Impaired lymphatic drainage on the face

Factors that provoke the accumulation and stagnation of fluid in the soft tissues of the face are called puffiness provocateurs. These are anatomical areas and structures that aggravate the problems in terms of their “flooding” with intercellular fluids.

In the absence of puffiness provocateurs, age-related changes on the face rarely lead to large sagging, bags under the eyes, hernias and swollen eyelids. However, if the skin constantly stretches under the continuous pressure of excess moisture, then the problem of facial deformation will remain, no matter what exercises you perform.

Let us dwell on the main types of swelling that occur in relatively healthy people and divide them into two large groups: global problems of “flooding” and problems of “flooding”.

Types of edema

Global problems
Cerebral venostasis Orbital venostasis
Bone damage, trauma
(birth, lifetime),
vascular dysfunctions
Musculoskeletal blocks,
poor functioning of the lymph nodes,
inflammatory processes

Global problems of "flooding"

Venostasis (venous stagnation) is a symptom indicating a violation of the normal outflow of blood from the brain (or its excessive production). It can be both a manifestation of serious diseases and an indicator of minimal dysfunctions affecting facial aesthetics. As a rule, doctors deal with the problems of venous stagnation only in connection with serious diseases (dropsy, traumatic brain injury, cerebral vein thrombosis, heart and pulmonary failure, etc.), without separately dealing with appearance defects (puffiness, pastiness) that accompany these serious pathologies .

When magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) became widely used in medicine, it turned out that venostasis (superficial (moderate) replacement hydrocephalus) was present in almost half of the population. And this is natural, since such a symptom can be caused by both serious diseases and associated with minimal cranial dysfunctions, and almost everyone has them. The latter, although they do not interfere with a person’s ability to work, often significantly worsen his appearance with such manifestations as puffiness of the face, thick porous skin, swelling of the eyes, eye hernias, and thickened brow ridges.

Venous congestion often manifests itself as swelling of the scalp in the parietal and frontal areas. It can be detected tactilely by palpating the head. In this case, there will be excess edematous tissue on the bony part of the skull, often their boundaries are clearly defined, which can be imagined as a yarmulke cap.

The presence of this symptom means that the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the skull is impaired.

From the anatomy course it is known that the brain floats in the cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid), due to which its weight is reduced from 1400 to 100 grams. This protects it from contact with the skull during vigorous head movements. Since this liquid is in constant movement and renewal, its waste part must drain into the general lymphatic system. However, in cases of birth or lifetime injuries, the outflow tract is blocked, since the damage displaces the position of all structures of the skull.

So very often the skull, closing during the passage of the birth canal, then opens incorrectly, which can lead not only to a change in the shape of the skull intended by Nature, but also to a disruption of the outflow of fluids - venous stagnation. Venostasis can also be triggered by birth trauma when the baby's neck is entangled with the umbilical cord or intravital injuries. However, birth trauma is not necessarily a terrible diagnosis that threatens the life and health of the child. Minimal injuries during childbirth (according to statistics) are very common. These days it has become an everyday occurrence and is present in more than 98% of births.

Therefore, you should not think that the problems of venostasis definitely do not concern you - with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that the presence of swelling or pastiness of the face is caused by this particular symptom.

In the presence of venous stagnation, cerebrospinal fluid begins to accumulate in the cranial cavity, increasing in volume. Leaking “floor by floor” from the roof of the skull, it begins to flow first into the frontal part, and then into the tissues of the eyes, leading to swelling and the growth of eye hernias.

On the facial part of the skull, venostasis problems can lead to the formation of convex brow ridges in the form of a “toe” above the eyebrows. It is clear that not only biomechanical deformations are to blame - the behavior of the frontal muscle and frontal bone. Venous congestion can play an active role in the formation of such edema.

An indicator of venostasis can also be the general pastiness (looseness, swelling) of the forehead, its strange immobility. A mirror-clean forehead with a complete absence of facial wrinkles, which is a source of pride for its owner, is not always an indicator of health. If the tissues of the forehead are thick and pasty, and the skin is oily and porous, then this suggests suspicion of fluid stagnation. Wrinkles cannot form because there is a liquid layer between the skin and muscles that prevents them from wrinkling.

