Cream against acne marks

At the end of acne treatment, various formations may appear on the skin, so an effective way to combat facial scars after acne is to use a cream that can be used at home. There are a huge number of such products, and they differ from each other in composition, mode of action and application. Despite positive reviews about any type of product, before you start dealing with skin defects, it is important to consult with a specialist.

The principle of action and effectiveness of scar creams

The cream for acne marks on the face is applied to a cleansed face. It is necessary to follow the instructions exactly; in some cases, the products are used in the form of lotions. To do this, apply the product to a small piece of gauze or a cotton pad and apply it to the affected area for 15 minutes. The procedure is performed 2-6 times a day. Open wounds should not be treated to prevent infection.

Good to know! Do not apply the cream to the area of ​​skin close to the mucous membrane of the eye, or in places where a tumor has formed.

By using anti-scar creams, the following results are achieved:

  1. the size of scars decreases;
  2. skin tone changes;
  3. the affected areas soften;
  4. the growth of scar tissue is blocked;
  5. bacteria that are located in the deeper layers of tissue are destroyed;
  6. restorative processes are stimulated.

Creams affect blood vessels, dilating them, thereby improving blood circulation. They restore damaged blood vessels, improving skin regeneration. Some drugs have a lightening effect.

Types of scars

After damage, healthy connective tissue is replaced by scar tissue, which is classified according to the number of modified cells that appear. Types of scars:

  1. Atrophic, which form at the site of damage, and the replaced tissue is less than healthy. Most often, such damage is associated with stretch marks.
  2. Hypertrophic, which are formed above the surface of the tissue due to a large amount of scar tissue. After a while they become a different color and are not so noticeable.
  3. Keloids are characterized by pain and itching. Their shape may change and increase in size.

Scars can form on any part of the skin, but they are most uncomfortable when they appear on the face. For facial scars at home, you can use ointments, gels, and creams. There are various methods of effective control that can be selected, taking into account the individual tolerance of the components of the product, cost and type of scars.

Several factors may influence their appearance:

  1. Squeezing out blackheads. During such a procedure, there is a risk of infection, and the area of ​​damaged tissue increases.
  2. Advanced acne can cover new areas of the skin. And after acne, spots may remain and scars may form.
  3. Parasitic infections provoke severe inflammation and cause skin damage.

During the inflammatory process of the skin and the appearance of acne, the blood vessels dilate and do not repair themselves, which provokes the formation of spider veins. Therefore, it is important to carefully select a product for each specific skin problem.

The best cosmetics for acne marks

There is a huge selection of products with different effects on the skin.

  1. Contractubex is an effective remedy for scars and acne scars, the effectiveness of which is achieved thanks to the active components of the cream. The composition contains heparin, which stimulates the formation of new cells and has restorative, moisturizing, softening effects. Allatoin is responsible for elasticity and skin turgor. Relieves inflammation and itching. Thanks to this component, the therapeutic effect is achieved by penetrating into the dermis. Natural onion extract reduces allergies and stops further scarring. Itching may occur during use of the product, but this is not a reason for concern or discontinuation of therapy. The only contraindication is pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Panthenol is an effective anti-scar cream. It can be used in the form of foam, cream, ointment. Apply to the affected skin. Panthenol improves blood circulation and has restorative effects.
  3. Kelofibradze is a healing cream for the face after acne. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the product affects the water balance of the skin, helping to achieve smoothness and silkiness. It is rubbed in with light massage movements for 5 minutes, and in some cases you can make a compress for the whole night.

We invite you to look at a review of the best products for caring for a problem face:

All products are safe and accessible to everyone. In some cases, there are age restrictions, but you can find out about them by reading the instructions carefully. Similar medicinal drugs are:

  1. Achromin cream with whitening effect. It is used to even out facial tone and remove blemishes on the skin.
  2. Skinoren Gel is a successful remedy for solving acne problems during adolescence.
  3. Solcoseryl gel enhances skin metabolism. It contains blood serum components.
  4. Syntomycin ointment has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. The result can be felt in 1-2 weeks. The drug may cause an allergic reaction in the form of redness and itching of the skin.
  5. Skinor cream that combats age spots. It is applied pointwise, only to problem areas.

