - this option will always be appropriate.
  1. What is the condition of your skin? If you have a large number of rashes and redness, do not forget to use special corrective products and dense textures of foundations in order to hide such imperfections; in this case, you should avoid bright red lipstick - it will focus attention on existing inflammations. If there are no skin problems, you can decide how to apply makeup at your own discretion. It is allowed to use bright colors of lipstick or eye shadow, as well as light textures of foundation.
  1. What will you be wearing? Remember that your makeup should be in harmony with your outfit.

You should also take into account the shape of your lips, eyes, and chin when choosing one or another makeup scheme. Remember that there are recommendations on how to properly do makeup for different face types, eye shapes and lips, which will help you hide existing flaws and highlight your strengths. Be sure to study them and apply them to make your makeup look beautiful.

Video: beautiful daytime makeup:

The main stages of creating makeup

It’s not difficult to figure out how to learn to paint from scratch. To begin with, you should collect the basic cosmetics, which will include: foundation or foundation base (girls with oily skin should use both of these products), powder, blush, eye shadow (it is advisable to choose basic brown shades to begin with), eye pencils and for lips, mascara, eyebrow product, lipstick. You need to do makeup with them step by step as follows:

1. First, you should cleanse your skin and apply moisturizer to it. A few minutes after this, you can carefully apply the foundation with a brush, sponge or fingers, spreading it over your entire face. If you have problem areas of the skin, for example, rashes or redness, as well as bruises, you need to apply a corrector to these areas.

2. Next you need to shape your eyebrows. They should be combed, shaped with a pencil and tinted with eye shadow on the eyebrows. If your hair is unruly, you can use brown fixing wax for styling.

3. The next step is eye makeup. You will need to apply shadows step by step, blending them on the moving eyelid, apply liquid eyeliner, and then mascara.

4. Next you need to do lip makeup using lipstick or gloss.

5. The last step is to apply blush to the cheekbones, as well as veil powder. If you have fairly oily skin, you may want to use a compact powder that gives full coverage.

Important: if you are doing bright makeup, you need to focus on the eyes or on the lips (but not on the eyes and lips at the same time). Let's take a closer look at how to do this correctly.

How to paint your lips beautifully?

If you are going on a romantic date, you should focus your makeup on your lips. Step by step you will need to draw them like this:

1. First, apply a special primer to your lips. It will ensure high durability of makeup throughout the evening. Please note: you only need to use a special lip primer; face or eye makeup products will not work for you.

2. Take a contour pencil and carefully outline the contour of your lips. If you don't have a pencil that matches the shade of the lipstick you've chosen, you can take a thin lip brush, put a little lipstick on it and draw a contour with it.

3. Using a brush, carefully apply lipstick to your lips.

If you want to achieve a glossy shine, you will need to apply a clear gloss over your lipsticks. If at home you want to get a matte finish, you will need to carefully blot your lips with a napkin and lightly powder the lipstick.

Have you already read the article about makeup for brunettes with red lipstick? Read here.

Women always want to look impressive and beautiful, no matter where they are going - to work, to a party or to a restaurant. However, you need to remember that a working woman’s daytime makeup should look elegant rather than flashy, emphasizing her well-groomed appearance, but without attracting undue attention from clients and colleagues. This rule applies even to cases where the job does not require a strict dress code.

Rules for office makeup

  1. The first and basic rule: natural look. Makeup for work is done in soft colors, as its goal is to make you look presentable. In order for the office to evaluate your competence, and not your “war paint,” select decorative cosmetics in shades that are as close as possible to the natural color of your skin, eyebrows and lips.
  2. Second rule: competent placement of accents, in which either the eyes or lips should be bright.
  3. Third rule: well-groomed eyebrows. Thick and unruly eyebrows need to be given a beautiful shape. And if nature has not given you sable eyebrows, then carefully draw them with a pencil using the hair technique.
  4. Fourth rule: In business makeup, well-groomed skin plays a major role. If in the case of an evening look the eye is attracted by bright neon shadows or plump pearl lips, then at work these techniques are more than inappropriate.

