Bags under the lower eyelids

Bags under the eyes can appear in people of different ages and genders. They are not always just a cosmetic defect or indicate that a person is consuming too much liquid. It is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, since facial swelling can be a manifestation of many serious diseases. If the causes of bags under the eyes are only physiological features or age-related changes in the skin, then you can use special methods and means for cosmetological elimination of the defect.


  1. How bags under the eyes form
  2. Reasons for the formation of bags
  1. Why does swelling form?
  2. Why do fatty hernias form in the eyelid area?
  3. Bags under the eyes during pregnancy
  4. Why do bags appear in children?
Diagnostics and treatment Diagnosis of diseases Cosmetological treatment Traditional methods of eliminating bags under the eyes


How bags under the eyes form

Bags are swellings that appear due to edema or as a result of the formation of a hernia under the lower eyelid.

The appearance of edema is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. There are a number of anatomical prerequisites for the formation of swelling around the eyes. The skin of the eyelids is weakly stretched, there is no fat layer in it, so it easily swells and sags, forming “bags”. The accumulation of fluid is facilitated by the presence of an extensive network of blood vessels. The skin in this area of ​​the face is thin and stretches easily. Any disturbance in the outflow of fluid leads to swelling in the eye area.

The second type is bags formed as a result of the penetration of particles of periorbital fatty tissue under the skin, separating the eyeball and the orbit. The function of this layer is to protect the eye from shocks and shocks during human movement. Fat particles can pass through the pores, form lumps and fill the subcutaneous space, resulting in the formation of a fold (hernia) under the eyes.

This defect can appear in both young and old people. Most often, it does not cause any discomfort, but it affects a person’s appearance. In addition, the skin in the area of ​​the bags darkens, which leads to the formation of bruises. If the hernia is large enough, it compresses the tear ducts. As a result, the eyes become watery.

Video: Edema formation. How to fix a defect

Reasons for the formation of bags

The occurrence of swelling and the formation of a hernia can occur both for completely natural reasons, and as a result of pathological processes occurring in the body. If bags are formed due to illness, then, as a rule, other unpleasant symptoms appear.

Why does swelling form?

“Non-dangerous” swelling does not last long, disappears on its own, and can be eliminated with simple home methods, as well as with the help of cosmetic procedures. Pathological edema is associated with various diseases requiring medical or surgical treatment.

Non-hazardous reasons

These include irritation of the organs of vision and temporary disruption of the water balance in the body. They can appear only in the morning or are observed at any time of the day.

Morning swelling under the eyes. The reasons for their appearance are:

  1. Drinking too much liquid during the day and especially before bed. In this case, the kidneys cannot cope with its removal from the body, and it lingers in the tissues. First of all, swelling of the skin becomes noticeable in the eyelid area.
  2. Fluid retention in tissues due to drinking large amounts of alcohol.
  3. Addiction to salty and spicy foods. With its constant consumption in large quantities, the water-salt balance in the body is disrupted. Sodium is able to retain water in tissues, causing them to swell.

Warning: Edema forms if a person, on the contrary, drinks very little liquid. In this case, the balance is also disturbed; the body reflexively begins to store it in the tissues. Therefore, it is necessary to consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day (including liquid meals, water, tea, coffee and other drinks).


The cause of bags under the eyes may be the habit of sleeping without a pillow. The outflow of venous blood and lymphatic fluid from the head is disrupted, which leads to the formation of edema.

Watery eyes and eye irritation. During the day, bags appear after crying, as well as due to lack of sleep or eye fatigue when doing work that requires eye strain. Watery eyes can be caused by eye irritation from caustic substances (for example, onion juice or household chemicals), smoke, or foreign bodies.

Violation of the outflow of fluid and the formation of edema occurs due to rubbing cosmetics containing large amounts of water into the skin. It is especially important to cleanse the skin around the eyes of cosmetics before going to bed.

Physiological processes in the body. Bags under the lower eyelid can be a genetic feature of appearance. Moreover, they occur in a healthy person and have no connection with diseases.

Swelling can appear as a result of age-related changes in the condition of the skin. However, they will exist for life; other symptoms are often absent.

Physiological fluid retention in the body occurs in women in the last days of menstruation. The reason for this is an increase in estrogen levels, which contribute to the accumulation of sodium, which retains fluid.