Venostasis often reveals itself not only as thick brow ridges in the form of a “toe”, which is usually characteristic of men, but can also form in the upper part of the forehead (female version).

In the second case, the hairline follows the shape of the “toe”. This outlined swelling can be seen in hard light. If there were no venostasis, then facial wrinkles would repeat the shape of the “toe”, diverging in an arcuate manner from the center to the periphery. With venostasis, the forehead is smooth and motionless, there are no facial wrinkles.

For many, it will be surprising that the pathological protrusion of the eyes, explained by genetic inheritance, is actually caused by venostasis (though not in the brain, but in the orbital region). You can verify this by lightly pressing on the eyeball. A feeling of tension and soreness will be evidence that the eye is under pressure from excess water. And this is natural, since venostasis in the eye area is always accompanied by increased intraocular pressure, which subsequently provokes glaucoma. If the cause of venous stagnation is a birth injury, then serious vision problems begin in childhood.

Problems of "flooding"

Lymphostasis is a phenomenon associated with impaired outflow of lymph and its stagnation in facial tissues. Similar problems of “flooding” arise when there is an influx of excess fluid on one side and its outflow is difficult on the other. The consequences of lymphostasis can develop in two scenarios: either the fluid spreads evenly over the entire face, or accumulates in certain places, forming bags under the eyes, hernias, nasolabial folds, double chin, etc.

Surely, every woman who has visited a cosmetologist has heard that the swelling of her eyes and face is associated with stagnation of lymph. This familiar cliché “lymph stagnation” sounds like a death sentence for many, because apart from the lymphatic drainage procedure, which is very short-lived, there is no other help in the arsenal of cosmetologists. And this is understandable - without understanding the essence of the problem, there can be no real help.

Before you begin to master practical methods for eliminating fluid stagnation, you need to understand the essence of this phenomenon and systematize your knowledge. As you know, blood and lymph flow through their vessels: arterial blood through arteries (then through capillaries), venous blood through veins, lymph through lymphatic collectors. Each of these transport pathways maintains its own specific cellular composition. When moving, some of these fluids seep through the permeable walls of small vessels and mix with each other, resulting in the formation of tissue fluid. A certain amount of this “leaked” interstitial fluid is intended, according to Nature’s plan, to be received by the lymphatic vessels. And then the problems of “flooding” do not arise.

What happens in the case of venostasis, when there is more venous blood? The venous outflow system cannot cope, and the blood spreads through the tissues in the form of tissue fluid. After all, according to Nature’s plan, the lymphatic vessels of each person are designed for a certain amount of “processing” of water - the physiological norm. If much more liquid arrives, then the drainage system does not have time to “bleed off” this liquid.

So, with problems of “flooding”, the vessels are not able to accept and process such an excess volume of water. As a result, fluid accumulates above the lymph nodes, concentrates there and clogs them with its intoxicating suspensions - the lymph nodes begin to work worse. This phenomenon of deterioration in the functioning of the lymph nodes due to increased load can be characterized by the medical term premature “exhaustion of the system.”

Subsequently, the liquid spreads evenly throughout the tissues and/or stagnates in the places chosen by it. This phenomenon - stagnation of excess fluid in tissues - is called lymphostasis.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the lymph nodes additionally suffer due to chronic inflammatory processes (sinuses, forehead, teeth and upper jaw). The causes of swollen eyes, a shapeless “potato” nose, and a pasty smooth forehead without wrinkles are most often diseases such as sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis, precisely due to cold frontal and maxillary sinuses, and not at all genetics. Even common colds, runny noses and sore throats, being chronic, also gradually worsen the functioning of the lymph nodes of our face.

Nature is a brilliant designer. In the lymphatic system of the face, she provided for the direction of lymph flow from top to bottom (as opposed to the lymph system of the body, which goes from bottom to top). In this case, the forces of gravity guard the beauty of the face, helping the outflow of lymph downwards. And even with these “safety nets,” the body has serious problems with fluid stagnation.

