
Buckthorn, also known as buckthorn bark, syrup, extract or dry extract, is a plant used as a laxative. This plant is produced in Russia, including the companies Azulen-Temryuk, Ivan-chai, Krasnogorskleksredstva, Lek S Firm, Start-Fito, Tekhmedservis, Faros-21, Firm Zdorovye, Fito-EM and Flora-Pharm.

Alder buckthorn has the scientific name Rhamnus frangula and belongs to the elderberry family. It grows mainly in northern Europe, Asia and North America. The international name of this plant is Rhamni frangulae cortex.

Alder buckthorn contains anthracene derivatives, triterpene compounds and resins. These ingredients have laxative properties and can help with chronic constipation.

Alder buckthorn is available in several medicinal forms, including the bark, which is sold in packs of 40g, 50g and 100g.

There are no known contraindications, side effects, or interactions for alder buckthorn. There is also no information about overdose or special instructions for its use.

In conclusion, alder buckthorn is a plant used as a laxative, available in several dosage forms, which is produced in Russia by various companies. However, before using alder buckthorn for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consult a doctor.