Cream evening factory freedom

The popularity of the “Evening” cream from the Svoboda factory broke all records back in Soviet times. The Svoboda cosmetics factory, famous throughout the Union, exported it in large quantities to neighboring countries and Eastern European countries. Evening Freedom cream was extremely popular among the women of the Union. Given the fact that in the Soviet era even advertising had an ideological connotation, its popularity abroad was not mentioned, and the main emphasis was on the fact that a Soviet woman should use only a Soviet product.

Nowadays, the Svoboda factory successfully continues to produce all lines of cosmetic products, the quality of which has remained at the same level, and the composition and manufacturing technology have not changed since Soviet times.

  1. Manufacturer: Russia
  2. Package volume: 41 grams
  3. Cost: 50-60 rub.

Composition and benefits of “Evening” cream from “Svoboda”

Cream “Evening” from “Svoboda” attracts with its natural composition and “GOST” production technology. Experts in the field of cosmetology note its safety when used correctly. Numerous consumer reviews are also mostly positive.

Already on the tube itself it is indicated that the product is intended for dry skin. The name “Evening” comes from the fact that the cosmetic product is applicable in the evening and is positioned as a night product.

The composition of the cosmetic product “Evening” is extremely simple. It includes exclusively natural components and a vitamin complex in the form of essential oils. By the way, this is where its discreet smell comes from, which is often noted in user reviews as “grandmother’s” or compared to church incense. For comparison, I can give an example with a natural Indian remedy from the company Veda Vedica. It also does not smell particularly bright due to the lack of a perfume composition, just like in the Evening cream from Svoboda, and it also resembles Indian incense sticks.

Thus, the composition of the “Evening” cosmetic product from “Svoboda” includes the following components:

  1. Active complex of vitamins A, E, F;
  2. Mineral salts;
  3. Vegetable oils;
  4. Lanolin;
  5. Beeswax.

Taken together, this composition gives a dense texture to its mass and gives it a milky tint. The minimal perfume composition, also based on natural oils, creates a discreet scent.

The main advantage of the “Evening” cream is its natural composition, as well as its low cost. In comparison with products that have a similar composition, the cost of which varies from 300 to 700 rubles. for 50-100 grams, price 60 rubles. for 41 gr. more than minimal.

Instructions for use and principle of operation

Evening cream from the Svoboda factory is positioned as a night cream for dry skin prone to flaking and irritation.

In the same series, “Evening” for eyelids is released. It promotes skin regeneration, its natural nutrition and restoration, preventing the formation of wrinkles, it gives the skin a fresh, healthy look.

“Evening” for the face is designed to nourish dry skin. Natural oils promote the healing of small cracks and tightening of small acne pits.

It is recommended to use this remedy only 2 hours before bedtime. In the autumn-winter period, “Evening” is an indispensable assistant in the fight against chapping and irritation from the winter cold.

If the skin is not dry, but prone to dryness in certain areas, it can be applied no more than 2-3 times a week. For normal skin, if it is chapped or irritated, application once a week is sufficient. In summer, it is enough to apply once a week.

The composition has a fairly dense texture, for this reason it should be rubbed intensively and for a long time, or used for facial massage. The cream is not recommended for oily skin.

Method of applying cream “Evening”

Before applying the cream, makeup should be removed with a special product or soap. If your skin is very dry, you should use soap with a cream base.

  1. The cream is applied to cleansed skin in a thin layer 2 hours before bedtime;
  2. To make the cream easier to apply, you need to heat the amount in a water bath;
  3. After application, the cream should be rubbed in thoroughly;
  4. After 2 hours, excess cream should be removed with a paper or matting napkin.

The next day after application, you should wash your face with soap, and only then apply makeup base. Otherwise, your face will have an oily sheen. Daily use is not recommended.

Opinion of cosmetologists and specialists

Reviews from cosmetologists are positive. Experts highly appreciate the quality and effectiveness of the Evening cream, but recommend its use for women over 45 years of age. The dense and oily texture of the creamy mass is well absorbed only into very dry and dry skin. On a young woman who is still capable of self-regeneration, it leaves an oily sheen and can clog facial pores and interfere with her natural breathing.

In the case of fading skin, the dense texture, on the contrary, provides long-term nutrition and hydration, preventing the appearance of fine wrinkles on it. The ineffectiveness of the action on young skin is explained by the fact that its cells absorb only the amount of vitamins and microelements they need, the rest of the creamy mass simply remains on its surface.


