Cream with hyaluronic acid during pregnancy

Choosing a high-quality face cream during pregnancy will preserve your beauty and solve some cosmetic problems associated with this difficult but joyful period. Pregnancy is not a reason to neglect yourself and stop taking care of your skin. We'll tell you: what components are allowed, how to choose a product, according to the recommendations of cosmetologists.

During pregnancy, the body reacts to everything unpredictably. Even your favorite time-tested cream sometimes causes an allergic reaction. Cosmetologists urge all expectant mothers to be vigilant and choose facial skin care products with extreme caution.

Can I use cream or not?

Several decades ago, a pregnant woman was carefully protected from any external “invasion”; she was forbidden to dye her hair, use decorative cosmetics, or use facial skin care products. The expectant mother was allowed only folk remedies, at best baby cream.

Today, special lines of cosmetics have been developed for pregnant women, including face creams. Such products are made from natural ingredients, do not contain aggressive substances, and in general the amount of chemical components is reduced to a minimum. All products are gentle, delicate, absorb well, and do not have a strong aroma. Such cosmetics are approved by all doctors, from obstetricians-gynecologists to dermatologists.

What problems will it solve?

Modern cosmetologists say that pregnant women not only can, but also need to actively use face cream. A good product nourishes, protects, moisturizes, just like usual products, and in addition solves a number of problems that arise only during the period of bearing a child.

A good cream helps cope with:

  1. with increased skin sensitivity. The body adapts to new conditions of existence, all its systems are rebuilt, reaching a special level of “defense”. Any external fact-irritant, such as frost, heat, individual components in food, household chemicals become “enemy No. 1”, and the skin responds with irritation, redness, and itching.
  2. with restructuring of the skin. Against the background of hormonal shock, skin type often changes. Many expectant mothers notice that their once oily skin has become normal. On the contrary, the normal one began to shine and shine. Dry skin dries out even more and begins to flake, reacting to the most gentle cleansers. Everything is explained by the work of the hormone estrogen - during pregnancy it is released in large quantities, affecting the condition of the epithelium and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. with vascular networks. Spider veins are frequent companions of pregnant women. The fact is that the vessels dilate and become visible on the skin. There is nothing fatal in the phenomenon, no one experiences any discomfort. But from an aesthetic point of view, it looks ugly and becomes a cause of worry.
  4. with age spots. The period of waiting for a baby is often associated with a disruption in the production of melamine, which is responsible for the production of pigment and skin color. As a result, spots ranging from small to huge appear on the face.
  5. with acne, pimples. Since the sebaceous glands work intermittently, rashes, pimples, and large acne often appear on the face during pregnancy. The pores become clogged, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

But some pregnant girls continue to shine, delighting others with their excellent skin condition. Usually these are those who carefully chose a product for daily self-care. We will teach you the basics of choosing a good, safe product.

Selection rules

On the shelves of cosmetic stores and pharmacies there is a huge selection of creams designed specifically for ladies in anticipation. But can you trust all products? Let's talk about what kind of face cream for pregnant women cosmetologists recommend looking for.

Tips for choosing a cream:

  1. A future mother's makeup bag must include a moisturizer. Possible with hyaluronic acid. Acid is produced by the body independently, regulating the production of collagen and elastin and almost never causes allergies.
  2. The cream should not contain fragrances or active substances. Even if you liked the smell very much before pregnancy, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.
  3. It is better to buy mass-market products marked I.D.E. This marking indicates that the product has been tested and approved by the European Institute of Dermatology (the institution controls all cosmetic products entering the shelves of European stores). The mark also guarantees that there are no preservatives or harmful parabens in cosmetics.
  4. Changing skin type is a reason to change your skincare product. If a pregnant woman's oily skin has become normal, and normal skin has become dry, a cream should be selected specifically for the new type.
  5. To eliminate spider veins, doctors allow the purchase of products containing angioprotectors. Angioprotectors improve blood circulation in blood vessels and improve wall permeability.

There is no way to get rid of acne during pregnancy. Dermatologists recommend postponing radical procedures and carrying them out after the birth of the baby. But you can purchase a product that regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes oily shine, and has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect. And, of course, any cream during pregnancy simply must be hypoallergenic.

