Hemorrhage Intradural

Intradural hemorrhages (hygroma of the spinal cord and hygroma of the cauda equina) are a pathological condition characterized by hemorrhage into the intervertebral space while maintaining its integrity. The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture, x-ray of the spine and analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid. Treatment is carried out conservatively or surgically, depending on the size of the hemorrhage. In this article we will look at the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment of intradural hemorrhage, and also consider some complications of this condition.

Etiology and pathogenesis Intradural hemorrhage can occur due to trauma, surgery, infections or various vascular pathologies. The main causes of hemorrhage include the following etiological classification: - Direct blow to the spine. Occurs in car accidents or falling heavy objects. - Injuries during sports training. This includes sports and martial arts, contact sports. - Previous pathological conditions such as osteochondrosis, cerebral apoplexy, neurosurgical operations. In case of injury, rupture of the artery causes blood to leak from the lumen of the vessels into the subcutaneous tissue and intervertebral space. A hygroma is formed, which is the result of a rupture of the capsule of the spinal canal. The traumatic form of hemorrhage occurs only in patients with minimal trauma prior to the incident. Pa