In modern life, looking beautiful and well-groomed is available to every woman. The industry offers a huge range of care products; it is only important to correctly determine your skin type and correctly assess its condition.

Dry facial skin can cause quite a lot of problems: the appearance of wrinkles, early fading, peeling. An excellent solution may be to use the Evening cream from the Svoboda factory. Having proven itself over many years as an excellent product, it copes well with many problems that arise in women with dry skin - the manufacturer guarantees quality.



About the manufacturer

The basis for the Svoboda factory was the Russian perfume and cosmetics factory, which was founded in 1843 in Moscow and was called the factory of the A. Ralle and Co. Even then, the products had deserved popularity not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

The factory received its current name in 1922. Throughout the long years of its existence, it has consistently maintained a high standard of quality, for which it received the title “Enterprise of Excellent Quality” and was repeatedly awarded medals and diplomas at Russian and international exhibitions.

The modern manufacturer continues to develop the best traditions in the production of cosmetics. Its main task is to serve the protection of health and beauty.


Today, the factory is a powerful cosmetics production facility, producing face and body care, hair and oral care products, as well as a large range of children's cosmetics. Products are manufactured on modern equipment using the latest technologies. The company has its own research center, which develops and introduces modern cosmetic products into production.

  1. The company cooperates with many large manufacturers from Germany, Switzerland, France, India and other countries, placing their orders for its equipment.
  2. All products are made from natural raw materials and are thoroughly tested in accordance with international quality standards.
  3. The company has a number of company stores.
  4. The products of the Svoboda factory, due to their excellent quality and low price, are widely known in countries near and far abroad.
  5. While mastering the production of new products, the company does not stop producing popular products that are highly appreciated by consumers.



One of these popular products is the Evening cream.


Advantages and properties

As an evening care product for dry and sensitive skin, the cream has a number of advantages.

Containing useful vitamins and microelements, it saturates the epidermis with them, has a gentle effect on it, activating metabolic processes. The cream is well suited for nourishing and moisturizing the skin, improving its tone and elasticity, and increasing the vital activity of its cells. The product is able to strengthen muscle tissue, smooth out wrinkles, and prevent aging and fading of the epidermis.

This effective stimulant has antioxidant properties. It can lighten the skin, improve its color and fight age-related pigmentation. The cream copes well with peeling, irritation and redness, and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.



Women with any skin type can use this cream to care for the area around the eyes. The cream will help get rid of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. It has a delicate consistency, is easy to apply and spread over the skin, and is used sparingly. The cream is made on the basis of natural ingredients and does not cause allergic reactions.


The advantage of the cream is its availability; it is sold in almost any cosmetic store. In addition, you will be pleasantly surprised by the price. Compared to many similar products, it costs mere pennies, but you will get a product of excellent quality.



The cream owes its high caring properties to the natural substances that form its basis.

One of the main active ingredients of the Evening cream is parsley extract. The active substances that this plant is rich in increase skin tone, regulate water-salt metabolism, and also have whitening properties. Parsley extract is often found in products for skin care around the eyes, as it relieves puffiness and smoothes the skin.


The cream contains vitamins A and E.

  1. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, it is often called the vitamin of youth, as it prevents premature aging of skin cells.
  2. Vitamin A essential for healthy skin function. It maintains a good complexion, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin, and increases the protective functions of the skin.
  3. Vegetable oils as part of “Evening” they provide moisturizing and softening of the skin, supplying valuable nutritional components.
  4. Included in the cream recipe beeswax is an excellent rejuvenating agent. It tones, relieves inflammation, increases blood circulation, thereby promoting the removal of toxins from the epidermis.
  5. Another active ingredient is lanolin. It helps soften the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Lanolin has a strong moisturizing effect, improves the structure of the epidermis, and evens out skin tone. In addition, lanolin increases the effectiveness of other components, helping them penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.







Mode of application

Evening cream is very easy to use. Like any nourishing product, it is applied to well-cleansed facial skin and distributed with light sliding movements along the massage lines.

Since the cream has a thick consistency, it should be applied 2-2.5 hours before bedtime. This time is necessary for the cream to be absorbed. Excess cream is removed with a napkin before going to bed.



This cream is an excellent evening treatment for dry skin. However, very long-term use reduces its effectiveness. Therefore, listen to the advice of cosmetologists and alternate creams after several weeks of use.

Another product from the Svoboda factory, Lux, is great for alternating. It has a similar composition and has a similar effect on the skin. However, you will get more benefits by alternating creams. “Evening” differs from “Lux” in its greater density, so it is better suited for use in cold periods of the year.


