
Capitonage suits Capitonage is a special type of tailoring in which it is first assembled by hand at home and then sewn in a factory.

This technology allows you to create exquisite clothes that are highly comfortable. However, the process of creating a capitonnage suit requires special skill from the master and time from the client. The capitonage service is offered mainly by private workshops. The price of the service is usually twice the price of classic tailoring.

Capitonium, capiton - textile fabric, thin garus. Received its name from the Italian city in which it was produced. Capiton is produced in two-thread, gray fabrics in black and brown colors, plain-dyed and striped. Camisoles, jackets, frock coats, breeches, suits, etc. were made from capiton. Such a suit emphasizes the status of its owner. It is appropriate both in everyday life and at special events.