Due to hormonal changes in the body, slight swelling under the eyes may appear during pregnancy. If there are no deviations in your health, then there is no need to worry about this.


As we age, the skin ages and loses elasticity due to decreased collagen production in the body. Therefore, folds under the lower eyelid and swelling of the face appear in older people.

Pathological causes of edema

These include diseases of various organs, as well as eye injuries. As a rule, the occurrence of a particular disease can be judged by the presence of other characteristic symptoms. Swelling in the area of ​​the visual organs appears in the presence of the following pathologies:

  1. Inflammatory kidney diseases. It is characteristic that in this case the bags appear immediately a few hours after the onset of the inflammatory process. There is an increase in body temperature and blood pressure. Pain in the lower back appears, the nature of urination changes. With glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney vessels), blood appears in the urine. Pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis) is manifested by cloudy urine and pain in the groin area. Possible weight gain due to fluid retention in body tissues.
  2. Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). In addition to the fact that within a few days of illness, swelling forms under the eyes, purulent discharge from the nose and impaired nasal breathing appear. The temperature rises.
  3. The body's reaction to exposure to allergens. In this case, swelling can appear quickly. The person’s condition worsens: the eyes become red and watery, nasal discharge appears, frequent sneezing, itchy skin, and shortness of breath occur. At the same time, the body temperature does not increase.
  4. Thyroid diseases. When a goiter or tumor forms, the blood vessels are compressed. Impaired blood flow from the face leads to bags in the eyelid area. You can guess the disease by a thickening of the neck, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and other symptoms. Hypothyroidism is characterized not only by the formation of bags under the eyes, but also by the appearance of general weakness, depression, and obesity. Women experience menstrual disorders.
  5. Diseases that lead to disruption of blood flow from the head. The superior vena cava is compressed, resulting in swelling on the face, increasing its size. Specific symptoms such as nosebleeds, headaches, cough, and wheezing in the throat appear. As a rule, the cause is malignant diseases of the lungs, mammary glands, liver, and ovary.
  6. Heart failure. In this case, bags occur simultaneously with the worsening of other symptoms of the disease (shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, physical weakness). In this case, swelling intensifies in the evening, and by morning it decreases.
  7. Eye diseases. These include conjunctivitis, blepharitis, tumors and others. In this case, swelling occurs under the affected eye.
  8. Head injuries, especially to the face and eyes.
  9. Intervertebral hernia. If it is located in the neck area, then swelling often occurs on one side of the face. Associated symptoms are headaches, poor coordination of movements, and pain in the spine.
  10. Liver diseases. In addition to bags under the eyelids, swelling of the hands, pain in the hypochondrium, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, and yellowing of the skin and eyes occur.

When pathological conditions are identified, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Video: Formation of swelling under the eyes. Diagnosis and treatment

Why do fatty hernias form in the eyelid area?

The cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes (in the form of hernias) may be a hereditary predisposition to insufficient production of skin proteins that make it elastic. Fat folds also appear due to the structural features of the orbit.

The formation of fat folds can occur due to overwork and lack of sleep, as well as exposure to UV radiation (prolonged exposure to the sun or frequent visits to the solarium). Often a hernia appears after an eye disease. In women, the cause of such a defect on the face may be a hormonal imbalance.

The formation of thickenings in the eyelid area is promoted by smoking and frequent alcohol consumption.

Note: How can you find out that there is a hernia under the eye? If you lightly press on the eyeball, the thickening increases in size.

Bags under the eyes during pregnancy

During this period, women's kidneys work with increased load. If they do not have time to remove fluid, then physiological swelling appears under the lower eyelid, and skin moisture increases. There may be accumulation of fluid in adipose tissue, the amount of which increases during this period. This is what explains the increase in body weight in the first months of pregnancy, when the weight of the fetus is still very small.

However, the increased load on the kidneys and other organs also leads to the appearance of pathological edema in pregnant women. Based on some signs, you can understand whether the formation of bags is a natural process or indicates the emergence of some kind of health threat.


For example, the pathology is too rapid an increase in body weight and the simultaneous appearance of bags in the lower eyelid area. Normally, a woman’s weight should increase by 10-12 kg throughout pregnancy.

The formation of edema in late pregnancy is not as dangerous as in the first months. The appearance of bags under the lower eyelid may indicate acute kidney disease (for example, kidney inflammation or stone formation). Edema often becomes a symptom of exacerbation of chronic kidney or heart diseases.