All drugs are very easy to use and can be used for a long period. In addition, the following drugs are a budget option:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment (heals wounds, smoothes scars);
  2. zinc ointment, which has an exfoliating effect and enhances skin regeneration;
  3. salicylic ointment helps soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  4. bodyaga forta (has a smoothing effect, increases blood circulation).

They can be bought at pharmacies without prescriptions. Some products have a strong odor and should be used with caution as they may cause tearing. Certain preparations contain plant extracts, essential oils, and also enriched with essential vitamins A, E, C.


In order to remove acne marks on the face, you need to be patient, as this is a fairly long process. To restore the beauty of your face, you need to use creams for a year or more. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and how long ago the scar appeared.

Before you start using scar creams, it is important to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little product to the inside of the wrist, at the elbow crease. If redness and itching appear within a few minutes, then you should choose another drug. You should also be careful when applying different products simultaneously to the same area of ​​skin; a chemical reaction of the two environments may occur and provoke undesirable consequences.

To get rid of scars, you need to choose a product individually, depending on the size and type.

Important! People with the same skin problems may not always be suitable for the same products. The structure of the connective tissue is different, and accordingly there is a difference in the recovery processes. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but rather consult a professional cosmetologist who will help you choose an effective remedy.

To ensure that no trace remains on your face after acne appears, you need to properly take care of the beauty of your face. To do this, you can follow simple tips:

  1. eat right, include more vegetables and fruits in your diet;
  2. treat acne immediately after they form;
  3. do not squeeze or pick off pimples;
  4. at the final stage of acne healing, use products that affect accelerated skin regeneration (creams with vitamins A and E).

Interesting! Although foundation does not have a healing effect, applying it to the face can mask facial skin defects. In the summer, when the work of the sweat glands intensifies, you can use loose powder.

The main causes of acne on the face are poor environment, dirty air, poor diet, stress, etc. All these and other factors affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result of this, they begin to work more intensely, and the body cannot cope with the load. The result appears on the face in the form of pimples.

Rashes on the face must be treated with special means, otherwise even bigger problems may appear in the form of scars. In the future, the skin will begin to deplete and it will be much more difficult to cope with the problem.

It is forbidden to squeeze out pimples yourself, as there is a risk of infection, and this contributes to the formation of even more purulent rashes or can lead to the formation of scars. It is very difficult to cure the consequences of squeezing out rashes.

Types of acne on the face

The appearance of imperfections on the skin may be due to genetic predisposition or bacterial infection. All rashes are divided by specialists into different categories and types, so when choosing treatment, you should focus on the nature of the dermal imperfections that have appeared.

There are the following types of acne:

  1. blackheads, or otherwise comedones;
  2. papules;
  3. pustules;
  4. acne.

Let's take a closer look at each type.


Comedones are a type of non-inflammatory acne, which are most often localized on the face. They are formed at the mouth of the hair follicles, which are subsequently clogged with sebum and dead dermal cells. In appearance, comedones look like small elevations above the skin with a white or black center. The growth of such acne can also be triggered by fatty or spicy foods eaten.

Comedones with a black center are also called “blackheads.” They form mainly on the chin, forehead or nose. Their dark color is not due to pollution. Blackheads are actually clogged with colorless sebum and cells, but when light is not reflected correctly from the hair follicles, they appear dark. Also, upon contact with air, gradually accumulations of excess fat begin to darken.

This type of acne does not require special prescription medications for treatment. It is enough to pay increased attention to cleansing the dermis and use cosmetics that do not clog pores.


Papules are formed as a result of inflammation of comedones. This is due to the fact that bacteria begin to multiply in the sebaceous glands, which subsequently contribute to the inflammatory process and the formation of pus inside.

In appearance, papules look like red growths, are sensitive and may be accompanied by itchy skin.. It should be remembered that squeezing such pimples can provoke an inflammatory process and lead to scarring.

Read about creams for scars and scars on the face here.