It is not surprising that the causes of lymphedema cause confusion among aesthetic specialists. Indeed, in the traditional understanding, “lymph stagnation” is a picture of its static stagnation, which occurred due to unclear circumstances that contradict common sense. Without having information about the laws of interaction of fluid systems, it is really unclear why the lymph, flowing from top to bottom through its vessels, despite the help of the law of gravity, still “manages” to stop.

Understanding these laws, one can understand the origins of many aesthetic defects. For example, such a pressing problem as the “T-zone” of the face (“mixed” skin) can be explained very simply. This defect is formed over places of internal liquid stagnation.

You must understand that there is no separate bone or separate muscle deformation - everything is interconnected, since all muscles are attached to the bones, and all these structures are interconnected by fascia.

Unevenness in the relief of facial tissues forces women to inject fillers and other variants of hyaluronic acid into the “lowlands” of the hilly terrain of the face in order to smooth out the surface relief of the tissues. For any reclamation engineer, such methods of leveling wetlands using additional irrigation will raise doubts about the mental health of the inventor of this technique. However, this “wet” approach is gaining momentum for the simple reason that it is fueled by mass ignorance. At the same time, women are not embarrassed that after such repeated procedures their faces are loaded with ballast substances and become more puffy, porous, and pasty than before.

From the point of view of any reasonable person, a more logical approach to the problem of uneven stagnation of fluids on the face would be to remove the “hills” rather than fill the ravines to the level of the hills. The “Revitonika” method offers a physiological approach that allows you to unload the lymph nodes, remove musculoskeletal blocks, and clear out the garbage dump of mucus and toxins that has accumulated over the years of life. It is not surprising that this approach allows you to start the process of regeneration and rejuvenation in the shortest possible time.

One of the reasons for the aging of the body is contamination of the tissues surrounding the cells. The basis of numerous programs for rejuvenation and treatment of any disease is detoxification of the body. The natural way to remove toxins from the body is through lymphatic fluid.

Causes of lymphostasis

In our body, about 1 billion cells die naturally every day, and their breakdown products begin to accumulate in the tissues.

At the same time, viruses and bacteria are destroyed by the immune system, and their breakdown products also accumulate in tissues.

Toxins and free radicals coming from the external environment (with food, air and water) and formed in the body due to other reasons (stress, bad habits, poor diet, etc.) also accumulate in the extravascular space.

The extracellular space, due to its structure, is an ideal place for the accumulation of this toxic material.

It is believed that 60% of plasma and 45% of plasma proteins penetrate daily from the circulatory system into tissues, taking with them metabolites, toxins, excess fluid and proteins further into the lymphatic system.

Our lymphatic system is a system for removing poisons from the body, especially bacterial and fungal-parasitic protozoan poisons.

Photo from the site

When the transport function of the lymphatic system malfunctions, a large amount of fluid and cell metabolism products begin to accumulate in the tissues: protein, mucopolysaccharides, etc., which leads to sclerosis and fibrosis of tissues and blood vessels.

Due to intoxicating chronic processes (fungal, viral, staphylococcal infections), the lymph nodes themselves are often damaged, which cannot cope with them, become clogged, lose activity, and spasm.

When the body cannot pass purulent lymph through a non-working lymph node, it throws it to the surface - onto the skin. And as a result, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, diathesis and many other skin diseases are formed, which are so diligently treated with medications...

Infectious diseases are caused by various pathogenic microorganisms: bacteria, fungi, and so on, which cannot be killed. They live in places of poor blood circulation, which are formed due to blocks of muscles and blood vessels. The latter can also spasm due to the release of waste products of the parasites themselves, including fungi and others.

They can only be removed with the help of the lymphatic system, which, in turn, can only work in the absence of blocks. The lymphatic system performs its cleansing task well only when its lymph nodes are working. Lymph nodes, again, may not work well due to hypothermia and infectious diseases, or due to muscle spasms that impair their contractility, which leads to a weakening of their filtering properties - the nodes become fibrotic, depleted from the number of pathogenic organisms.

