Anti-wrinkle cream with adapalene reviews price

Adapalene cream any reviews?

Has anyone used Adapalene cream against wrinkles? Does Adapalene cream help against wrinkles?


Yes, Malysheva really spread a rumor about the effect of Adapalene cream against wrinkles, but if you read the real reviews of people who used this cream, then big doubts arise.

When using, you need to take into account that Adapalene cannot be applied to the face during the day, only at night, since under the influence of sunlight it forms toxic substances.

The cream can cause severe peeling and dryness of the skin, so it should be used in combination with moisturizing and nourishing creams, including for the eyelids.

For acne, there is an effect; after three months of using the cream, inflammation on the skin noticeably decreases, but deep comedones remain. No miraculous effect on wrinkles was noticed, but it is difficult to judge the effect in this regard, since it is impossible to use Adapalene separately from other products; together with it, you must also use sun protection products, at a minimum.


Just yesterday, 22.06. In 2018, in the program “Live Healthy!”, Elena Malysheva talked about this cream. The cream is considered a medicine. This cream is used against wrinkles and as an anti-aging cream.

You need to buy Adapalene cream in pharmacies and it comes with instructions for use. The cream has contraindications, an allergic reaction is possible and much more. You should start using the cream with caution and it is not a fact that it will help against wrinkles.

Adapalene cream is used for acne, so it dries out the skin. In a word, this is a medicine and before using it you must carefully study the instructions.

I tried to use Adapalene cream, but did not have time to see a positive result.

I have dry, thin skin, I anointed it several times, my face began to itch, turned red and freckles appeared, which were barely noticeable. Although I used the cream, following all the rules according to the instructions. I personally refused this cream.


Contrary to what was written in one of the previous answers, the cream with the active substance Adaplen is poorly absorbed:


Quoted from a website for doctors, but useful reading for anyone with a secondary education and common sense. Just from this phrase alone he will get food for questions: “If it is poorly absorbed, then how can it affect wrinkles at all? After all, they form in the middle layers of the skin, and this product remains mainly on the surface?”

And then he reads further and finds contraindications (dermatitis) and side effects, all sorts of bad words “irritation” and even “worsening acne.” Yes, such a paradox - a cream or gel to fight acne can even provoke them.

An intelligent reader without a medical education will think about it and come to the conclusion that if the doctor did not personally prescribe or recommend this medicine to him, then it is better not to smear his face with everything that is recommended on TV.

The basis of any ointment includes “passive ingredients” - a base that helps distribute (smear) active substances over the skin. The main character here is mineral oil, which itself has emollient properties. But no one buys a cream with a specific name and active ingredient just for the sake of it. spreader filler!

Adapalene is a retinoid, that is, a type of vitamin A, I hope the hint is clear? If not, in plain text: any known cosmetic product with retinol, closer to the beginning of the list of ingredients and at a divine price, will have the same effect, but due to the proximity of other components it will not irritate the skin.

There are no miracle reviews about help specifically in the fight against wrinkles. and it cannot be. Really fights acne.

Adapalene is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A or a fourth generation retinoid. Used in cosmetology to eliminate acne, skin inflammation and in anti-aging therapy. Synthesized in the 80s, but only since 2016 the main US Drug Commission - the FDA has allowed the sale of creams with adapalene without a prescription

Creams with adapalene on the Russian market

Popular creams with adapalene are produced under the following brands:

  1. Differin – Laboratoires Galderma, France, gel and cream 30 grams
  2. Clenzit – Lenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd., India 15 and 30 grams
  3. Adaklin – Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited, India 30 grams

These drugs contain 0.1-0.3% of the active substance. A 30-gram tube will contain 3 milligrams of adapalene plus additives and excipients. Adapalene itself is effective in accelerating the regeneration of epithelial cells, natural exfoliation of the surface layer of the skin and opening the pores of the skin. These effects make adapalene an anti-wrinkle agent in anti-aging therapy.


Which is better, adapalene cream or gel?