If a large accumulation of papules appears on the face, then it is necessary to seek treatment from a dermatologist, as this is a sign of a skin disease.

Treatment of this type of inflammation is more difficult than treatment of comedones. Benzoyl peroxide-based drugs are prescribed, as well as oral and local antibacterial therapy.


The formation of pustules is not necessarily due to a bacterial infection. Most often they are formed from comedones, which have white heads. The pustule fills with white or yellow pus and has a red inflammatory rim around the head.

Pustules can merge with each other, forming raised tubercles above the skin with pus inside.

You should avoid squeezing this type of pimple, as there is a risk of intensifying the inflammatory process.

Typically, acne is considered a disease that is caused by inflammation of the hair follicles. The inflammatory process occurs as a result of clogged pores. In other words, acne is called acne.

Acne can appear at any age, but most often appears in adolescence, when the body undergoes restructuring and hormonal imbalance is observed. Acne can appear in the form of comedones, papules, and pustules.

The list of the best acne creams can be found here.

Types of acne remedies

Any type of acne must be treated. For effectiveness, it is better to contact a specialist who will select the necessary drug based on the picture of the disease. There are several types of drugs for the treatment of acne:

Ointments for acne treatment

The most common and effective ointments for treating acne are:

  1. Zenerite. The drug is used to treat pimples, acne or acne. It has established itself as the most effective drug, which contains two active components. First of all, it is the antibiotic erythromycin, which fights germs and bacteria. The second active ingredient in the composition is zinc. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents inflammation from spreading further, and promotes the healing of formed papules.
  1. Salicylic ointment. Used to treat acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc. The product contains salicylic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a result of using the product, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, sebum production is reduced, inflammation is stopped, and dermal regeneration is stimulated. Salicylic ointment is an excellent budget product that has proven its effectiveness. The price of the drug ranges from 20 to 50 rubles in city pharmacies.
  2. Zinc ointment. The zinc contained in the product disinfects, absorbs, dries rashes, and has an astringent and antimicrobial effect. Dermatologists often prescribe this remedy in the fight against dermal imperfections. The drug is suitable for the treatment of acne, anke, inflammatory acne.

Antibiotic ointment

To treat some types of acne, it is necessary to use products that contain antibiotics. The most effective drugs include:

  1. Levomekol. The product contains chloramphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine a component that helps stimulate dermal regeneration. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The antibiotic included in the composition is active against various microorganisms, including staphylococci. The product is used to treat acne, including the treatment of purulent rashes. Regetsin cream has a similar effect. The product is also used to heal wounds after acne, since dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine penetrates deep into the dermis and promotes skin regeneration. Product price – 150 rubles.
  2. Erythromycin ointment. The product contains the antibiotic erythromycin. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of acne that is caused by bacterial microorganisms, as well as for the treatment of chronic forms of acne. As a result of application, purulent inflammations resolve, inflammation decreases, redness disappears. After using this drug, new rashes do not appear.

Instructions for using Radevit ointment can be found in this article.

  1. Syntomycin ointment. The main active substance in the product is the antibiotic chloramphenicol. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of purulent acne, boils, and pustules. The substance is able to penetrate deep into the dermis, thereby achieving the best therapeutic effect. The drug also contains castor oil, which moisturizes the dermis, relieves inflammation, and stimulates the regeneration of dermal cells. The average price is 55 rubles.
  2. Clindamycin. The drug contains the antibiotic clindamycin (it is also the main active ingredient of the Clindovit gel), which is used to treat fungal diseases and to treat acne. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of acne and boils. Klenzit S is also used for such diseases. The active substance penetrates deep into the dermis, accumulates in the pimple, due to which it promotes a speedy recovery and has a long-lasting effect.

