

Scarring is the process of wound healing that results in the formation of a scar or scar on the skin. This process can be caused by a variety of reasons, including injury, surgery, and other skin damage. However, sometimes scars can appear even without obvious reasons, which can cause discomfort and psychological problems. In this article, we will look at the different aspects of scarring and how to prevent or treat it.

Types and causes of scars - Hypertrophic (rough and thick scars) - are formed as a result of severe inflammation or burns. These scars are usually firm and dark red and may be painful to the touch. - Atrophic (thin, deep scars), which occur on the torso, neck, and arms. - are formed due to the fact that the cavity of necrotic tissues is filled with connective tissues, collagen and, accordingly, stretches. Over time, the skin thins down to the cavity itself. Appearance: depression, hole. **Causes of scars**

- Injuries: With various injuries, such as cuts or burns, the skin may become damaged and not heal properly. This can lead to scarring. - Surgical operations: If intensive mechanical processing was performed during surgery or the suture was not applied correctly, this may cause scarring. - Inflammatory processes. When treating severe inflammatory diseases, scars may form on the skin. These can be stages of many pathological conditions of the body: - vulgar acne. - dermatitis and eczema. Scar treatment