Due to poor blood circulation, lack of physical activity, poor lymph flow and inoperability of the lymph nodes, lymphatic fluid stagnates in the body and face. The result of which can be seen in the mirror and in people with a swollen face and body, and slight pastiness.

Consequences of poor functioning of the lymphatic system for appearance

Also, the result of disruption of the “facial” lymphatic system can be a deterioration in complexion, allergic manifestations, dermatitis, acne, seborrhea, enlarged pores, papillomas, age spots, warts and other formations.

Due to chronic colds, lymph nodes become sclerotized and transverse adhesions are formed, and adhesions on the inside are always wrinkles on the outside. But the matter is not limited to wrinkles alone. Lymph nodes suffering due to chronic inflammatory processes (sinuses, forehead, teeth and upper jaw) can cause general swelling of the face, puffy eyes, a shapeless “potato” nose, a pasty smooth forehead without wrinkles.

This is often due to diseases such as sinusitis, ethmoiditis, and sinusitis. And this happens precisely due to colds in the frontal and maxillary sinuses, and not at all due to genetics.

The reason for the problem that arises in appearance is different for everyone and requires an individual approach. Success is determined by the correct assessment and choice of further actions.

Lymphatic drainage as a method of combating edema

Without establishing unimpeded lymph flow and removing the blocks that impede it, it is not possible to improve the health of the lymph nodes. It is necessary to use a systematic approach, within which it is necessary to establish general lymphatic drainage, blood circulation, and the flow of tissue fluids, relaxing muscles and tissues and removing musculoskeletal deformities and spasms and restoring the lymph nodes.

To do this, we can help with physical activity, exercises, stretching, jumping, relaxing tight muscles, eliminating blocks, massage along the flow of the lymphatic system, vacuum massage, and drinking plenty of fluids. All this will help to establish normal blood circulation and revitalize the lymphatic system, relieve swelling, and restore the youth of the face and body.

How to quickly remove swelling: lymphatic drainage techniques for swelling

First of all, you should remember that the liquid that creates swelling of the body is waste; as mentioned above, it contains a lot of toxins and wastes. This lymph must be replaced with clean lymph. That's why it is so important to drink at least one and a half or two liters of clean water per day.

Lymph and blood help pump and move muscles. Their load is the next prerequisite for eliminating edema.

  1. To start lymphatic drainage in the morning, you should perform 100 small jumps on your toes every morning, hitting your heels on the floor. Bouncing should be as small and frequent as possible, without loading the spine.

This technique starts the work of the lymphatic system and helps relieve swelling from the entire body.
If you suddenly feel discomfort while doing it, stop. Don’t perform 100 jumps at once, build up every day at the rhythm that is comfortable for you.

  1. The next technique is squats. It helps to start pumping fluid from the legs throughout the body from bottom to top along the lymph flow;

It is this technique for relieving edema, together with sufficient water consumption, that Professor Neumyvakin recommends:

  1. Edema in the legs begins in the feet, where salts and toxins are deposited, causing pain, fatigue and fluid retention. The best way to get salts to move is through an acid-base reaction. It can be easily done on the feet with the help of night lotions made from soda slaked in boiling water. Feet should be placed in socks lined with such a solution, and then in plastic bags so that the soda solution does not dry out overnight. In this way, swelling on the feet is eliminated overnight;
  2. Stretching the back surface of the legs, namely the calf muscle, by raising the feet on the wall forces the stagnant lymph to move upward;
  3. Diaphragmatic breathing is ideal for eliminating fluid stagnation and its absolute absence. For those who breathe differently, it is recommended to specifically breathe with the stomach for 10 minutes a day in the morning and evening;

The last three options are well covered by Dr. Bozhiev in his lecture:

  1. A large collection of lymph nodes is located in the armpits. Any exercises aimed at stretching the shoulders and thoracic region, as well as massage of the limbs from the bottom up, massage of the neck, hair growth areas on the head (including pulling the hair away from you) trigger the processes of lymphatic drainage and together help eliminate swelling;

We recommend watching a video with exercises for lymphatic drainage from osteopath Vladimir Zhivotov. The techniques he gives, when performed regularly, quickly relieve swelling from the face and body.