The most effective creams

Let's consider the rating of the most popular and effective creams used in the treatment of acne:

  1. Baziron. The active ingredient of the product is benzoyl peroxide. The substance helps reduce sebum production, has an antimicrobial effect, and promotes healing of the dermis. The product is used to treat comedones, blackheads and acne. Benzoyl peroxide is active against staphylococci and other bacteria that cause inflammation. The price of the product is from 600 to 850 rubles.
  2. Sudocrem. The zinc oxide contained in the composition has an astringent effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and has an antiseptic effect. The drug promotes wound healing, disinfects and relieves inflammation.
  1. Akriderm. A remedy is prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases, including acne and acne. The drug contains the glucocorticosteroid hormone betamethasone. It is necessary to use this product with caution, since long-term use may lead to addiction and a decrease in the therapeutic effect. Betamethasone has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect. The approximate price for the product is 400-600 rubles.
  2. Adaklin. It is an effective remedy in the fight against inflammation of the dermis. The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the active substance adapalene. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces comedones. The price for a tube of cream is 550 rubles.
  3. Bioderma. The pharmacy series of care cosmetics Bioderma Sebium is aimed at treating imperfections of the dermis. The use of products from this line helps reduce sebum production, cleanse pores, and improve skin condition. The cream relieves inflammation, reduces the activity and proliferation of microorganisms that cause rashes on the face. A drug is prescribed for the treatment of acne.
  1. Differin. A drug that contains adapalene. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the adhesion of epithelial cells, and reduces the formation of comedones. The cream copes well with the treatment of acne of varying severity, and is also active in the treatment of papules, pustules and comedones. The product costs about 900 rubles.
  2. Cynovitis. The drug does not contain hormonal components, but this does not prevent it from coping with inflammation, providing an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect. The use of the cream helps eliminate foci of inflammation, soothe irritated dermis, helps get rid of pimples and blackheads, and has a healing effect. Among other things, the cream can be used to treat subcutaneous acne, stopping the source of inflammation, penetrating deep into the dermis.

Acne treatment gels

The most common acne-fighting gels are:

  1. Metrogil. The gel contains the antibiotic metronidazole, thanks to which it has gained such popularity. The product can be used to treat various skin diseases, as it has an antibacterial effect. The cost of the gel is about 200 rubles.
  2. Effezel. The gel contains two of the most popular components that help fight acne. This is adapalene and benzoyl peroxide, due to which the remedy is used to treat comedones, acne, papules and pustules.
  1. Skinoren. The drug is intended for the treatment of acne, since the active substance is azelaic acid. It has an antimicrobial effect, reduces sebum production, and relieves inflammation. The cost of the gel is 1650 rubles.
  2. August 911. It is an inexpensive pharmaceutical product that contains zinc oxide, allatoin, as well as natural plant extracts of chamomile, milk thistle, tea tree oil, etc. The drug has a healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Zinc oxide dries out acne, fights inflammation, and prevents further growth.

For post-acne and blackheads

Let's consider products that help cope with post-acne and blackheads:

  1. Clotrimazole. This is an antifungal drug that fights various fungi, staphylococci and pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, clotrimazole is an excellent remedy in the fight against age spots and acne marks. To achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect, it is necessary to use the gel for at least one month. The cost of the medicine is from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.
  2. Mirror. The active substance is an antibiotic, which is able to penetrate into inflammation and accumulate there, thereby promoting rapid healing and treatment of small and large inflammations. The substance penetrates the comedones and can remain there for a long time. A remedy is prescribed for the treatment of acne and post-acne.
  1. Korean Starting Treatment Cream from SECRET KEY. A healing cream that moisturizes and soothes the dermis. The composition includes natural extracts that help in the treatment of acne, relieve inflammation and redness, and reduce age spots. The drug removes acne marks and promotes skin regeneration. Cost 1300 rub.
  2. Faberlic Ultra Clean Green Facial Cream Active 6 in 1. A caring cream that helps moisturize the dermis, relieves redness and inflammation, is used to even out skin tone, removes scars, and soothes the dermis. Suitable for oily and problematic dermis.
  3. Face cream BioAQUA PURESKIN Anti Acne-light Print & Cream. Cream for spot application to affected areas of the skin. The product helps narrow pores, relieves inflammation, dries out acne, and reduces sebum production. Regular use of the product helps in the fight against post-acne.