Prohibited substances

Usually doctors have nothing against creams that a woman is used to before pregnancy. But in some cases (especially if the pregnancy is accompanied by complications, there is a threat of premature birth, the tone of the uterus is increased), they strongly advise paying attention to the composition of the product. It is worth discarding it if the cream contains certain substances.

What could be potentially dangerous for pregnant women:

  1. retinoids. It would seem that what’s wrong with vitamin A-based components? But retinoids, which usually effectively fight wrinkles and help renew the epithelium at the cellular level, can lead to delays in fetal development. Retinoids are labeled Tazorac, Avage, Differin, Retin-A, Renova, Retinol.
  2. salicylic acid. Creams with salicylic acid cannot be used while expecting a baby, although it is very often included in creams for acne and any rashes. When pregnant, it is dangerous due to pathologies of fetal development, complications of pregnancy, and premature birth. You can recognize its presence by the designations BHA, Salicylic ac >

Some natural ingredients can also be dangerous. These are, for example, plant esters with bright aromas. They often provoke an allergic reaction and the appearance of hives. In the worst cases, it all ends with Quincke's edema.

We'll tell you what a high-quality cream for pregnant women should contain.

Recommended composition

You can use face creams during pregnancy with neutral ingredients, soft texture, and an unobtrusive delicate aroma. The priority is natural products and composition without chemicals.

Required components:

  1. vegetable oils (preferably cold pressed). Moisturizes and smoothes.
  2. animal fats. Nourishes and gives skin elasticity.
  3. hyaluronic acid. One of the best moisturizing ingredients. Helps the skin renew itself, helps collagen and elastin to be produced naturally.
  4. extracts of tea tree, aloe, green tea. They soothe, relieve irritation, and prevent any inflammatory processes.
  5. vitamins C, A. Renew, restore tone.
  6. Amino acids. Maintain youth and elasticity, nourish from the inside.

Fruit acids (in low concentrations), allatoin, and panthenol are also allowed. The former help cleanse the skin of dead cells and have a slight whitening effect. The second - soothe, serve as a prevention of any inflammation. Cream for pregnant women must be tested by dermatologists and have certificates. Cosmetologists advise purchasing them only in pharmacies.

The best choice for pregnant women - what does the expectant mother's skin need?

The requirements for the production of creams for expectant mothers are quite high, but on the shelves you can see many brands of expensive and affordable ones. Russian and foreign companies are vying with each other to offer facial products for use during pregnancy. We offer a list of cosmetic brands that have earned the best recommendations.

Buyer ratings are topped by:

  1. Avent
  2. Weleda
  3. Mustela
  4. Our mother.
  5. Mom Comfort.
  6. Chicco.
  7. Helan Linea Mamma.

These creams have different purposes: some protect from UV rays, others nourish, and others moisturize. The composition is different everywhere, but completely safe and approved by dermatologists. There is no universal cream for all occasions. For nutrition and hydration, day and night care, you need fundamentally different products.

How to properly care for your facial skin during pregnancy:

Moisturize and smooth

Using moisturizing cosmetics for pregnant women is a must. Such skin will retain elasticity and suffer less from the vagaries of the body. The skin of the expectant mother will not peel and turn red if the composition contains proteins, vitamin A, hyaluronic acid and lipids. Choose any brand - just carefully study the label.

We nourish and saturate

During all nine months it is important to nourish the skin, saturate it with minerals and amino acids. Then the skin will remain radiant and the complexion will remain fresh. For dry skin types, it is necessary to have a nourishing cream that is well absorbed. If the skin is not nourished, it will crack and a feeling of tightness will persist. Look for a cream with animal fats, a powerful vitamin complex, elastin and collagen. It is important to use the product an hour before bedtime on cleansed skin. If necessary, always remove excess with a soft cloth.

We support youth

Regenerating creams renew natural synthesis processes, maintain youth and fill all layers of the skin with nutrients. During pregnancy, this is important for maintaining the overall tone and immunity of the epithelium. Healthy skin actively resists external irritants and is less prone to pigmentation and acne. For pregnant women, creams have been created with amino acids, antioxidants, extracts of medicinal herbs (only those that do not cause allergies!), vegetable oils and collagen. They should be used before bedtime, and in the morning immediately after waking up.

