Almond peeling for wrinkles reviews

Girls, I came across information on the Internet that chemical peeling can eliminate wrinkles, and the effect lasts up to 8 years. The only thing that worries me is the facial expression between the eyebrows (I’m 35) - will peeling help here? And by the way, can it be done only in this place, and not on the whole face? There seem to be different types of peeling (enzyme, etc.), what do you recommend for this purpose?
Yes, nasolabial folds have also begun to form, not wrinkles yet, but folds - will peeling help here? experts

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About 8 years is clearly too much. It depends on how deep your wrinkle is. If it's deep, it won't help. In general, peeling provides a temporary slight tightening of the skin, due to which the shallow wrinkle will again be temporarily smoothed out. But the cause of wrinkles—facial expressions—will not go away. So what is the best remedy for mime. wrinkles than Botox has not yet been invented.
Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are made for nasolabial folds.
Peeling is mainly done to improve complexion, freshness and elasticity of the skin; it will help little against wrinkles.
Definitely don’t use the enzyme one, it’s too weak. Try doing a median retinoic or TCA.

Author, they probably told you about medium or deep. Deep - this is called grinding, but it really lasts for 8-10 years. They burn 10 layers of skin with acids or a laser, there is a crust on the face for a week, it is red for a month. After a couple of months, the skin is like a baby’s - fine and medium wrinkles, pigmentation, and small scars go away. But for six months you can’t show yourself in the sun, cream and Panama hat, otherwise you’ll be covered with freckles. I know that laser facial resurfacing costs approximately 25-30 thousand, and is done under general anesthesia. Before 40 it is not recommended.

It’s kind of scary to do this kind of peeling. I made the fruity one a little stronger than the regular one. The face is smoothed out very well after, the skin looks fresh and elastic. But expression lines, alas, are not going away. I am 30 years old, only my nasolabial folds are already noticeable. I asked the cosmetologist what can be done with them and how to prevent them. He says only massage, either hardware or manual. These are already muscles and nothing can be done. I really don’t want to inject fillers at the age of 30.

Does anyone know approximately how much it would cost to get my nasolabial folds pierced? And do I understand correctly that this procedure will have to be repeated every six months?

Last year I used Restylane on my nasolabial lips. It feels like it’s still standing, although the cosmetologist said that it’s no longer there. Although there seems to be almost no wrinkle either, but there was one. Or maybe I'm confusing something.
I paid 10,000 for 1 ml of Restylane.

Tesh, thank you, can I ask another question? 1 ml for you. was there enough for both sides? Or did you only do it on one side? And also, what does it look like immediately after the injection? For example, if you do it on Friday, you can do it on Monday. to work or is it better to take a week at your own expense?


Related topics

Peels deplete the skin's resources, so you shouldn't get carried away with them, and they definitely won't help with wrinkles. And strong peelings like TCA can generally have unpredictable consequences - the skin can become as thin as parchment or age spots may appear (familiar cosmetologists told us)

No, it won't help. Only Botox (here you need to paralyze the muscle). Peeling is a different story.

Tesh, thank you, can I ask another question? 1 ml for you. was there enough for both sides? Or did you only do it on one side? And also, what does it look like immediately after the injection? For example, if you do it on Friday, you can do it on Monday. to work or is it better to take a week at your own expense?


The previous post is mine.

I'm 26 and I injected Botox between my eyebrows.
the result is excellent!
but the skin is thin, peelings are expensive - I’m afraid of the consequences

Tash, thanks for the information!

Peels deplete the skin's resources, so you shouldn't get carried away with them, and they definitely won't help with wrinkles. And strong peelings like TCA can generally have unpredictable consequences - the skin can become as thin as parchment or age spots may appear (familiar cosmetologists told us)

I'm 26 and I injected Botox between my eyebrows.
the result is excellent!
but the skin is thin, peelings are expensive - I’m afraid of the consequences

Virgos! I have a friend who is 50 (as it turned out recently). I was of.igela, because I always thought that she was at most 35-40 years old. And she's half-thos. Then I came to her house one day, and she had a complete mess on her face, the skin was peeling off in pieces. She apologized and said it was from a cosmetologist. I did the peeling as always. She can afford it both in terms of time and money, she’s a rich aunt, she doesn’t work. I now understand why she looks so amazing. I believed in these peels. Now I'm digging for information. I’m only 25, no wrinkles, but my skin is as bad as my father’s, with pores, pimples sometimes, and oily. I’m taking care of it, but I’m thinking about doing some kind of peeling. I was very impressed with the result on this aunt.
I just left this post on another thread. Too lazy to retype. In short, judging by the fact that she has very few wrinkles and those under her eyes are small, it also saves from wrinkles.

on the last one.
I apologize, but what cosmetologist could say that the skin is thinning?
The skin is restored and renewed. Any doctor will tell you that any skin cell has the ability to regenerate. The women I know do peelings every year and at sixty they look simply amazing!
I am 36 and I have never done a single procedure other than manual peeling while I lived in Russia, now I live in Europe and no matter how many times I asked, no one knows what manual peeling is,
but I’m already thinking about chemical ones.