Read this material on how to use Cetaphil lotion.

  1. Bodyaga from acne and blemishes on the face. As a result of using bodyaga, inflammation is reduced, dermal regeneration processes are launched, and due to the fact that bodyaga has bactericidal properties, comedones and blackheads are removed.
  2. Chinese acne cream ROLANJONA DOCACNE. A product containing bitter cucumber extract, known for its pronounced immediate effect in the fight against rashes. After applying the cream, an immediate effect is observed - acne inflammation decreases, skin tone evens out, and sebum production decreases.
  1. Thai cream Isme Acne Spots Cream with tea tree oil and aloe vera. A product containing natural plant extracts. A spot-action cream, after application of which inflammation decreases, pimples dry out, skin structure is evened out, blackheads and comedones are eliminated, and purulent formations are treated. The price of the product is 300 rubles.
  2. Faberlic anti-acne cream for problem skin with Novaftem-O2. A new caring series of cosmetics that are aimed at combating skin imperfections. The products contain zinc oxide, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, dries out rashes, and narrows enlarged pores. Thanks to the patented formula, the active components are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis.

The best facial acne creams for teenagers are described here.

Which cream is better and which one to choose?

To treat acne, it is best to contact a specialist who will help you choose the appropriate remedy based on the clinical picture of the disease.

When choosing from cheap ointments, the best effect is provided by products with antibacterial active substances. These products include Levomekol ointment, Syntomycin ointment or erythromycin ointment. These remedies should be chosen if the cause of acne is associated with bacteria or bacterial infections.

Of the expensive cosmetics, pharmaceutical products are the best for treating acne. Such drugs include cosmetics from Avene, Bioderma, Skinoren gel.

Bepanten has good healing properties, the instructions for use of which are described in this article.


This video presents the best ways to combat post-acne.

During adolescence, the most common problem for most people is pimples and acne on the face - in addition, such formations on the skin can occur during pregnancy and due to poor-quality cosmetics. In order to combat this problem, hundreds of different creams, ointments, tonics, masks and other pharmaceutical and cosmetic products have been developed. However, after the problem of acne seems to be solved, a new one appears in the form of traces of these inflammatory processes, which in cosmetology are known as post-acne.


Post-acne – reasons for its appearance

In order to understand exactly how to deal with the problem of acne marks and pimples, it is necessary to at least in general understand the reasons for the development of these formations. The main reason for the development of acne is the malfunction of the sebaceous glands, which produce a secretion called sebum - it covers the surface of the skin with a thin layer, softens it and normalizes the composition of the microflora. But due to various factors of internal and external nature (hormonal imbalances, blockage of gland ducts with cosmetics), secretion becomes difficult. Sebum changes its consistency, becomes thicker and cannot be released onto the surface of the facial skin, but begins to accumulate in the ducts, expanding them. This is the first stage of a complex of disorders, which then leads to the development of acne and post-acne.

Another reason for changes in the secretion of the sebaceous glands are metabolic changes that develop, among other things, due to poor nutrition. This is what causes the development of acne after eating fatty and fried foods.

After this, the enlarged pores and ducts of the glands with fatty contents become an easy target for various microorganisms that begin to feed on sebum. Their massive reproduction causes a reaction in the body (inflammation), the intensity of which depends on many factors - individual characteristics, the nature of the microflora, the activity of the sebaceous glands. The proliferation of microorganisms and the inflammatory reaction leads to local dilation of blood vessels, swelling, and partial destruction of tissue. It is at this stage that acne is observed - local areas of inflammation.

The fight against acne marks in the form of scars and blemishes should begin at this stage. The simplest anti-inflammatory ointment or antiseptic can significantly reduce inflammation and destruction of skin tissue, which will subsequently significantly reduce the severity of post-acne.

Finally, after the inflammation subsides, gradual recovery of the affected areas begins. It can occur both physiologically, that is, with the restoration of the normal structure of the facial skin (as a result, there are simply no traces of pimples and acne), or somewhat differently. For example, vessels dilated as a result of inflammation may not return to their previous state, which is the cause of persistent red spots. In the place of former acne, after inflammation subsides, rough connective tissue often appears, which is the cause of the development of various scars. Inflammation can also stimulate the proliferation of skin pigment cells - melanocytes. This leads to the development of brown spots at the site of inflammation.