The next version of lymphatic drainage techniques for swelling is the advice of an osteopath, teacher at the School of Osteopractic, Alexander Smirnov. His video shows techniques for removing facial puffiness, reducing wrinkles, and skin rejuvenation.

The doctor provides techniques for preventing blood stagnation in the internal organs, for improving venous outflow and eliminating varicose veins of the pelvis, including osteopathic techniques of “squeezing” the Keebler fold, “surge,” and “pumping the liver.” By performing these exercises, it is possible, in addition to eliminating swelling in the body, to correct and improve varicose veins in the legs.

How to cleanse lymph at home

When using any health program, you need to clearly understand how it will work in the body in its functioning system. In the next video, the author describes in detail the algorithm of the wellness procedure, talking about cleansing the lymph with licorice using a sauna and bath, talks about cleansing the lymphatic system with enterosgel and other secrets of getting rid of edema and healing the body.

The article uses materials from the book by N.B. Osminina “Resurrection of a face or an ordinary miracle”

Any woman wants to look young and beautiful. And if at the age of 20 you don’t have to make an effort to do this, then after 35 you can’t do without special facial skin care. Many reasons lead to disruption of the lymphatic system, and very often this is why dissatisfaction with one’s appearance appears. Unfortunately, sooner or later every representative of the fair sex encounters age-related skin changes. But sooner or later is up to you to decide. Armed with some knowledge and perseverance, it is possible to temporarily delay the appearance of signs of skin aging by improving lymph flow through lymphatic drainage massage. And it's not that difficult to do.

What is facial lymphatic drainage

Due to many reasons, such as poor lifestyle, violation of daily routine and nutrition, exposure to external environmental factors, puffiness, swelling, bags under the eyes, etc. may appear on the face. These defects may be a consequence of an imbalance in the water-salt balance in the body, from - due to which there is an accumulation of toxins and excess liquid. And the lymphatic system is responsible for their removal. When lymphatic drainage is impaired, the skin loses its elasticity and freshness, which immediately begins to affect the appearance, primarily the face.

The lymphatic drainage massage procedure helps normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system. As a result, puffiness and swelling are reduced, clear contours of the oval of the face are formed, and skin color improves. Healthy lymphatic drainage ensures the release of toxins, improved blood flow, and stimulation of collagen production, which leads to facial skin rejuvenation.

Indications for massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is recommended by cosmetologists not only when signs of lymph stagnation appear, but also for preventive purposes. As you cross the 30-year mark, you can periodically pamper yourself with this procedure in order to delay disruptions to the lymphatic system associated with age-related changes. But if symptoms of such disorders have already appeared, massage is recommended for therapeutic purposes.

So, to properly determine whether you need this type of treatment, carefully evaluate your face for the following features:

  1. swelling;
  2. excessive dry skin, acne;
  3. uneven complexion, redness;
  4. the appearance of deep nasolabial folds (jowls);
  5. drooping upper eyelids (ptosis);
  6. double chin;
  7. formation of facial wrinkles, especially those inappropriate for age;
  8. dull skin with signs of fatigue;
  9. blurred contour of the face.


It is also recommended to carry out a course of lymphatic drainage massage in the off-season when there is a threat of vitamin deficiency, to restore skin elasticity after operations. Several sessions will be useful if you are planning to lose weight to avoid sagging skin due to sudden weight loss.

Contraindications to the procedure

Since lymphatic drainage massage is considered a therapeutic procedure that affects the functioning of vital organs, you should carefully study the existing contraindications to its implementation.