You can use “Evening” to care for the skin around the eyes. To do this, 30 minutes before bedtime, apply it to the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes, cleansed of makeup, using light finger movements along the massage lines. Before going to bed, excess cream must be removed with a napkin.

The cream will strengthen the muscle tissue around the eyes, give this delicate part of the face elasticity and firmness, and increase its tone.


"Evening light"

Based on the “Evening” cream, a new product was developed - moisturizing “Evening light”. It also has a large number of beneficial properties, but has a lighter consistency, so it is absorbed faster and does not leave any traces of greasy shine. This cream is suitable for you if you have dry and sensitive skin.

The cream has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Its use is an excellent prevention of wrinkles and reduces the signs of skin aging.


The introduction of a moisturizing complex of marine origin into the cream enhances moisturizing properties and reduces moisture loss by the skin. Due to this, the microrelief of the skin improves.

The antioxidant effect is provided by a complex of vitamins A and E. They activate the regeneration of skin cells and have a strengthening effect on the structure of the epidermis.


A distinctive feature of “Evening light” is the presence of almond oil in its composition. It is an effective remedy for nourishing, softening the skin, and smoothing out wrinkles. It soothes and regenerates the skin. Almond oil is necessary to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands and eliminate inflammation. The oil has a particularly good effect on dehydrated skin, eliminating dryness and flaking.

Evening light also contains parsley extract, and this cream can be used to care for the skin around the eyes. Parsley extract will have a brightening effect and help reduce swelling and dark circles under the eyes.



Apply the cream in the evening, applying to cleansed skin and distributing with light movements along the massage lines.



Women leave a huge number of positive reviews about the “Evening” cream. A certain number of negative reviews appeared if it did not suit your skin type or the instructions for its use were not followed.

Women especially like the low cost of the product; a lady with any budget can afford to buy it.

Many people note that they receive a wonderful product that nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Regular use of the cream reduces the number of wrinkles, smoothes and brightens the skin.


Not everyone likes the scent of natural elements, but women understand that this is a sign of the absence of artificial fragrances and appreciate the rejuvenating effect of natural ingredients.

Women say that the cream perfectly eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin, and this is especially valuable in winter.

Representatives of the fair sex with sensitive skin note that irritation and inflammation go away.


Using a cream to care for the skin around the eyes helped smooth out crow's feet. The cream relieved puffiness remarkably, and after a while the dark circles under the eyes disappeared.


Reviews often report that they were finally able to find the right care product. They recommend it to their friends and say that they will trust domestic manufacturers more. Many people want to try other products from the Svoboda factory.

A review of the “Evening” cream, as well as an analysis of the composition of the product, is in the next video.

A modern woman always wants to look attractive. The cosmetics industry offers a huge number of facial skin care products, but initially it is necessary to correctly determine its type and condition. Cream "Evening" (from "Svoboda") has positive reviews, so it has earned popularity among many women. The article will discuss the composition and benefits of this product.

About the manufacturer

The basis of the Svoboda enterprise was the Russian perfume and cosmetics factory, opened in 1843 in Moscow and called the partnership “A. Ralle and Co. Already in those days, the enterprise was known to women not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. It was distinguished by products that had a unique quality.

The company received its current name in 1922. Throughout its existence, the factory has maintained the high quality of its products. She has many diplomas received by Svoboda cosmetics at various Russian and international exhibitions.

Currently, the manufacturer continues to improve its products, because they are aimed at protecting the beauty and health of people.

The factory produces various products for face, body, skin, hair care, as well as a large number of children's cosmetics. All products are extremely popular.

The manufacturer cooperates with large companies from many countries and produces their orders using its equipment. Products are made from natural raw materials and are carefully checked in accordance with international quality standards.


Creams from the Svoboda factory are widely known in countries near and far abroad, due to their low price and excellent quality. The company does not stop there, but continues to produce products that are in demand and popular.

All cosmetics produced by the factory have a natural composition and have positive properties.

Cream composition

The cosmetic product contains only natural ingredients in the form of essential oils, vitamin complex and additional substances. The smell of the cream is quite discreet, which women sometimes compare to “grandmother’s” or church.

Having established itself as an excellent and effective product, it copes well with the problems that often arise in women with dry skin. After all, the manufacturer guarantees the quality of its product.