Why do bags appear in children?

The causes of bags under the eyes in children are not always dangerous. There is nothing special, for example, in the fact that swelling appeared in a child after he cried.

It is harmful for children, as well as adults, to consume a lot of salt and get carried away with spices. If you give your child salty foods or smoked foods, he will drink a lot and then wake up in the morning with swelling. You should not give your baby watermelon, or a lot of tea or milk before bedtime.

“Harmless” swelling disappears on its own, you just need to establish a drinking regime and change your diet accordingly.

The pathological causes of swelling and circles under the eyes in children are:

  1. congenital disorder of the development of the genitourinary organs, in which urine is thrown back from the bladder into the kidneys;
  2. the presence of kidney stones;
  3. acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  4. Congenital heart defect;
  5. hypothyroidism is a malfunction of the thyroid gland (as a rule, a child with this disease experiences excess body weight, swelling of the face and neck, and developmental delays);
  6. allergies to certain types of foods, pollen, animal hair;
  7. increased intracranial pressure. In infants, a sign of this condition is a bulging fontanel. An example of a disease associated with increased intracranial pressure is hydrocephalus (fluid accumulation in the skull).


If the eyes suddenly swell, watery eyes appear, and a runny nose begins, this may be a manifestation of “Quincke’s edema,” an extremely dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention. Parents usually know the cause of pathological edema in children, since there are pronounced symptoms of such diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment

If the bags do not disappear on their own, it is advisable to visit a doctor, since their appearance may be an early sign of serious diseases that occur secretly.

Diagnosis of diseases

Diagnosis uses methods such as general and biochemical blood and urine tests, X-rays, ultrasound, CT and MRI of various organs. To study the state of the cardiovascular system, an electrocardiogram is taken.

Based on the results of the examination, therapy is carried out to eliminate the cause of edema. If the defect remains even after eliminating the disease, you can try using folk remedies or consult a cosmetologist. It is recommended to adhere to a diet (reduce the content of foods that increase thirst in the diet), as well as stop smoking, limit the consumption of coffee and alcohol.

Cosmetological treatment

This treatment is not a way to eliminate the causes of swelling and hernias on the face. However, it helps prevent further development of the defect and improve a person’s mental state (women often seek such help). Cosmetologists have developed various techniques to help correct facial defects and make them attractive.

Electrical stimulation – increasing skin elasticity, improving blood circulation (and therefore nutrition) by exposing it to low frequency current.

Lymphatic drainage. This is the name of massage, which helps to enhance the outflow of lymph. It is carried out either manually or using a special apparatus.

IR irradiation area of ​​the face around the eyes. It is carried out to eliminate skin inflammation.

Creams and masks based on hyaluronic acid with the addition of plant extracts of parsley and sage (Evelyn, Laura), as well as vitamin masks with mineral salts help improve the outflow of fluid from the skin to the eyelid area. In addition, patches containing extracts of aloe, ginseng, and red algae are used.


Mesotherapy is a procedure in which a subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid is given. Mesotherapy is carried out to moisturize the skin and improve the processes of collagen and elastin production in it. Not only bags under the eyes are eliminated, but also age-related wrinkles.

Skin peeling in this area, treatment with paraffin or special substances allows you to cleanse the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Blepharoplasty – a surgical method for removing fat bags under the eyes. This treatment is performed by trimming the skin in the area of ​​its natural folds. After removing the bags, cosmetic seams are practically invisible. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about half an hour.

Traditional methods for eliminating bags under the eyes

There are many folk recipes for preparing face masks that help effectively fight swelling.

It is recommended, for example, to use infusions of string, chamomile, and mint as lotions for the skin around the eyes. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and contain vitamins. Bags under the eyes disappear faster if you use masks made from ingredients such as boiled potatoes or grated cucumber with milk. You can prepare a mask from finely chopped parsley and sour cream.

