Круглова Anus Paraternaturalis

Kruglova Anna Petrovna 1840 - 10/04/2017

Consultant surgeon. Member of the Moscow Medical Society named after. Mechnikova - head. Urological Department of the Research Institute of Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (1954). Creator K. A. Trakhtenberg (1867-1928), son of an anatomist. P. I. Kruglova. Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Surgery (1911). Kruglova A.P. is responsible for distinguishing two types of prostatitis: diffuse and focal. The diagnosis of prostatitis and its complications was based on a carefully collected history, symptoms, results of laboratory and instrumental examinations and surgical intervention for urolithiasis. In the structure of surgical diseases in women, urinary tract infections occupied a special place. The volume of rational modern diagnostic measures (