It’s better to inject Botox) I don’t think chemical peeling will help get rid of wrinkles.

Girls, I found a proven method on how to lose weight, tested on myself and my friends! Ginger bath soda has recently appeared on our market. Everyone knows that in water people lose weight on their own, but here there is a special soda that increases this effect, and even ginger. Besides the fact that I lost weight, my skin also became tighter)
We bought everything here:

You can do a gentle peeling at home. I really like Glyco-A with 12% glycolic acid. After it, the skin becomes tightened, small wrinkles are leveled out, and all kinds of post-acne disappear. In general, on the advice of a cosmetologist, it is better to do all peelings during the cold period. Therefore, I advise you to start and conduct the course in February.
By the way, there is a promotion going on at the pharmacy, you can get a sample for free. You’ll just know if the product is right for you or not.

Virgos! I have a friend who is 50 (as it turned out recently). I was of.igela, because I always thought that she was at most 35-40 years old. And she's half-thos. Then I came to her house one day, and she had a complete mess on her face, the skin was peeling off in pieces. She apologized and said it was from a cosmetologist. I did the peeling as always. She can afford it both in terms of time and money, she’s a rich aunt, she doesn’t work. I now understand why she looks so amazing. I believed in these peels. Now I'm digging for information. I’m only 25, no wrinkles, but my skin is as bad as my father’s, with pores, pimples sometimes, and oily. I’m taking care of it, but I’m thinking about doing some kind of peeling. I was very impressed with the result on this aunt.
I just left this post on another thread. Too lazy to retype. In short, judging by the fact that she has very few wrinkles and those under her eyes are small, it also saves from wrinkles.

This is a woman, just like you at 25, not an aunt. They call their relatives aunts. By all standards, your time period is not critical. She could look better than you even without peelings. You have acne). Naturally, women who smoke and are unkempt look bad at any age. Well, 50 is not 90, of course.)


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To make our skin look young and attractive, we need to regularly do useful cosmetic procedures. Today, the most popular and effective procedure is peeling. In modern cosmetology, there are many types of this procedure. Almond peeling is one of them. Let's try to find out more information about this service.

Almond facial peeling

As mentioned above, this is a cosmetic procedure. During which the facial skin is treated with a special substance. The main component of which is mandelic acid. Which produces a unique effect on human skin, namely:

  1. cleanses and tightens pores;
  2. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  3. whitens skin;
  4. improves blood circulation.

The above-mentioned acid penetrates deep into cells and accelerates metabolic processes. As a result, dead cells are separated from healthy ones. The top layer is removed. This cosmetic procedure is performed to eliminate various skin imperfections, such as:

  1. acne;
  2. double chin;
  3. circles under the eyes;
  4. dark spots;
  5. freckles;
  6. acne;
  7. wrinkles;
  8. skin irregularities.

Detailed description of the procedure

Almond peeling is usually done by trained cosmetologists in beauty salons. They adhere to a specific plan of action. Let's get to know him, so:

  1. mindalnyj-piling-ot-morshin-qgTIkL.webp

    makeup removal;
  2. applying a tonic;
  3. first stage of peeling;
  4. skin sensitivity assessment;
  5. second phase;
  6. nourishing mask;
  7. applying moisturizer.

Let's take a closer look at each of the points. Everything is clear when it comes to removing makeup. Not a single cosmetic procedure is complete without it. It should only be added that makeup must be removed carefully using the intended products. After cleaning, a tonic is applied, which contains the same mandelic acid. The first stage of peeling is carried out five percent solution. After this, the specialist assesses the client’s skin condition. Every person is unique, just like their skin. Therefore, no one can predict the reaction to any procedure. If no deviations are noticed that require stopping the process, the specialist carries out the second stage of peeling.

It is already made with a thirty percent solution of mandelic acid. It lasts twenty minutes. Then comes rest for the exhausted skin in the form of a moisturizing mask. And finally, a nourishing cream of excellent quality. The procedure is over. You can repeat it after seven days, not earlier. By the way, the promised miracle effect appears only after ten procedures. Below you can see photos before and after peeling.