Video: Eliminating edema at home

The condition of the lower eyelids greatly affects a person’s appearance, revealing age (sometimes adding several years) and giving the face a painful, and more often than not, unkempt appearance. Bags and circles under the eyes are not easy to hide, because cosmetics do not always cope with this task, and a person has no choice but to hide behind glasses with dark lenses. Externally bags under the eyes they look the same in different people and represent a swelling that hangs to a greater or lesser extent over the lower edge of the orbit. In fact, there are two types of bags: some arise due to the accumulation of fluid (edema), and others appear due to the proliferation of subcutaneous fatty tissue, and each of them has its own mechanism of appearance and developmental features. Speaking about the problem, one more type of formation cannot be ignored - bags under the eyes, although they have nothing to do with the area under the eyes and arise as a result of deformation of the tissues lying on the border of the cheekbone and the lower part of the eye socket. Learn more about bags under the eyes.


Bags under the eyes: video

Watery bags under the eyes

Puffy bags under the eyes can act as independent formations or complement fatty hernias. Fat has a loose structure and by nature itself is assigned the role of a water accumulator in the body. When fluid is retained (a tendency to edema due to kidney problems, for example), part of it enters the fatty tissue located under the eyelids, thereby increasing its volume and causing it to “fall out” beyond the boundaries outlined by the orbital bone. If the swelling complements the existing fatty hernia, then a bag of impressive size is formed! Usually formations, the appearance of which is caused by fluid retention, appear after sleep and quickly disappear. You can speed up the process by using compresses from infusions of tea, chamomile, parsley, or by performing a light massage of the lower eyelid with your fingertips in order to activate microcirculation of blood and lymph, which will allow you to slightly “dry” or drain the tissue. On the one hand, it is not difficult to get rid of swelling caused by edema, but, unfortunately, swelling bags are often not just a cosmetic defect: their regular appearance is a reason to examine internal organs, especially the kidneys, bladder and liver.


Fat bags (hernias) under the eyes

Fat bags under the eyes and in the upper eyelid area are formed due to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin of the periorbital zone, which, in turn, is provoked by constant facial stress. In addition, the skin of the eyelids stretches and sags, being pulled down by gravity (ptosis), as a result, free spaces are formed under the skin, where subcutaneous fatty tissue located in the periorbital zone immediately rushes.


Theoretically, it should be held in place by a membrane that separates fatty tissue from the skin, but it loses this ability with age due to loss of elasticity. By the way, only at the end of the 20th century cosmetologists abandoned the operation of suturing the membrane, when they realized that not only its weakening affects the formation of hernias in the area around the eyes.


Paint bags under the eyes.

Unlike fatty and “water” formations this type of formation under the eyes is purely a cosmetic defectm and has no connection with pathologies of internal organs. Actually, it is incorrect to call these formations, called by experts zygomatic hernias or sufs, bags under the eyes, because they are formed due to an excess or lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the cheekbones and at the border of the zygomatic and orbital areas. Find out more about paint bags (causes of appearance, symptoms and methods of getting rid of the defect).


All of the listed types of bags under the eyes are combined:

  1. hereditary predisposition to the formation of hernias and edema;
  2. structural features of the bones that form the orbit;
  3. difficulty in getting rid of the defect.

Although today there are quite effective cosmetic methods for tightening the skin of the lower eyelids, Only surgical correction methods can provide a prolonged effect, especially when it comes to fatty hernias and bags under the eyes. Learn more about treating bags under the eyes.


As a person ages, puffiness and bags under the eyes develop. This is due to the fact that The facial muscles that support the eyelids lose their strength with age.


A cosmetic defect may manifest itself as:

  1. Mild swelling.
  2. Saggy or loose skin.
  3. Dark circles under the eyes.

The fat pad that surrounds the eyes moves towards the lower eyelids. Besides, fluid accumulates in the space under the eyes. This leads to additional tissue swelling.



Bags under the eyes appear due to several reasons:

  1. As a person ages, the muscles that support the eyelids gradually weaken.
  2. The skin sags, and the fat pad located in the orbit can move to the area under the eyes.
  3. Fluid accumulates in the space under the eyes. This condition leads to swelling in this area becoming more pronounced.

Factors leading to bags under the eyes:

  1. fluid retention, especially after eating salty foods or waking up;
  2. lack of sleep;
  3. allergic reaction;
  4. bad habits – smoking, alcohol abuse;
  5. genetic predisposition.

Bags under the eyes are rarely a sign of a serious illness.

Most often they become an aesthetic flaw. Home methods, for example, cool compresses can slow down the development of the phenomenon. If the bags under the eyes are very pronounced, then surgical methods can be a solution to the problem.