Reasons why you should refrain from massage:

  1. age less than 16 years;
  2. the presence of wounds on the face, herpes, acne;
  3. problems in the functioning of the lymphatic system, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the facial area;
  4. blood clotting disorders;
  5. existing or recently suffered colds (especially ENT categories);
  6. signs of hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  7. excessive thinness of the face (to avoid the appearance of flabby cheeks and rosacea);
  8. oncological diseases;
  9. critical days (with severe tolerance);
  10. pregnancy and lactation;
  11. chronic fatigue, long-term depression.

Important: before starting lymphatic drainage massage, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid complications resulting from unidentified contraindications.

Possible consequences

Side effects may occur after massage sessions. In this case, you need to immediately understand the problem and fix it:

  1. if a rash appears, you should change the massage oil, and also better cleanse the skin after the massage;
  2. if your face loses a lot of weight, you should reduce the frequency of massages and reduce the force of pressure;
  3. if swelling appears, it means that too oily massage products are not suitable for you, and you should also carry out the procedure in the morning, not in the evening;
  4. the sagging did not disappear, which means that the pressure was not strong, and little massage product was used.

For those with rosacea, which is a contraindication (if there is a strong desire for lymphatic drainage), it is recommended:

  1. bypass the problem area;
  2. use a massage product that contains hesperidin;
  3. focus on a healthy diet, paying special attention to products with silicon;
  4. do not use scrubs;
  5. do not visit the bathhouse or sauna.

Video: actress Olga Sumskaya about the benefits of lymphatic drainage facial massage

Types of lymphatic drainage facial massage

There are two ways to perform lymphatic drainage facial massage:

  1. hardware - carried out using special devices;
  2. manual - the effect on the skin is carried out with your hands.

These methods can be carried out either individually or in combination with each other. It is believed that the best effect is achieved through manual massaging, but professionals like to use various devices: special jars and metal balls to enhance the effect.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

Hardware lymphatic drainage is performed using several techniques. It can only be performed by professionals in beauty salons. During the procedure, specially designed devices are used that apply microcurrent, vacuum, pressure changes, and ultrasound to the skin.

There are several methods of hardware lymphatic drainage massage:

  1. galvanization - carried out by exposure to a galvanic current of very weak strength. As a result, cell function is stimulated and the process of collagen production is activated. If moisturizing and stimulating substances are introduced under the skin using electrodes, this procedure is called electroiontophoresis, as a result of which harmful substances are literally expelled from the skin pores;
  2. vacuum massage - accelerates the outflow of lymph by applying negative pressure. Already after the first session, a decrease in swelling is noticed;
  3. microcurrent lymphatic drainage - is carried out due to the impact of a weak current on muscle fibers, causing them to contract, which smoothes out deep wrinkles and also moisturizes the skin, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  4. pressotherapy - has the effect of a massage with compressed air, the supply of which is carried out by the so-called pulse wave, that is, with breaks of varying durations (from several seconds to two minutes) using a special mask. The pressure level and pulse wave are controlled by a computer, in which the exact pressure force and exposure time are adjusted. This procedure promotes active circulation of fluid and its rapid removal.


Important: the appropriate technique is selected by the doctor based on the condition of the skin and the desired goal.

Specialists who perform massage must have the appropriate qualifications and experience working with certain devices, only then the result will correspond to the expected.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

Manual, or manual, lymphatic drainage massage is based on exerting force on the facial muscles, promoting their relaxation. It can be carried out with the hands of a specialist, as well as independently, but for this it is necessary to first study the correct technique for its implementation. In the first case, the effect will be stronger, since the master, due to his experience and knowledge, is able to understand whether this or that muscle is in good shape, therefore certain areas are massaged with greater intensity. However, it is not difficult to master the rules for performing such a massage, so the process of lymphatic drainage can be improved with your own hands right at home.

Video: performing manual lymphatic drainage in a beauty salon

There are two methods of performing manual lymphatic drainage facial massage:

  1. Japanese lymphatic drainage - involves intense impact on acupuncture points, promoting increased blood flow, thereby saturating the skin with oxygen and cleansing it of harmful substances;
  2. hemolymphatic drainage massage - the effect is on all layers of the epidermis, as a result of which, if performed regularly, you can get a lifting effect.