Protecting yourself from the sun

The choice of sunscreen cosmetics for pregnant women is important for everyone who is pregnant in the summer. The active sun is harmful, dries out the skin, provokes the appearance of age spots and irritation. It is important to choose creams with high SPF factors, at least 30+.

Waiting for a baby is a time of surprises that the body presents to us from time to time. In addition to constant changes in mood and culinary preferences, we notice unpleasant changes in the mirror. But any mother has the power to make the period enjoyable, without sacrificing beauty for the sake of the baby. A beautiful mother means a happy one, then the baby will be born healthy and happy.

Today, hyaluronic acid injections are super popular. It is used as a filler to fill deep wrinkles, as a means of effective rejuvenation and as a way to quickly tighten and improve skin condition. But is it possible to use it while being in an “interesting position”? How compatible are hyaluronic acid and pregnancy? Since these questions concern many, we asked experienced specialists to answer them.

Properties of hyaluronic acid

The popularity of hyaluronic acid in cosmetology is due to its unique properties. Firstly, it is a completely natural drug, which is obtained by processing biomaterials. Hyaluronic acid is part of all tissues of the human body, so it is very easily perceived by it. It attracts and holds water molecules, providing soft tissues with long-lasting hydration and volume.

Preparations based on it are hypoallergenic, complications and side effects are extremely rare. Moreover, it is possible to compensate for its deficiency in the body, which forms with age, through its external use, oral administration or subcutaneous administration. Naturally, the injection technique gives the fastest and most significant results.

Effect of drugs

Many women regularly undergo procedures and take medications based on hyaluronic acid, as it provides an excellent anti-aging effect due to:

  1. smoothing out small wrinkles;
  2. significant reduction in deep;
  3. refreshing complexion;
  4. smoothing skin texture;
  5. accelerating natural regeneration;
  6. increasing lip volume;
  7. restoration of clarity of the oval of the face;
  8. slowing down destructive age-related changes;
  9. eliminating sagging and dry skin;
  10. smoothing stretch marks and small scars.

And many of them do not want to part with their favorite drugs even during pregnancy. However, experts say that their injection during this delicate period is unsafe.

Methods of application

As mentioned above, there are three ways to compensate for the lack of hyaluronic acid in the body: injection, taking tablets or capsules, using it in masks and creams. The features of each of them and its compatibility with pregnancy are worth considering in more detail.


The answer to the question whether it is possible to inject hyaluronic acid-based drugs into patients during pregnancy is clearly negative. And that's why:

  1. the risk of developing an allergic reaction increases;
  2. the sensitivity of the skin changes and injections become very painful;
  3. it is not possible to use even local anesthesia;
  4. in case of complications, it is possible to prescribe antibiotics, which are contraindicated for pregnant women;
  5. the risk of developing hyperpigmentation at puncture sites increases;
  6. Some drugs enter directly into the bloodstream and can affect the development of the fetus.

Moreover, the ban applies to all types of injection cosmetology: hyaluronic acid cannot be injected with a regular syringe, mesotherapy cannot be done with a dermaroller, and, moreover, a fractional laser cannot be used.

Tablets and capsules

Oral preparations with hyaluronic acid appeared relatively recently, but quickly became a new trend in the beauty industry. They allow you to rejuvenate not only the skin, but also the entire body from the inside, increasing the effectiveness of other cosmetic procedures. Moreover, they help to quickly cure a number of diseases and are useful for:

  1. Arthritis and arthrosis. Hyaluronic acid is able to restore damaged cartilage and joint tissue, relieve inflammation and pain, and increase mobility.
  2. Burns and wounds. Since it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Hyaluronic acid is often prescribed after laser peels.
  3. Recovery after plastic surgery. Since hyaluronic acid stimulates regeneration processes, sutures heal faster, and the risk of implant rejection is significantly reduced.
  4. Eye diseases. The largest amount of hyaluronic acid in the human body is in the vitreous body of the eyeball. Therefore, it is good for restoring vision.

In rare cases, internal administration of hyaluronic acid is allowed during pregnancy for medicinal purposes. But its dosage is strictly calculated by the doctor, and treatment is carried out under medical supervision. Pregnant women should not buy or take such pills on their own.

Masks and creams

Masks and creams with hyaluronic acid can be used during pregnancy if there is no allergy to it. At the same time, the integrity of the skin is not compromised, and without the use of injections or electrical procedures, the molecules cannot penetrate the hydrolipidic barrier and remain on the surface of the skin, well moisturizing and smoothing it.

The only negative is that many women often experience swelling around the middle of the second trimester. The use of hyaluronic acid can significantly enhance it, as it attracts water and retains it. Therefore, such means are not recommended:

  1. apply under the eyes;
  2. use at night;
  3. apply in a dry place.

Natural creams and homemade masks prepared according to folk recipes can be a worthy alternative to hyaluronic acid. Compositions based on oatmeal, lactic acid products, honey, and natural oils are harmless and very effective for smoothing the skin.

What is the danger

According to experts, subcutaneous administration and internal administration of hyaluronic acid are strictly prohibited not only in the early stages, but throughout the entire period of pregnancy. And this is how they justify it:

  1. Hormonal instability, which is typical for expectant mothers, increases the risk of a negative reaction of the body to any medications.
  2. Blood clotting in pregnant women is slightly reduced, so wounds from injections can bleed for a long time, and the likelihood of bruising and hematomas increases.
  3. A weakened immune system opens the way for infection and pathogenic microorganisms that can get into injection wounds.
  4. Due to a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, the effectiveness of preparations with hyaluronic acid can be significantly reduced.
  5. Part of the serum during injections can enter the blood or penetrate the placental barrier, and the metabolism of the fetus differs from that of the mother and can be harmful to it.

That’s why it’s worth putting the safety of yourself and your baby first. Moreover, a pregnant woman is charming in her own right. And from folk methods of rejuvenation it is easy to find a worthy and completely safe alternative.

Summing up

Despite its hypoallergenicity and importance for the body, hyaluronic acid should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy. And reviews from women confirm this - even ordinary creams with a high concentration (more than 2%) provoke severe swelling and do more harm than good.

It is especially important to plan in advance for procedures such as cheekbone or lip augmentation, when a significant amount of medication is required. If you are planning to become pregnant, you should take them at least a month before you stop using contraceptives. This will ensure that there are no complications after injections, and will not affect the development of the fetus in any way.

You can return to taking or subcutaneously administering hyaluronic acid 3-4 weeks after the complete completion of lactation. If the baby is bottle-fed, then two months after birth. Increasing the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the body earlier can also lead to negative consequences, since the hormonal levels have not had time to fully recover.

Skin changes during pregnancy. Pimples and age spots may appear on the face, and stretch marks and swelling on the body. What to do? Stick to proper nutrition, spend more time in the fresh air, and make changes to your beauty routine. We'll tell you which ones.

  1. Types of cosmetics for pregnant women
  2. Choosing cosmetics for pregnant women
  3. Cosmetics review
  4. Application of cosmetics

Types of cosmetics for pregnant women

Don't think that pregnant women need any special beauty products. Your usual set of cosmetics will just change slightly. Here's what you'll need:

  1. moisturizer with high SPF protection for the face;
  2. nourishing hand cream;
  3. body exfoliator;
  4. thick body cream;
  5. refreshing, anti-fatigue foot cream.

If pimples or pigmentation appear, as well as to prevent them, you will have to add a little more to your cosmetic arsenal.

For cleansing facial skin

There is a possibility that the usual gel for washing will no longer work. Due to hormonal changes, oily skin often approaches normal condition, and dry skin becomes even drier. When choosing a cleaning product, make sure it does not contain the following ingredients:

  1. salicylic acid (in the composition it is listed as Salicylic acid, BHA, Beta hydroxy acid or BHA);
  2. benzene;
  3. phthalates (they are usually used as fragrances);
  4. ethylene oxide, which has antimicrobial properties.

These substances are not recommended for pregnant women.

Against stretch marks (striae)

Use remedies for stretch marks from the 12th week of pregnancy, when the belly begins to grow and the skin begins to lose elasticity and stretch.

There is an opinion that you won’t get stretch marks unless you gain a lot of weight. This is not entirely true: stretch marks can appear even with low weight in response to hormonal changes. Harbingers of stretch marks are severe itching and flaking. Then purple-gray scars appear, which turn white over time.