The composition of the cream "Evening" includes:

  1. Parsley extract. The component contains useful substances and microelements that have a brightening and restorative effect. It is able to regulate water-salt balance. Parsley extract is often used in creams to relieve puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Vitamin A. Essential for the beauty and youth of the skin. It restores its natural color and slows down the aging process. With the help of the vitamin, the functionality of the epidermis is normalized.
  3. Vitamin E. Smoothes the top layer of the skin, which helps reduce wrinkles and folds. The vitamin contains antioxidants that prevent the negative effects of free radicals and protect the epidermis.
  4. Vegetable oils. Helps nourish and moisturize the skin. Thanks to special components, the epidermis is filled with nutrients and vitamins.
  5. Lanolin. The substance acts as a base for the cream. Its effect makes the skin soft and elastic. Lanolin increases the effectiveness of other components and helps them penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
  6. Beeswax. It has strong bactericidal properties, removes inflammation and rejuvenates facial skin. Wax tones and relieves swelling, increases blood circulation.

Taken together, the composition of the product gives it a dense texture and a milky tint. The minimal perfume composition gives the cream a mild scent. All Svoboda cosmetics have a special scent.

Properties of the cream

Due to its composition, the product has many positive qualities. The beneficial properties of the “Evening” cream include the following:

  1. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face and area under the eyes.
  2. Saturates it with useful substances and vitamins.
  3. Lightens the skin.
  4. Has a mild effect.
  5. Activates skin metabolic processes.
  6. Smoothes out small wrinkles and creases.
  7. Suspends the aging process of the skin.
  8. Eliminates puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.
  9. Increases the tone and elasticity of the skin.
  10. Has antioxidant properties.
  11. Removes skin pigmentation.


The cream belongs to cosmetic products that care for dry and sensitive skin. It is intended for evening use.

Operating principle

Reviews of the “Evening” cream from “Svoboda” are always positive; the product positions itself as a night cream intended for dry skin prone to irritation and flaking.

Natural oils in its composition heal small cracks and tighten acne marks. The cream is best applied 2 hours before bedtime. During the cold season, “Evening” is an indispensable product that protects the skin from chapping and irritation caused by the winter wind. It is not recommended to use it in summer due to the possible appearance of an oily sheen on the skin.

How to properly apply cream to your face? The product is easy to use. If the dermis is not completely dry, but only in certain areas, then you can use the cream several times a week. For chapped normal facial skin, the product can be used once every 7 days.


The cream is an excellent care product for dry skin. Long-term use causes addiction and reduced effectiveness. Cosmetologists suggest alternating cream and other care products after several weeks of use. In this case, the skin will have a positive effect.

Due to the fact that the cream has a dense texture, it should be rubbed in for a long time. For oily skin types, it is not recommended to use it constantly.

The cream is effectively used to care for the skin around the eyes. To do this, half an hour before bedtime, apply it to the area cleaned of makeup with light finger movements. Then the remaining cream is removed with a napkin. If this is not done, then in the morning the skin will have an oily sheen.

The shelf life of the "Evening" cream from "Svoboda" is 12 months, which is caused by the presence of natural ingredients in it.

Instructions for use

How to properly apply cream to your face? Before using it, makeup must be removed using a special product or soap with a cream base. The cream does not have any special instructions, but you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Apply a thin layer of the product to the skin 2 hours before bedtime.
  2. To make the cream spread easily, you need to heat it in a water bath.
  3. After application, distribute the product evenly over the skin.
  4. Rubbing it into the dermis improves absorption and enhances metabolic processes.
  5. After 2 hours, the remaining cream is removed from the face with a paper or matting napkin.

The next day after use, remove any remaining product with soap, and only then apply makeup base. Otherwise, your face will remain oily.


Women with different skin types can use this cream. It is easy to apply and spread over the skin, and is also economical in consumption. Due to its composition, the product rarely causes allergic reactions.

Instructions for using the “Evening” cream from “Svoboda” allow you to achieve maximum effect. Complete care ensures not only proper nutrition of the skin, but also its cleansing and moisturizing.

"Evening light"

The cream has a large number of positive qualities and also has a lighter texture. It is created on the basis of the cosmetic product "Evening".

The cream helps women who have dry and sensitive skin. It creates a rejuvenating effect. The product can be used to prevent wrinkles, folds and reduce signs of skin aging.

The presence of a complex of marine origin in the cream has a moisturizing effect and reduces moisture loss. As a result, the microrelief of the skin improves.

The complex of vitamins A and E promotes cell restoration and also has a firming effect on the skin.

