Bleeding Uterine Acyclic

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Acyclic uterine bleeding is a common reason for a woman’s emergency visit to a gynecologist. Often such phenomena occur against the background of chronic diseases of the reproductive system. However, in some cases, uterine bleeding without menstrual cycles indicates more serious problems, primarily associated with genital abnormalities, tumors, or bleeding disorders. To prevent the development of such disorders and avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to recognize the pathology in time and begin treatment.

**Causes of uterine bleeding in women not related to menstruation.** - Injuries to the genital organs - Inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages - Tumors of the uterus and appendages - Polyps of the female genital organs; - Endometrial hyperplasia (atypical hyperplasia and intermediate stage hyperplasia); - Impaired ovarian function; - Endometriosis; - Uterine fibroids; - Dysfunctional uterine bleeding; - Oncological diseases of the reproductive organs; - Climax; - Blood diseases;