The best choice for expectant mothers is a special milk, cream or gel for stretch marks. Just a cream with a dense texture or balm will do. It would be good if it included:

  1. shea or jojoba butter: unlike rose, mint, chamomile, oregano, nutmeg and fennel oils, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions;
  2. amino acids that accelerate cell renewal;
  3. collagen to restore damaged tissue.

For legs

The load on the legs (and veins) increases every month, and remedies for heaviness in the legs and for the prevention of varicose veins can be a real salvation.

Nourishing foot cream and creams for calluses and corns will also come in handy. The more comfortable your feet are, the more enjoyable (and longer) walks in the fresh air will be, which are very beneficial.

For the chest

Often the breasts are the first to signal pregnancy - they swell and enlarge. And since the mammary glands do not have muscles in their structure, the ligaments begin to stretch. And if measures are not taken in time, the breasts may lose their shape and sag.

During pregnancy, the set of care products may differ from what you had before. © iStock

Choosing cosmetics for pregnant women

Many experts advise expectant mothers to use cosmetics with natural ingredients. But be careful: during pregnancy, the skin becomes more sensitive and reactive, irritation, redness, and itching may appear.


It is best to buy special cosmetics for pregnant women - they are the safest and most effective. But if for some reason you can’t choose a special product (for example, you don’t like the smell or consistency), focus on the following parameters:

  1. a small list of ingredients: the fewer there are, the lower the likelihood of allergies;
  2. absence of dangerous components: for example, a frequent companion of self-tanning - dihydroxyacetone, or bergamot, which can cause irritation;
  3. short shelf life (optimally 6 months).

Cosmetics review

Lipid-restoring cleansing cream-gel for face and body of babies, children and adults Lipikar Syndet AP+, La Roche-Posay

Gently cleanses the skin, reduces dryness, strengthens the protective skin barrier thanks to shea butter and niacinamide in the composition.

Intensively moisturizing cream with ultraviolet protection Hydraphase UV Intense Riche, La Roche-Posay

Ingredients include solar filters, hyaluronic acid, and beeswax. Intensively moisturizes the skin, protects it from photoaging, and adds radiance.

Cleansing foam that adds radiance, Pureté Thermale, Vichy

Gently cleanses the skin of makeup and impurities without disrupting its natural protective properties. The formula is based on shea tree bark extract and Vichy thermal water.

Care for dry and rough skin Intensive Treatment and Moisturizer, Kiehl’s

Intensively restores the skin of the hands and feet, softening and moisturizing it due to the action of a complex of oils - avocado, shea, almond.

Nourishing and regenerating hand cream Nutrix Royal Mains, Lancôme

Nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the hands, protects from dryness. Contains shea butter, apricot, passionflower seeds, vitamin E.

Cream-gel against stretch marks Biovergetures, Biotherm

Prevents stretch marks, and makes those that exist less pronounced thanks to shea and soybean oils and vitamin E.

Serum for bust and décolleté area Super Bust Tense-In-Serum, Biotherm

The product with hyaluronic acid and Chrondrus Crispus algae extract significantly improves the shape of the breast, makes the skin more elastic and toned. Important: not recommended for use during feeding.

It is best to buy special cosmetics for pregnant women - they are the safest and most effective. © iStock

Application of cosmetics

What are the rules for using cosmetics during pregnancy?

  1. Do not layer cosmetics. Firstly, the skin does not need extra stress, and secondly, if a reaction occurs, you will not understand what exactly it is.
  2. Test each new product on a small area of ​​skin first.
  3. Minimize your set of decorative cosmetics. If possible, use foundation less often (it is better to pay attention to care products with a tinting effect), powder, and eye shadow.

Hypoallergenic mascara, lipstick or lip gloss is your maximum program.

Use the remedy for stretch marks from the 12th week until the end of pregnancy. Apply it 2 times a day after a shower, gently rubbing into the skin. Do not stop using it, even if it seems that there will be no more new stretch marks.

Facial products (moisturizing or nourishing cream, cleansing products) can be used 2 times a day - morning and evening. Apply venotonics (medicines for heaviness in the legs and for the prevention of varicose veins) 1-2 times a day. If you are predisposed to varicose veins or spider veins, start using them from the 12th week of pregnancy. If not, in the third trimester, when you feel heaviness in your legs. If comedones and inflammatory elements appear, contact a cosmetologist so that a specialist can select an effective and safe product.