A distinctive feature of the “Evening light” cream is the presence of almond oil in its composition. It has a positive effect on softening and nourishing the skin, and also smoothes out fine wrinkles. The oil has a good effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands and also helps eliminate inflammation. It has an excellent effect on insufficiently moisturized skin, preventing flaking and dryness.

Due to the presence of parsley extract in the cream for women, it is used to care for the area around the eyes. It has a brightening effect and also reduces dark circles and puffiness.

Apply the cream at night, applying it to the skin with light movements. It is absorbed easily without leaving a greasy sheen.

Positive properties

The advantages of the “Evening” cream include the following:

  1. Used for dry and sensitive facial skin.
  2. Used for skin care in the evening.
  3. The cream contains only natural ingredients.
  4. It is economical to use and has an affordable price.
  5. Cares for the skin around the eyes.
  6. Helps get rid of various skin problems.


Thanks to its composition, the cream allows you to improve the structure of the skin of the face, as well as the area around the eyes.

The advantages of the product are its cost. The cream can be purchased at any cosmetic store at an affordable price. Compared to many analogues, it has a low cost and excellent quality.

Disadvantages of the product

Reviews about the “Evening” cream from “Svoboda” are not only positive, there are also negative ones. They note the following:

  1. a smell that not all women like;
  2. the texture of the product is too thick and greasy;
  3. presence of synthetic components in the composition;
  4. in some cases causes allergies;
  5. not suitable for the summer season.

Allergic reactions can occur to the most harmless components of the cream due to individual intolerance. If one person feels an improvement in their skin condition when using the product, another may experience itching, rash or burning.

Before you start using the cream, you need to do a test on the inner bend of your elbow. After some time, check how the skin reacted to the influence of the product. If no redness is detected on it, then you can start using the cream.

Due to its thick texture, the product is sometimes difficult to distribute over the skin of the face. This creates some inconvenience in the process of caring for it.

Customers' opinions

Let us repeat, the “Evening” cream from “Svoboda” has mostly positive reviews. Customers especially liked the affordable price of the product.

As a result, they became the owners of a cream that nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Regular use significantly reduces the number of wrinkles, brightens and smoothes the dermis.

By using the Evening cream for the eyelids and face when caring for the area around the eyes, women achieved smoothing of crow's feet. It reduces puffiness and dark circles disappear after use.


Not all customers liked the smell of the product, but this is a sign that it does not contain synthetic fragrances. Some women find its scent reminiscent of Indian incense sticks.

They highly appreciated the rejuvenating properties of the natural components of the cream.

It effectively eliminates the appearance of flaking and dry skin, which is especially necessary in winter. Those with sensitive dermis notice that as a result of use, irritation and inflammatory processes on it disappear.

Women noticed that they had finally chosen a product that suited them in all respects. They constantly recommend the cream to their loved ones.

Not all women were delighted with the rather dense texture of the cream, which creates some difficulties when applying it. After 2 hours of use, any remaining product must be removed with a napkin. If this is not done, your face will remain oily.

Some negative reviews appeared when the instructions for using the “Evening” cream from “Svoboda” were not completely followed or it did not suit the woman’s skin.

Experts' opinions

Cream "Evening" for eyelids and face has many positive reviews from cosmetologists. They positively assessed its quality and effectiveness, but advise it to be used by women who are 45 years of age or older.


Having an oily and dense consistency, the cream can be well absorbed only into dry or prone to this condition skin. It is not suitable for oily face types.

If you use the product on young, regenerative skin, it leaves an oily sheen and can clog pores. And this will negatively affect his nutrition.

In the case of aging skin, the cream can provide long-term hydration and also prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles on it. The ineffectiveness of the product on young skin is explained by the fact that its cells absorb the amount of nutrients and vitamins they need. The remaining cream will simply remain on the skin. It is best to use it in the evening. However, prolonged use of the cream reduces its effectiveness. Cosmetologists recommend alternating its use with other types of cosmetics after some time of use.

The cream has proven itself to be excellent for facial care in winter, when the skin suffers from frost and wind. Cosmetologists advise using it regularly during this period to avoid peeling and irritation.

Cream "Evening" from the Svoboda factory is a product that is used for evening care of dry and sensitive skin. Possessing useful substances and vitamins in its composition, it saturates the epidermis well and activates metabolic processes. The cream perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and improves skin tone. The product has antioxidant properties, improves color and fights age-related pigmentation.