The manufacturer brings the drug to the market in two states of aggregation: gel and cream. The composition of the gel is no different from the cream, the percentage of adapalene is the same in both, and the release in two forms was created only for ease of use for different skin conditions

  1. If the skin is dry and sensitive to external influences, use the cream structure of the drug. The cream is easier to apply to the skin; there will be no problems with its sensitivity. The effect will be better, the cream will moisturize and nourish the top layer and there should be no allergic reaction
  2. If you have oily skin, use a gel. The impact will be stronger, and the effect will appear faster



  1. Correct application of the drug
  2. Complex treatment
  3. Duration of use of the drug;
  4. Consultations on the use of adapalene with a dermatologist or cosmetologist

Contraindications for the use of adapalene

Adapalene is effective and safe; a press release from the FDA commission stated that the data accumulated in 1996-2016 on the prescription use of adapalene do not contain serious contraindications, therefore creams with adapalene were put on sale without a doctor's prescription. However, the FDA document contains warnings:

  1. Do not use the drugs during pregnancy and lactation. The cream will be absorbed into the skin, and some of it will be in the blood. Adapalene, even in small dosages, can affect the development of the fetus.
  2. Eczema. If you have dry or wet eczema, it is better not to apply cream with adapalene. After using the cream, the skin is under a thin film. This will slow down the healing process.
  3. Dry seborrhea. In case of such a disease, the drug should not be used under any circumstances. It will dry out the skin, which will only make the situation worse.
  4. Use carefully for severely dry and sensitive skin. Adapalene removes fat molecules and the skin will become even drier
  5. Children under 12 years of adolescence should not use adapalene. The skin is not yet fully formed by this time. This may disrupt its education.

Malysheva about adapalene anti-wrinkle cream

Elena Malysheva believes that adapalene is the only cream in the world that can remove wrinkles. There are millions of creams on sale, in a variety of bases, but most of them are emblazoned with the hopeful inscription “anti-wrinkle.” According to Elena Vasilievna, this is all fiction.
Adapalene is not just a cream, it is a medicine. And it is sold only as a medicine. And this active substance can save us from age-related skin defects. These drugs, which were sold by prescription until 2016, could always be bought in pharmacies in Russia without a doctor’s prescription.
What does this cream do? It actually has two mechanisms of action. If you want to get rid of wrinkles with it, you need to remove dead skin. This is done to expose the young layers of the dermis. This same adapalene (international non-proprietary name) restores collagen. They prevent wrinkles from forming. The skin tightens again, notes Elena Malysheva.

How and when to use adapalene correctly as a cosmetic product

For cosmetic purposes, adapalene is used on aging skin to smooth out wrinkles, the effect of adapalene is equated to the peeling effect, so be careful, it is important to be careful and not overdo it. In the worst case, you will harm the condition of the skin, because adapalene eliminates excess sebum, roughly speaking, “retinoids remove excess sebum,” which means the skin becomes drier, so Malysheva said that you can use adapalene only once a week.


If you have normal skin, the rules are as follows:

  1. Wash and dry skin thoroughly before applying.
  2. Apply to all areas except the area around the lips and eyelids.
  3. Keep the cream on your face for about 1.5 hours.
  4. After this time, everything remaining is washed off. You can use toner or milk to remove makeup.
  5. Apply the product before going to bed.

The next day the skin will become inflamed and red. The particles will begin to peel off, do not disturb the skin in the coming days. Applying cosmetics or foundation is prohibited. There is also no need to try to exfoliate the skin yourself; do not use scrubs. The skin must be mature before exfoliation. If you remove it earlier than necessary, damage will form, itching will begin, and the skin under the wound will also peel off. You need to be patient and wait until the process is over. If you do not make mistakes, the skin will cleanse and the top layer will peel off, and in its place you will have renewed, young skin and blood circulation will improve.

The effect of adapalene and when you can repeat the procedure

If the purpose of using the drug is to rejuvenate the skin and smooth out wrinkles, then the substance copes with its task, but we note additional effects from the use of adapalene

  1. Limits the appearance of comedones
  2. Relieves skin inflammation, the drug can work on the principle of an antibiotic

But practicing cosmetologists note that the full mechanism of action of the drug has not been studied, so do not use more than once a week, for one month, then a break from two weeks to one month, but this is all individual

What is the price of adapalene cream?

The price in 2018 for a 30 gram tube in Russia is from 500 rubles for Indian cream, and from 700 rubles for French. In the US, a 30 gram tube costs about $30

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Adapalene for wrinkles was first used after the TV show “Live Healthy!”, whose host, Elena Malysheva, positioned the cream as the most effective remedy in the fight against age-related changes.

What is Adapalene

Adapalene is a pharmaceutical drug whose active and auxiliary components are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of acne and acne. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, due to which it blocks old inflammations, prevents the formation of new ones, and normalizes sebum production.

The main indication for the use of Adapalene is various manifestations of acne, such as papules, pustules, nodules, acne vulgaris and comedones that occur on the skin of the face and body. The dermatotropic product is also effective in the fight against spots and scars, because it promotes the removal of free radicals, as well as the production of collagen - the most important component of connective tissue, which is responsible for the firmness, elasticity and youth of the skin.

