Hypercalcemic crisis

Hypercalcemic crisis is a condition that occurs as a result of increased calcium levels in the blood. This can be caused by various reasons, such as excess consumption of foods high in calcium or metabolic disorders.

Elevated levels of calcium in the blood can lead to various complications, such as disruption of the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs. In addition, high calcium levels can cause muscle cramps and joint pain. If left untreated, a hypercalicemia crisis can lead to serious consequences, including heart failure, kidney failure, and even death.

To treat a hypercalcemia crisis, it is necessary to reduce the level of calcium in the body. Various treatment methods are used for this, such as a diet limiting foods containing calcium, taking medications that lower calcium levels, and surgery.

However, when treating a hypercalicemia crisis, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations and follow his instructions. Self-medication can worsen the condition and cause serious complications.