The manual technique involves pleasant relaxation. Touching problem areas allows you to feel the condition of the muscles. The estimated procedure time is 15 minutes. To achieve a visible effect, you need to carry out at least 10 regular procedures. The technology consists mainly of stroking and pressing movements along classic massage lines.

Manual lymphatic drainage is divided into 3 types, depending on the depth of impact:

  1. superficial - when only skin cells are processed;
  2. median - all layers of the dermis are affected;
  3. deep - special attention is paid to the facial muscles, lymphatic vessels are affected.

Many people don’t even think about how many times a day we unknowingly massage our faces. This happens while washing, drying, applying creams, and removing makeup. However, few people know that the wrong technique can not only be of no benefit, but also seriously harm the skin.


Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

Don't forget to prepare for the procedure. After all, if you perform a massage in a hurry, on dry, unclean skin, in a bad, preoccupied mood, you will waste your time, the result will not please you, but will only aggravate the situation. To bring as much benefit as possible to the skin of the face and the body as a whole, perform the following manipulations before the massage:

  1. Gather your hair into a ponytail or pin up individual strands that fall in your face so that nothing gets in your way during the process.
  2. Wash your face with your usual cleanser and remove any remaining makeup.
  3. Exfoliate using a scrub.
  4. It would be a good idea to steam the skin to open the pores. Tilt your face over a bowl of hot water or herbal tea, or simply apply a damp, hot towel to your face for a couple of minutes. You can also warm up your facial skin by actively rubbing it.
  5. Apply moisturizer to your skin. Try making your own using grape or strawberry juice and heavy cream.

Important: your hands must glide well over your face, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.


Now you are ready, and you can proceed directly to lymphatic drainage. Before the first procedure, carefully study the technique, watch videos of experienced massage therapists, and only then start:

  1. To begin with, we work in the forehead area. We press the pads of the fingers (index, middle, ring) of each hand to the middle of the forehead, apply pressure and make several strokes towards the temples. This exercise helps smooth out wrinkles on the forehead.
  2. To remove swelling from the eyes, we run our fingers along the upper eyelid from the outer edge to the inner and in the opposite direction. First above the lash line, then under the brow arch.
  3. Along the lower eyelid, starting from the bridge of the nose, using pressing movements, draw with the pads of your fingers to the temple. We return to the beginning along the route above the upper eyelid.
  4. To smooth out the nasolabial folds, we run our fingers along the line of the indentations, making gentle pressure every centimeter.
  5. To tone the muscles in the cheek area, massage the areas from the jaw to the eyes with the central part of the palm, making circular movements.
  6. To eliminate sagging cheeks, use the lower part of the back of your hand to press on the sides of the jaws and move them upward.
  7. Against circumlabial wrinkles, use two fingers, pressing them tightly to the skin, to outline the contour of the lips.
  8. To reduce a double chin, use the bottom of the back of your hand to move from the center of the chin to the temples, pressing your hands tightly to the skin.

Each exercise should be repeated 8–10 times. Try to completely relax your facial muscles. All manipulations should bring pleasure and pleasant sensations. Under no circumstances should you feel pain. Movements should be gentle, with stroking and soft pressure, directed along the massage lines from bottom to top to the nearest lymph nodes. Putting too much pressure on the skin can cause blood vessels to rupture.

It is necessary to be able to correctly complete a lymphatic drainage massage. To do this, master simple movements that can be performed after each exercise:

  1. press your fingers on the lymph nodes located near the ear;
  2. go down to the neck, alternately pressing on every centimeter of skin.

Video: technique for performing lymphatic drainage massage at home

Japanese technology

Japanese lymphatic drainage requires strict adherence to the rules for its implementation. In order to ensure proper lymphatic drainage, it is necessary to study the locations of lymph nodes and the paths of lymph flow using a special atlas. Each massage movement has a strict direction, the degree of pressure is quite strong, but always painless.

The exercises must end with the following technique: with three fingers on both sides, press on the parotid points at the location of the lymph nodes and hold for about 2 seconds, then slowly move your fingers down to the collarbones. This key massage technique ensures the drainage of lymph from facial tissues. At the end of the procedure, make light patting movements. It is ideal to perform this massage once a week.