The regenerating properties of Adapalene cream allow you to fight age-related and facial changes in the skin, such as:

  1. nasolabial folds;
  2. crow's feet around the eyes;
  3. drooping corners of the lips;
  4. pigmentation;
  5. loss of clear contours of the oval face;
  6. muscle tone disorders;
  7. deterioration of complexion.

The substance adapalene is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A. By interacting with other active components, adapalene not only protects the skin from various microbial or parasitic lesions, but also smooths out problem areas on the face.

Thus, dermatologists recommend the use of retinol-based cream not only in the fight against acne, but also in case of age-related skin changes, as well as as a prevention of these problems.

How to take Adapalene anti-wrinkle cream

Adapalene cream is used as a peeling mask in the fight against age-related skin changes. A cosmetic procedure such as peeling helps cleanse the upper layers of the epidermis from dead skin particles.

The stratum corneum grows daily, and natural skin renewal is not enough to get rid of the resulting epidermal “crust”, which slows down cell regeneration, prevents their respiration, as well as the penetration of nutrients included in face masks, creams and serums into the skin layers .

Anti-wrinkle adapalene can cause allergic reactions, so it is recommended to first apply a small amount of cream to the inside of the arm and leave for half an hour.

An adapalene-based peeling mask must be applied following the following steps.

  1. The skin is cleansed of cosmetics using special makeup removers: milk, foam, mousse or cleansing gel. In this case, products with a low alkali content are preferred. During the cleansing stage, you can use mechanical and electrical facial cleansers or silicone brushes. This step is required, because residues of cosmetics or dirt accumulated during the day prevent the cream from being absorbed into the fabric.
  2. For better penetration of the active substances of the cream into the layers of the skin, it is also recommended to steam the face. This can be done in various ways: take a hot shower or bath, hold your face over a steam bath, or use a compress from a towel previously soaked in hot water.
  3. Before applying the cream, the skin must be dry. A small amount of cream should be evenly distributed over the skin of the face, following the massage lines (from the center of the face to the sides), then leave the mask for 40-60 minutes, rinse with slightly cool water.
  4. It is important to focus on the sensations caused by the peeling mask with adapalene. People with sensitive and dry skin may experience burning, itching and tightness, in which case they should immediately wash the product off their face.
  5. The final stage of the procedure is to moisturize and nourish the skin. You can use any nourishing cream rich in vitamins.

This mask should be used no more than once a week; more frequent use of the cream can damage the skin. The first results will be noticeable after 4-6 weeks, but to achieve the final effect it is recommended to take a course that lasts 3 months.

During the course, it is important to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, regardless of the time of year.


Kristina, 48 years old, Moscow

I first heard about Adaplene in the TV show “Live Healthy!” The cream immediately attracted my attention: it is cheap, finding it in any pharmacy will not be a problem, and if you believe what was said in the release, its effect cannot be compared with that of expensive and painful “beauty injections.”

I used it as a peeling mask: applied an even layer to clean skin for 30-40 minutes, rinsed with water. My skin is not very sensitive, prone to oily sheen. The course of using the drug was without negative side effects, and the positive results are obvious! After only a week of use, the oiliness of the skin decreased, and its matte appearance remained throughout the day; by the way, I was glad to forget about powder. Well, two months later I couldn’t believe my eyes: the nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the bridge of the nose became less deep, the forehead smoothed out, and the whole face was transformed, the skin acquired a blush and radiance! I highly recommend Adapalene for wrinkles, believe me, you won’t regret it!

Anna, 28 years old, Voronezh

I encountered the first age-related changes, as expected, after 25 years, and hormonal disruption during childbirth certainly did not improve the condition of my skin. As a result, I had numerous rashes on my face and back, dark circles under my eyes, drooping eyelids, dull skin tone, shallow wrinkles on my forehead and around my mouth. I heard about chemical peels in salons, but I was afraid of the consequences, and recently I read an article on the Internet about Adapalene - this is an anti-acne drug that is also recommended in the fight against wrinkles. I decided that I wouldn’t lose anything if I tried it; after all, the drug was cheap, and... I was wrong.

Perhaps the product simply did not suit me specifically, because there were enough positive reviews from its use on the Internet, many even included photographs. I was extremely upset when, after a couple of treatments, my skin thinned to such an extent that after washing with lukewarm water it became covered with red spots and peeling. Of course, I immediately stopped using it, and after another week the dryness went away. But there are no acne or wrinkles. I won’t make hasty negative conclusions about the cream, but I’m also not going to recommend it to anyone.

Where to buy and prices

Adaptlen for wrinkles can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city without a prescription, or ordered online. The price of the drug varies, and on average ranges from 200 to 350 rubles per 15 grams.