The method of eliminating post-acne depends on the type of such disorder. This also applies to the choice of ointment to combat acne and pimple marks - at the moment there is no universal remedy against all such disorders.

Ointments against various types of post-acne

Depending on the type of acne marks, you need to use different means to eliminate them. Typically, post-acne is divided into two large groups - spots and scars, which are a special type of scars. In addition, each of these groups has its own varieties, for example, experts distinguish from two to four types of the same scars.

Vascular spots

One of the common reasons for the appearance of post-acne in the form of red spots and dots is the pathological expansion of blood vessels in the area of ​​​​the healed inflammation. With the development of acne, dilation of blood vessels ensures that biologically active substances enter the pathological focus of immune system cells. But in some cases, after the inflammation stops, the vessels “forget” to contract, which causes the appearance of persistent red spots. In order to eliminate such a disorder on the face, the following ointments and gels are used:

  1. Badyaga forte. This seaweed-based product contains many microscopic silica needles. Due to this, when applying the product, an “acupuncture massage” occurs at the microscopic level, which slightly dilates the blood vessels. But on the contrary, they need to be narrowed down? The thing is that after such stimulation the body strives to return the vessels to their original state and at the same time can narrow the pathologically dilated arterioles. To eliminate red spots, apply a small amount of ointment to the skin of the face and rub it over the entire surface with light circular movements. After 20 minutes, the remaining ointment is washed off with warm water, this procedure is repeated 2-3 times a week until the spots disappear.
  2. Panthenol. This product in the form of ointment and foam has an excellent restorative effect. At the same time, one of the aspects of the regenerating effect of Panthenol is the normalization of blood circulation in tissues, so it can eliminate pathological vasodilatation. The ointment must be applied daily to the skin of the face.

Such spots can ultimately lead to other vascular disorders of the facial skin - telangiectasia, or spider veins. Such conditions cannot be eliminated with ointments alone; the intervention of hardware cosmetology will be necessary.

Dark spots

Under the influence of inflammation and some other factors (ultraviolet radiation, for example), melanocytes begin to develop more actively around acne and scars after them. This ultimately leads to the appearance of brown spots and acne marks. Sometimes another situation occurs - the proliferation of pigment cells slows down and then an area lighter than the rest of the skin appears around scars and healed pimples. To combat these disorders, the following ointments are used:

  1. Skinoren - the only active ingredient of this product is azelaic acid. It has a normalizing effect on pigment metabolism in the skin and slows down the excessive proliferation of melanocytes. In the case of age spots, this ointment is applied pointwise, directly to areas of hyperpigmentation, 2 times a day.
  2. Ointments and creams containing kojic acid work well to lighten areas of hyperpigmentation around scars and acne scars.
  3. In the case where acne marks look like areas of reduced pigmentation, correcting the problem with ointments becomes much more difficult. Most often, cosmetologists advise improving pigment metabolism on the entire face with the help of ointments and creams with vitamins A, E and other nutritional ingredients.

Age spots are a common disorder following acne caused by pregnancy or hormonal problems occurring in adulthood. Teenage acne and pimples, even severe ones, usually do not manifest such consequences.


After microorganisms colonize the lumen of the sebaceous gland and inflammation begins, partial destruction of skin tissue occurs. When the inflammatory processes subside, tissue restoration begins, but they are not always regenerated in full; some of the skin cells on the face are replaced by connective tissue fibers. Outwardly, this looks like the formation of scars and scars as acne marks. At the same time, cosmetologists distinguish several main types of scars after acne on the face:

