Lupus Erythematosus Hypodermic

**Title: "Lupus erythematosus hypodermic: how to deal with the disease?"**

Lupus erythematosus is a serious disease that can lead to various complications. One of its manifestations is hypodermic lupus, or deep lupus erythematosus. This form of lupus is characterized by inflammation that affects the deep layers of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles.

Treatment of hypodermic lupus should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, as this can be a rather dangerous disease. However, if the disease is not treated, it can lead to serious health consequences.

One of the main methods of treating lupus is the use of hormonal drugs. Corticosteroids are commonly used to help reduce inflammation and pain. Additionally, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, anticoagulants and other drugs can be used.

However, you should not self-medicate. Treatment should be prescribed by a dermatologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his state of health. In addition, it is important to monitor your lifestyle and avoid factors that can aggravate the disease (for example, smoking, drinking alcohol).

In any case, lupus is a serious disease that requires attention and a professional approach. If you notice symptoms of lupus, see your dermatologist as soon as possible.