To look good in office makeup, remember the following points:

  1. do not use powder in cool shades, as in the bluish tones of office lighting it will give you a pale and tired look, and will highlight any skin unevenness, pores and wrinkles;
  2. Use cool pink tones more carefully - they will insidiously emphasize tired and reddened whites of the eyes, unsightly rashes and inflammation. Shadows of green shades also fall into the same dangerous category - tired eyes framed by such shadows look red, like a rabbit’s;
  3. Avoid foundations with a thick texture - in the cold lighting of the office, such a coating immediately catches the eye. In addition, air-conditioned air dries the skin so much that all imperfections are immediately emphasized;
  4. choose products with increased durability, as there is nothing worse than “floating” makeup. For shadows, purchase a special base or limit your eye makeup to long-lasting eyeliner. Watch your lips so you can touch up your lipstick in time if it gets eaten at lunch;
  5. take care of your skin. Use thermal water throughout the day to prevent flaking and drying out. In addition, thermal water “nails” makeup, mixing all layers together and making it invisible. If your skin is prone to oiliness, then have a supply of mattifying wipes with you.

And remember that fashionable daytime makeup is by no means boring and monotonous; the main thing is to mix shades correctly and adhere to the main trends. Pick up an eyeshadow palette in natural tones, several long-lasting eyeliners or eye pencils, good mascara and base - and you will always look perfect at work.

Preparing the base

The basis for business makeup is healthy, moisturized skin, and this becomes especially important in the office, where air conditioning dries it out on summer days and heating in winter. The easiest way to smooth out fine wrinkles or remove peeling is to use an intensive cream with a good moisturizing effect.

The second option is to purchase a base with a moisturizing effect, but in this case, choose products without a pronounced reflective or pearlescent pigment. Cold office lighting should be neutralized using a foundation with a pink or delicate peach tint. The pronounced yellow color of the foundation will make your face look sallow.

A businesswoman's skin should be well-groomed!

If you can't choose a foundation wisely, buy a BB or CC cream that matches your skin color. And remember to apply concealer around your eyes to hide dark circles. And to make your skin look more well-groomed, apply powder and master the technique of sculpting your face - this way, even with minimal use of decorative cosmetics, you will look expressive and attractive.


If you cannot do without blush, purchase matte shades that are close to natural for business makeup. For office makeup, light shades of peach, apricot or “faded rose” are suitable. Recommendation: if you wear glasses, put them on before applying blush - this is the only way you can correctly assess its intensity and where to apply it.

Emphasis on lips

Lipstick in business makeup should be matte or creamy without pronounced shine. It is better to choose a neutral beige or faded berry color, avoiding the dark colors, lacquer textures or rich mother-of-pearl that are so fashionable today. You can simply draw an outline with a pencil, shade it and apply a wet gloss in a peach or neutral shade.

If you really like red lipstick, then you can look for a suitable “business” shade: it should not be scarlet, but matte dark coral or muted cherry. Remember that in this case, eye makeup should be limited to only using mascara or eyeliner.

Focus on the eyes

To accentuate your eyes, you can limit yourself to eyeliner or a brown (or graphite) pencil. If this is not enough for you, you can apply shadows. For a variety of business makeup, choose several natural shades, which should be made in pastel tones of beige, taupe and natural shades of tan.

Shadows should be without shimmer and pearlescent shine - it is advisable to choose completely matte shadows, which will emphasize the depth of the look and make the eyes expressive. Apply the lightest color to the inner corner of the eyelid to make your eyes open and your eyes attractive and deep. This eye makeup technique is a basic one, so it can be used for a strict everyday look.

Makeup for work should be modest, without shimmer or shine.

The “smokey eyes” technique will help to diversify office makeup, but not with evening black and charcoal gray colors, but with noble light shades of brown and beige, green and olive. Do not use a rich “wet” technique of applying shadows - eye makeup should remain light. In addition, in this case, you should simply paint your lips with a transparent gloss or matte lipstick that is close to their natural shade.

An alternative to shadows are actual arrows. They suit almost everyone, the main thing is to choose your shape. The arrows should not be too long and, especially, colored. It is better to choose a strict black, dark graphite or warm brown color. To prevent makeup from floating, it is better to purchase long-lasting eyeliner. When painting your eyelashes, do not make them voluminous - in business makeup, preference is given to lengthening mascara.

If you wear glasses

For those who wear glasses, the problem of competently creating business makeup is added to the task of visually making the eyes larger in case of myopia, since the lens distorts their real size. With farsightedness, another problem arises - the eyes may look unnaturally large. To look catchy, but naturally, some tips on makeup techniques will help you:

  1. if you wear glasses to prevent myopia, correct the eyelid line using a soft pencil of a non-contrasting color, then use shadows of different colors: paint the middle of the eyelid and the inner corner with beige, and apply a little light graphite or brown to the outer corner and crease. The shadows need to be carefully shaded, hiding the transition from one color to another, and the eyelashes should be painted over with lengthening mascara;
  2. If you are farsighted, it is better to use only one shade of eyeshadow in the most neutral color (beige, cream or medium brown) and use mascara that makes your eyelashes thick.