  1. Atrophic. The appearance of these scars is quite characteristic - they are located below the skin level and therefore look like “potholes” or traces of smallpox. Since the skin at the site of such scars becomes thinner, blood vessels can often be visible through it. Therefore, atrophic scars are often combined with this type of post-acne, such as red spots.
  2. Normotrophic is the most favorable type of acne scars on the face. They do not differ in thickness from the main skin, and outwardly look like light whitish stripes and spots. In most cases, their elimination is not required; over time, they themselves are completely replaced by normal skin tissue.
  3. Hypertrophic. With this type of scar, the volume of connective tissue is slightly greater than the amount of normal tissue. Such scars protrude slightly above the surface of the skin and are often complicated by red and pigmented spots. It is not always possible to cope with such acne marks with ointments or creams alone.
  4. Keloids. The most severe form of scars, which develops with a certain predisposition of the body. In this case, a huge amount of coarse connective tissue develops, the volume of which far exceeds the amount of skin damaged by inflammation. It is often impossible to eliminate them using only ointments; you cannot do without hardware cosmetology, or even plastic surgery.

The effectiveness of medications for acne scars is quite often the cause of heated discussions. Reviews about the same drug can vary significantly from person to person, since the structure and rate of development of connective tissue is different. The following ointments are most often used against this form of post-acne:

  1. Contratubeks. This multicomponent drug slows down the development of connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) and promotes exfoliation of epidermal cells. According to experts, the use of this product will quickly eliminate normotrophic scars. It is also believed to prevent the development of hypertrophic and keloid scars. Unfortunately, its effectiveness on hypotrophic scars is quite low. It is applied locally, gently rubbing into the scar tissue once a day at night, the course of such treatment is about a month.
  2. Zinc ointment, salicylic ointment, gel containing synthomycin. All these funds are very accessible due to their low cost. They normalize metabolism in skin tissues, have a brightening and exfoliating effect, therefore they comprehensively eliminate all forms of acne marks in the form of spots and scars. The use of such ointments is generally the same - they are applied to acne marks for about an hour and then washed off with warm water.
  3. Dermatix. This and similar drugs form a thin protective film on the surface of the scar. Thanks to this, it is less irritated by external environmental factors (air, temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation). It is this irritation that is often the provoking factor in the development of hypertrophic and keloid scars. That is, Dermatix does not so much help eliminate acne marks as prevent the development of noticeable hypertrophic scars.
  4. Fermenkol. This ointment contains animal digestive enzymes; these biologically active substances are capable of breaking down collagen and other components of rough connective tissue. But you should not use this remedy yourself; it is better to consult a specialist before doing so. In this case, the doctor may advise performing electrophoresis with this ointment - then the effectiveness of the procedure increases many times.

Scar formation is the most unpleasant consequence of acne and pimples, especially in women. Therefore, the issue of eliminating them is dealt with by many specialists in various specialties - dermatologists, cosmetologists, plastic surgeons and others. Unfortunately, such forms of post-acne can be effectively treated with ointments and creams only in the case of fresh and uncomplicated scars.

Preventing acne marks

The beginning of the development of various forms of post-acne does not lie in the process of healing foci of inflammation, but much earlier - even at the stage of acne development. Therefore, the correct tactics of behavior in the presence of such a problem can lead to the fact that the acne will heal without any traces and no additional funds will be needed.

  1. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out pimples yourself. This further damages the tissue, which causes the development of pronounced scars and scars.
  2. It is necessary to regularly wash your face with soothing and antiseptic tonics.
  3. To combat acne, you must definitely use anti-inflammatory components (salicylic acid and others). It is very good if they are combined with antibacterial substances. An example of such an ointment is Zinerit based on salicylic acid and the antibiotic erythromycin.
  4. If your skin is oily, prone to comedones, or if you already have acne, you should not use powders or foundations. They create an air-impermeable film on the surface of the skin, creating conditions for faster proliferation of microorganisms and the spread of inflammation.
  5. During periods of exacerbation of acne and other inflammatory skin lesions, it is necessary to limit your time under the sun and avoid visiting solariums. Ultraviolet radiation, affecting irritated facial skin, can lead to the development of pigmented forms of post-acne.

By following these simple tips, you can most painlessly endure the development of acne on your face and avoid the appearance of marks after they heal.