Advantages and disadvantages

A huge advantage is that almond peeling is the most gentle among such manipulations. Chemical peeling can be deep, medium and superficial. Almond is classified as superficial. As a result, the skin is practically not damaged. Therefore, this procedure is allowed for allergy sufferers and people with the most delicate and thinnest facial skin. The downside is considered unpleasant itching sensation after the end of the session. Before going to the salon, you need to consider that there are situations in which you should refuse this. For example:

  1. you have damaged areas of skin on your face;
  2. You are pregnant;
  3. God forbid, you have a somatic illness;
  4. allergy to components included in the products used.

If all this doesn’t apply to you, hurry up, many salons are already waiting for you with their doors open. And if, despite all the praise, you still have doubts, there is only one way out. You need to read the next section of the article, almond peeling: reviews. Here you will find people's revelations. Women who experienced the procedure, as they say, the hard way. And they are ready to share their feelings with us.












Almond facial peeling: reviews


Girls, I completed the entire course. Very pleased with the result. I am thirty four years old. Whatever one may say, the first wrinkles have already appeared. There were terrible bags under the eyes and the worst thing, pigment spots. Yes, the procedure is not pleasant. But what is the result? My friends keep asking me what happened to me that I was so transformed. They think she's fallen in love. The skin became so soft and so tender. All in all, I am very pleased. And I recommend it to everyone.

I’ll leave my review, I did almond peeling about six months ago. But I only had enough for one trip to the salon. And it’s not a matter of unpleasant sensations. The next day, my face was so red and swollen that I felt scared. There was panic that something had gone wrong. For about three days I looked like a zombie. Then everything went away and the skin on my face became a little better. But I don’t want to repeat this horror. Unless there are a lot of wrinkles and there is nowhere to go.

Hello, I want to share my impressions. I’m telling everything as it happened, without embellishing it one bit. Yes, I am among those who have experienced almond peeling. One day fate brought me to work in a salon as a nail technician. When our cosmetologist Irina saw me for the first time, she said that peelings were crying for me. At first I was offended, but it’s true, I’ve always had skin problems. And I decided to try it. Irina immediately warned that after the first time you shouldn’t expect a miracle. To be honest, during the procedure, I swore. It burned my skin very much.

On the second day, my face looked like a poppy. I have never seen myself like this before. The chin was especially red. Two days later, the skin began to fall off in pieces. On the sixth day everything returned to normal. The girlfriends, having learned about this, twirled their fingers at their temples. And I will risk taking the entire course. I really want beautiful skin.

When studying women's opinions on how to effectively cleanse their face, you may come across reviews of almond peeling, which is one of the simple procedures performed in the salon. Treatment of the skin is carried out with mandelic acid, which has a small number of contraindications and rarely causes side effects. After applying the composition, the face looks young and well-groomed, wrinkles are smoothed out, and fatigue disappears. Despite such amazing results, some ladies refuse the opportunity to cope with defects, believing that the acid has a negative effect on the epidermal tissue. Who is right here - women who do not deny themselves rejuvenation and regularly visit a cosmetologist, or ladies who prefer home care using simple safe means? To find the answer to this question, you need to understand the features of the procedure and the subsequent results.

What is almond peeling

Having seen reviews or photos of almond facial peeling on the Internet, women immediately wonder what kind of procedure this is. There is nothing special in the cosmetic procedure - the skin is subjected to special treatment with mandelic acid. The manipulations are carried out in several stages, including preliminary preparation and a soothing mask.

Main advantages of the procedure:

  1. the composition is safe for all skin types, including sensitive or problematic dermis;
  2. safe exposure;
  3. It is allowed to be carried out in the summer - ultraviolet radiation is not harmful to the skin, because pigmentation appears extremely rarely.

Another advantage of cleansing is that only the top layer of the dermis is treated. Cells deep in the epidermis are not injured and continue to function normally.

Cleaning can be done no more than once a week. This is enough to regenerate skin tissue. It usually takes up to two months to completely get rid of defects.

Effect of peeling on facial skin

Almond peeling – what is it and what results can you expect? Cleansing the skin with an aggressive drug allows you to achieve the following effect:

  1. blood circulation improves;
  2. the shade of the dermis is evened out;
  3. pores are cleaned of dirt, dust, and narrowed;
  4. peeling of keratinized, dead skin cells occurs;
  5. metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis are brought back to normal.

The top layer of skin is completely removed, which leads to the smoothing of fine wrinkles, the disappearance of rashes, pigment spots, and peeling. The sebaceous glands begin to work less actively, and the greasy, untidy layer from the surface of the dermis is eliminated.

Indications and contraindications for peeling

The purpose of a cosmetic procedure using almond-based acid is to get rid of skin defects by eliminating the upper layer of the dermis. Indications for manipulation:

  1. wrinkles;
  2. unevenness on the surface of the skin;
  3. sagging chin;
  4. single acne or severe rashes;
  5. freckles;
  6. pigment spots;
  7. dark bags under the eyes.

Cleaning with an aggressive almond-based acid is a gentle burn to the skin, during which the surface of the dermis suffers. Not all women are recommended for this procedure, so you need to first study the list of prohibitions:

  1. pregnancy (regardless of trimester);
  2. tanning of the skin;
  3. unpredictable reaction of the skin to the components of the drug;
  4. inflammatory processes in the dermis;
  5. wounds, cracks, burns;
  6. diseases of the dermis.

Do you know? During menstruation, manipulation with acid is allowed, but one must remember that during this period the female body may unexpectedly react to the aggressive composition. Swelling, severe pain, hypermia are just part of the unpleasant consequences.

Stages and performance of almond peeling

Regardless of the composition, chemical peeling with mandelic acid is carried out according to the same scheme. Depending on the brand of the drug, the cosmetologist’s actions may vary, but usually the stages take place in this order:

  1. A special composition removes remnants of decorative makeup, dirt, and dust.
  2. A product with a tonic effect is applied.
  3. A product based on low concentration almond acid is distributed in an even layer.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, the composition is removed, the cosmetologist checks the reaction of the dermis to aggressive influence.
  5. A high concentration of acid is applied.
  6. The product is completely removed after 20 minutes, and a mask that relieves irritation is used.
  7. Moisturizer is applied.

Do you know? You should not expect any special results after the first procedures - the effect is noticeable only after 5-8 sessions. The relief of the face is evened out, the skin is smoothed, elasticity and even tone are restored.

Preparation for the procedure

There are no special recommendations before carrying out manipulations with almond-based acid, but there are several rules that must be followed. There is no need to visit a solarium or sunny beach shortly before cleansing - if you have a strong tan, cleansing is not recommended.

Before peeling, you should not carry out other, even less aggressive procedures to get rid of skin defects. Additional irritation can cause a response on the skin in the form of peeling, increased activity of the sebaceous glands, and red spots.

On the recommendation of a cosmetologist, you should use milk containing almond acid to cleanse the dermis for two weeks. The skin will begin to get used to the aggressive substance, which will allow you to undergo the procedure almost painlessly.

Post-peeling care

After using a powerful drug, special care is needed to speed up the recovery of injured dermal tissues. Care instructions:

  1. apply sunscreen compounds throughout the day;
  2. use acidified liquid for washing;
  3. avoid ultraviolet radiation;
  4. use a moisturizer frequently;
  5. Avoid active tanning and solariums.

It is not recommended to use homemade skin care products. Only after the dermis has been restored can you begin home procedures.

Almond peeling, reviews from women and cosmetologists

Often the incentive to go to a salon for a procedure is the reviews of women who have already gone through it and share their impressions. How do ladies respond to peeling using almond acid? Reviews are most often positive - the drug actively eliminates defects. There are also neutral responses - the effect is noticeable after a few sessions, but for that kind of money women expect more. Negative reviews usually talk about painful sensations, especially on the sensitive dermis. Among many products, ladies highlight Ondevie almond peeling, which has a mild effect.

Cosmetologists speak positively about peeling, recommending it to women if they have not too obvious problems on the skin. The drug Kosmoteros earned an excellent rating from the masters, which can be used even on thin or sensitive dermis. In reviews, cosmetologists warn that pain during skin treatment occurs in the absence of preliminary preparation - using special milk at home.

Photos before and after

You can verify the effectiveness of acid cleaning of almonds by viewing real photos. Perhaps for some of our readers this will serve as an incentive to go to a cosmetologist and get rid of defects that cannot be hidden under a layer of “plaster”. The photo clearly shows how different the skin is after peeling - wrinkles, uneven shade, spots, and pigment disappear.

Cleansing your face with preparations based on mandelic acid is a wonderful way to get rid of annoying blemishes. You don’t need to count on results after the first skin treatment - you will be able to completely get rid of blemishes only after several sessions, the number of which is calculated by the cosmetologist.