Crisis Puberty

The crisis of adolescence or puberty crisis is not just an age period. This is a serious phase in the life of any person, which can have a serious impact on his future. During this period, adolescents face many psychological, social and physiological changes. And each person may experience different symptoms associated with these changes in their body.

What is puberty? This is a natural biological process that occurs in the body of every person at a certain time. During puberty, dramatic changes occur in the body's hormonal balance, which trigger a number of physiological and psychological changes. The child becomes a teenager, who undergoes intensive development of the genital organs and brain.

Most people, especially those who experienced puberty, believe that it was one of the most difficult periods in their lives. Many face negative emotions, depression and suicidal thoughts, which can become

The crisis period of adolescence, as a rule, corresponds to 13-14 years for girls and 15-16 years for boys, and is associated with puberty, when hypersexuality factors come into force. The mental state of adolescents is a special topic. In order to raise children to be full-fledged, well-rounded individuals, it is important to teach