Japanese technique can be found under the names “Asahi” or “Dzogan”. In Japanese families, this technique was passed down from generation to generation, so the best performers are rightfully considered to be natives of the Land of the Rising Sun.


Having thoroughly studied all the nuances, you can try to do this procedure yourself:

  1. Forehead. The purpose of this exercise is to expel intercellular fluid accumulated under the skin. Press three fingers of both hands to the center of the forehead for 3 seconds, then with pressure move them to the temples. After this, reducing the impact, move towards the ears and behind the back.
  2. Skin around the eyes. Using the tips of your middle fingers, move from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one, fix the pressure near the bridge of the nose for 3 seconds. Then, increasing the pressure, move it under the eyebrow arches to the outer corner of the eye and also fix the pressure on the edge of the eye socket. Next, return to the inner corner, but along the lower eyelid, and then along the lower orbital bone to the outer edge of the eye, where you fix the pressure for 3 seconds.
  3. Corners of lips. Fix the middle and ring fingers in the middle of the chin, then, pressing intensely, move them around the lips and stop in the central part above the upper lip.
  4. Nasolabial triangle. To reduce nasolabial wrinkles, fix your middle fingers on the depressions at the wings of the nose, slightly stretching them with up and down movements. Then, adding the ring finger, move your fingers, stretching the skin towards the cheeks.
  5. Lips. We form the lip line using our palms. Fix their bases in the middle of the chin, moving your fingers towards your ears. With pressure, stroke the chin from the center to the ear.
  6. Chin. To eliminate a double chin, you should support your chin with the base of your palm and forcefully move your hand towards your earlobe along the contour of your face. Do the same on the other side.

Video: Japanese massage “Asahi”


I live in a small town, so we don’t have anything special. Micro-tricks are the same as lymphatic drainage massage. It’s like a Skinmaster device. It’s done within 40 minutes. I feel good, but for those who have a problem not with swelling, but with dry facial skin with a network of small wrinkles, the procedure does not give them anything, I recommend it to those with swelling. Although, again, some on the forum wrote that it did not help them.


To begin with, my face was swollen from this massage, but this was simply because I did it incorrectly. I found the technique on the Internet, and there the Japanese woman pressed lightly on her face. But the point is that, on the contrary, you need to press your fingers very hard on your face. My problems are the following: circles under the eyes, chubby cheeks and a double chin (despite the fact that I am thin). I noticed the effect of the massage already in the 2nd week: namely, my double chin went away and my cheeks became thinner. But I struggled with the problem of circles under my eyes for a month with the help of this massage. And one more thing: acne appeared on my forehead and cheeks, but this defect was warned about in the description of this massage. Of course, if you do it for, say, a month, and then give it all up, all the shortcomings will come back. Therefore, it is necessary to do it every day. But it only takes 10 minutes, don't skimp on it, and you'll look great.

Nastya is evil

So I practiced this massage every day for four months and was satisfied with everything. And today the unexpected happened. Perhaps I pressed too hard under my eye, I don’t remember, I seemed to do everything as usual, but during the day a lump grew under my eye. It seems to be filled with liquid and there is redness. Girls, be very careful with this massage. I can't say anything bad about it, the problem is its incorrect application. And since you and I are not professional cosmetologists, the likelihood of making a mistake is high. One wrong move that you won't even notice - and such a bag under the eye. And who knows for how long??......I am very upset. Of course, I’m stopping Asahi massage.


To improve facial skin health, even out color, and relieve swelling, you need to restore the proper functioning of the lymphatic system. To do this, you need to conduct several sessions of lymphatic drainage massage. It’s great if you have the opportunity to seek the help of professionals in a cosmetology office. But if this option does not suit you, then you can carry out such treatment procedures at home. Carefully study all the nuances of performing lymphatic drainage so as not to harm yourself even more. And don’t skip procedures, because regularity is the key to success and effective results!