In what cases should you consult a doctor? Of course, bags under the eyes do not add beauty to the face, however they are usually harmless and do not require medical intervention. But if the patient notices that the swelling is persistent, painful or causes severe discomfort in the form of itching and redness, you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

The doctor will rule out serious diseases that could lead to illness. Most often this thyroid disorder, infectious pathology or allergic reaction. If consultation with specialized specialists (ophthalmologist, plastic surgeon, allergist and others) is required, he will refer the patient to them.



Most often, eliminating bags under the eyes does not require specific therapy and cosmetology deals with this.

At home you can reduce their severity or even eliminate eye puffiness. To do this, you will have to carry out special procedures and change your lifestyle.

If the patient is very concerned about his appearance and the bags under his eyes do not suit him, Medicinal and surgical treatment methods are used. However, they are not vital and are carried out solely to improve appearance.


If the illness is caused by an allergic reaction, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe antihistamines or glucocorticoids.


There are various ways you can reduce the appearance of puffiness under your eyes. These methods include:

  1. laser resurfacing;
  2. chemical peels;
  3. injection of fillers that can improve skin tone, tighten skin, and rejuvenate the appearance of under-eye bags.

Eyelid surgery

Depending on the cause of the disease, it may be used eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty. With such an intervention, the surgeon removes excess fatty tissue through an incision in the natural crease of the upper or lower eyelid. The doctor then places tiny dissolving sutures. The procedure does not require a hospital setting and is performed on an outpatient basis.

In addition to removing eye bags under the eyes, blepharoplasty corrects:

  1. baggy or puffy upper eyelids;
  2. drooping eyelid that interferes with vision;
  3. drooping lower eyelids that cause ectropion. When the disease occurs, the iris, the colored lining of the eye, becomes visible.
  4. excess skin on the lower eyelids.

Discuss the side effects of blepharoplasty with your doctor in advance. Negative consequences of the intervention include:

  1. dry eye syndrome;
  2. increased lacrimation;
  3. Pain in the eyes;
  4. blurred vision;
  5. dark circles under the eyes.

In rare cases, serious complications may occur:

  1. loss of vision;
  2. bleeding;
  3. development of infection;
  4. damage to the eye muscles;
  5. drooping eyelid;
  6. corneal xerosis.


Lifestyle and Home Remedies

To reduce or even get rid of bags under the eyes, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  1. Apply cool compresses regularly. To do this, moisten the cotton wool with cold water. Take a sitting position. Then apply compresses to the skin under and around the eyes for 3-4 minutes. Use gentle pressure during the procedure.
  2. Avoid drinking liquids before bed and reduce salt intake. This measure will help reduce water retention in the body and the severity of edema.
  3. To refuse from bad habits. Addictions (smoking, alcohol abuse) aggravate the problem of bags under the eyes.
  4. Properly organize your wakefulness and sleep patterns. Preferably sleep at least 8 hours a day. This time is enough for a full night's rest.
  5. Sleep with your head elevated. This position helps prevent fluid from accumulating in the eye area. Dark circles will not form, making your appearance better. To raise the head of the bed, you should add an extra pillow.
  6. Reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. For this it is worth completely eliminate contact with the allergen (if this is possible). You can try taking antihistamines. If a patient is allergic to household chemicals or cosmetics, it is advisable to discuss with a doctor how to protect yourself from its manifestations.
  7. Use cosmetics. The right makeup can help disguise bags under the eyes.

Preparing for the examination

Before going to the doctor, it is advisable to prepare questions in order to make the most of your time at the appointment:

  1. For what reason did the disease appear?
  2. Is the condition temporary or chronic?
  3. Is there a treatment for the disease and what therapeutic approach is recommended?
  4. What is the cost of the procedures?
  5. What results should you expect?
  6. Is it possible to carry out any procedures at home?
  7. Could there be complications? What consequences should the patient expect?

Don't be shy to ask additional questions. It is better to discuss all the details with your doctor in order to better understand the situation.

What to expect from your doctor? The doctor will most likely ask a number of questions:

  1. When did the patient first notice puffiness under his eyes?
  2. Were the symptoms continuous or sporadic?
  3. Are there any ways that improve the symptoms of the disease?
  4. Are there any causes that could make the symptoms worse?

Additionally, watch a short video about the causes of bags under the eyes and methods of treatment: