Revitalift filler cream reviews

Alas, even the most ideal facial contour loses its beauty over the years. The jawline becomes less chiseled, the cheeks may become sunken or, conversely, jowls may droop. What about wrinkles? At first, barely noticeable, so-called mimic ones. Then crow's feet around the eyes, and then increasingly deeper furrows. Nowadays, many manufacturers of caring cosmetics promise not only to stop the aging process, but also to make it reversible. But can they be trusted?

Botox injections have long earned the name “anti-age injections.” But a completely different technology has recently emerged as the leader in cosmetic anti-aging procedures. Fillers will help fill, rather than freeze, wrinkles, as botulinum toxin does. For some time they were also in the form of injections. But here's a new product - L'Oreal Revitalift Filler cream! Read reviews about this miraculous remedy in our article.


What is hyaluronic acid

This substance is produced by our body. It is responsible for maintaining skin cells in tone. Hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen fibers to produce a gel, which acts as a kind of “spring”. Because of it, young skin is so elastic and toned. But with age, the body produces less and less hyaluronic acid. As a result, without the support of such an essential substance, skin cells become flabby. This is how wrinkles form, and the contour of the face, as they say, “floats”. Scientists synthesized hyaluronic acid and began to use it in aesthetic medicine. At first, it was used to make lips fuller. But then fillers, beauty injections, and contouring were adopted. But not all women are ready to take such radical measures, which, moreover, only last six months. But reviews call the L'Oreal Revitalift Filler serum and cream a revolutionary alternative to injections.


How do these remedies work?

“Beauty injections” are injected in specialized clinics with licensed drugs based on hyaluronic acid. The effect is visible after a couple of weeks. The rehabilitation period after the procedure is about a day (swelling is observed at the injection site). The L'Oreal Revitalift Filler serum and cream do not have all these disadvantages. Reviews indicate that the effect is observed almost immediately after application. The face seems to be transformed. The features become more convex, the chin becomes taut, and the skin becomes smooth, like a baby’s cheek.

Of course, the L'Oreal brand was not the first to discover the hyaluronic acid molecule. But the wizards of this French company were able to reduce it to a micrometer - two hundred times. Does size matter? The smaller the molecule of the healing substance, the deeper it penetrates into the epidermis, the better it is absorbed and absorbed. That’s why “Volume restorers” from L’Oreal are ahead of all similar products.


Serum or cream "Loreal Revitalift Filler"?

Reviews often indicate that Russian women tend to buy only one product from the line. And even if such a “test drive” was successful, the woman will still use her favorite ointment solo. But L'Oreal did not release serum and cream as an alternative to each other. These products are “born” to work in a duet. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to purchase serum. By the way, it needs to be applied first. But first you should massage your face. Russian women have a strange superstition. They believe that the less you touch your face, the less your skin will age. But that's not true. The face, like the figure, needs gymnastics. Therefore, to prepare the skin for absorption of products with hyaluronic acid, you should lightly massage your face. After the serum, apply L'Oreal day cream. Let's take a short break. Then apply the cream to problem areas. This application, according to reviews, gives an amazing effect.



A common question for girls who are ready to fight early expression wrinkles and who have decided to purchase Loreal Revitalift Filler serum and cream: at what age can these products be used? In this case, the manufacturer does not give a clear and unambiguous answer. And this is not negligence at all. In other series of its products, L'Oreal indicates the age group of a particular product. This is especially true for the “Age Expert” line. For each group there are day and night creams and under the eyes. But L'Oreal does not indicate the age group in its fillers. At least on the box. Only in the description of the product can this be read out. Thus, we find out the minimum age for which L'Oreal cream is intended - 45 years. But, as is clear from the responses, younger women have also experienced the remedy.


Reviews of L'Oreal Revitalift Filler cream

The aesthetics of the packaging only emphasizes the high quality of the product. A beautiful lilac box with a red stripe in a cellophane wrapper looks stylish. The bottle is the same - a silver jar with a laconic scarlet sticker. The perfume scent in the cream is very pleasant and unobtrusive. The texture is light, perfectly absorbed, like most L'Oreal cosmetics. The face cream is hypoallergenic. It can be safely applied even to the most sensitive areas - the eyelids. The cream does not roll off and does not cause peeling. Oily skin underneath does not shine. The cream is great for both winter and summer. It moisturizes the skin well. But any good day cream can do all this for the face. But what about filling wrinkles and similar miracles?

Reviews about the effectiveness of L'Oreal Revitalift Filler

What does the manufacturer promise us from the use of “beauty injections” transformed into cream? That skin tone will increase by a quarter after four hours. That its structure will be denser and more hydrated for two days. And after eight weeks of daily use of the cream, the user will see a completely new image in the mirror. Wrinkles on the forehead will decrease by a quarter, in the area of ​​the nose and lips by twelve percent, and around the eyes by 10%. At the same time, facial features will be filled with volume, the skin will become tightened, and the oval will become clearer. What do the reviews say about this L'Oreal product? The face cream really smoothes out fine wrinkles. Moreover, he does this not in four hours, but almost instantly. The face is transformed: it becomes smooth, and youthful roundness seems to flow into the features. Unfortunately, this does not apply to deep wrinkles. But even with frequent use of the cream, they seem to fill out and the skin evens out.


Loreal Revitalift Filler cream: price

This product is located in the mass market segment. If you go exclusively to perfume boutiques, you can find a cream for a thousand rubles, or even more. But you can find it cheaper. In chain stores it usually sells for between seven hundred and eight hundred rubles. Don't forget that this product is French. Therefore, it makes sense for women living in big cities to go to the Auchan supermarket. There, L'Oreal Revitalift Filler is sold for only five hundred rubles. The emulsion costs about the same.

Price-quality ratio

What verdict can users expect from the L'Oreal Revitalift Filler cream? The price of this product is not so exorbitant. Compared to real hyaluronic acid injections, the cream will cost several times less. But the effect is the same! Young girls also used the cream - simply to prevent wrinkles. The product perfectly moisturizes, wears well, and works well with foundations.

Do you want to have effective anti-aging care, but not have to undergo painful injections or contact a plastic surgeon? About a year ago, the L'Oreal company released the L'Oreal Revitalift Filler series for age-related facial and eyelid skin care. The company's advertising claims that the creams in this series fill and smooth out wrinkles at a low cost (about seven hundred rubles). Let's see if this is actually possible.


What are fillers and how do they work?

Initially, fillers were special injectable preparations that filled shallow wrinkles or corrected the shape of lips, cheekbones and chin, increasing their volume. Fillers fill folds, visually making the skin more even and smooth.



Injectable fillers are divided into categories:

Natural. They are safer and, most importantly, self-resorb after 1-2 years. These fillers come in the following types:

  1. Collagen. They are made from natural protein from pigs and cows. The effect of collagen fillers lasts only a few months. They are a strong allergen.
  2. Hyaluronic. This polysaccharide is produced from cockscombs and specially grown bacteria. The visual effect after use lasts up to one year.
  3. Biosynthetic fillers.
  4. Preparations from your own fat.

Synthetic. They do not dissolve over time and are more difficult to remove than natural ones. Mainly used to enlarge lips, reshape the face and fill particularly deep wrinkles.

For those who do not want to go under the surgeon’s knife for the sake of beauty, injectable fillers are a real godsend. Although their use is associated with certain difficulties, it is much less traumatic than plastic surgery.

If fillers are injections, then what does Loreal Revitalift Filler cream have to do with them?


Main cast

Any cream includes the following components:

  1. Each cream is based on a universal solvent – ​​water.
  2. Emulsifiers are added to water. This is done so that the base mixes better with the other components.
  3. Esters that act as emollients and allow the cream to be applied in an even layer.
  4. Various stabilizers and thickeners that prevent ingredients from breaking down into separate fractions over time.
  5. Preservatives for preservation.
  6. Chemical components for the beautiful color of the finished product.
  7. Fragrances for a pleasant smell.

Additional components

Next, chemists add additional substances to this composition, which should work to improve the condition of the epidermis:

  1. For moisturizing, glycerin, petroleum jelly, and aloe vera are usually added.
  2. Cryoprotectants to retain moisture inside the epidermis. It is pleasant to use a cream with such components in winter so that the face does not dry out in the cold and strong winds. Cryoprotectors create a thin film, thanks to which its own moisture does not evaporate from the surface of the epidermis during cold and windy weather.
  3. Manufacturing companies additionally add fatty acids (for example, gamma-linoleic acid) and fat-soluble vitamins (such as A, E, F) to nutritional creams. Almost always, nourishing creams contain oil extracts and vegetable oils (the most popular are shea butter, apricot, olive, almond, and soybean). Phytohormones, bioactive molecules and other substances patented by a specific company can also be added.
  4. For anti-aging care, manufacturers can add collagen or hyaluronic acid to the composition. These substances have great difficulty penetrating the layers of the epidermis, and manufacturers are constantly trying to solve this problem. For example, emulsifiers are becoming more and more finely dispersed, and the molecular weight of the same hyaluronic acid is decreasing. But still, they cannot yet penetrate into the deep layers the way injectable preparations of collagen or hyaluronic acid do.


Promised result

What does L'Oreal promise us? Here is an excerpt from the advertising campaign:

  1. Skin tone will increase by 25% after 4 hours from use.
  2. Plus 14% to skin density.
  3. The face is moisturized for 48 hours.
  4. Wrinkles on the forehead are significantly reduced after just 8 weeks of continuous use.
  5. Reduction of nasolabial folds by 12%.
  6. Smoothes the area around the eyes by 10%.
  7. The appearance of a clear oval face.
  8. Tightened skin.

To find out how well L'oreal Revitalift Filler lives up to its advertising promises, you can study the reviews.

Positive Feedback

Let's start with the positive reviews:

  1. Reviews of L'Oreal Revitalift Filler from most women who use this cream are positive in terms of its moisturizing properties. The skin becomes soft, soft and perfectly hydrated.
  2. Instant skin tightening effect, as when using the most expensive tightening face masks.
  3. The cream jar is glass and heavy. Because of this, the product seems expensive and of high quality.
  4. The consistency is thick, but the cream spreads easily over the face.
  5. The cream was perfect as a base for foundation. The tone after this product does not roll off and is applied in an even layer.
  6. Non-greasy texture, does not provoke the appearance of sebum on the T-zone.


Negative points

There are also many negative reviews of L'Oreal Revitalift Filler:

  1. Some women report a slight tingling sensation on their face when first used.
  2. A week after starting use, the skin began to dry and peel. It turned out that the composition contained a large amount of alcohol.
  3. Several more reviews of L'Oreal Revitalift Filler indicate that the face began to look swollen and slightly swollen.
  4. Irritation appeared. It turned out that this was a reaction to hyaluronic acid.
  5. After washing, all the positive effect was gone. It was as if a mask had been removed. This is probably due to the large amount of silicone in the composition.

After studying numerous positive and negative reviews of L'Oreal Revitalift Filler, we can conclude that it is ideal for one-time use, but is not suitable for permanent care.

Aging is inevitable, but we have the power to slow it down. As banal as it may sound, two liters of water a day and a balanced diet are the main basis of beauty and youth. Do not neglect such an effective remedy, and expensive tricks to prolong youth will not be needed for a very long time.

We always strive for the best to please our customers with the best prices.

Best regards, Wildberries online store.

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Ingredients: cosmetic base, water

L'Oréal Paris presents the innovative anti-aging day cream Revitalift Filler [ha]. The unique formula of the face cream consists of highly concentrated hyaluronic acid, which smoothes wrinkles and stimulates cellular renewal, and the firming plant extract Fybroxyl, which replenishes lost volume. With regular use of Revitalift Filler from L'Oreal Paris, the skin becomes smooth and tightened, the contours become clearer. Directions for use: It is recommended to apply with light massage movements to cleansed skin of the face and neck in the direction from the bottom to the cheekbones. To achieve greater effect, use in combination with concentrated hyaluronic serum Revitalift Filler [ha] from L’Oreal Paris.

The product cannot be returned Goods of good quality that cannot be exchanged (returned) are listed in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998. No. 55. More details