Xanthelasma (Xanthelasmd)

Xanthelasmd: Understanding and Managing Yellow Plaques Around the Eyelids

Xanthelasma (Xanthelasmd) is a cosmetic defect characterized by the formation of yellow plaques around the eyelids. They usually occur symmetrically and are common in older people. In most cases, xanthelasma is simply an aesthetic problem, but in some situations it can be associated with disorders of fat metabolism in the body, such as hyperlipidemia.

Xanthelasma appears as soft yellow or slightly orange plates or plaques that are usually located in the inner corner of the upper eyelid. They can have different sizes and shapes, and sometimes merge with each other. Xanthelasmas do not cause pain or itching, but their presence can cause discomfort and some psychological problems due to their visibility.

The main reason for the formation of xanthelasma is the accumulation of cholesterol and other lipids in the skin of the eyelids. This may be due to increased blood fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides. Hyperlipidemia, or high levels of fats in the blood, can be hereditary or due to poor lifestyle choices, including poor diet, lack of physical activity and obesity.

The diagnosis of xanthelasma is usually based on an external examination by a doctor. In some cases, additional testing may be required to rule out fat-related diseases such as hypercholesterolemia or hypertriglyceridemia.

Treatment for xanthelasma is usually aimed at cosmetic correction and improvement of appearance. There are several methods for removing xanthelasma, including cryodestruction (freezing), chemical peels, laser therapy, and surgical removal. The choice of method depends on the size, location and preference of the patient.

In addition to treatment, it is also important to pay attention to fat metabolism and cholesterol levels in the body. If elevated blood fat levels are detected, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet, physical activity, and, if necessary, medication.

Although xanthelasma does not usually pose a health threat, it is important to see a doctor for a diagnosis and advice about possible treatment options. Removal of xanthelasma can help improve the patient's well-being and self-esteem, especially if the cosmetic defect causes discomfort. In addition, regular screening and monitoring of body fat levels will help prevent related diseases and maintain overall health.

In conclusion, xanthelasma is a yellow plaque that forms around the eyelids, which can be either a cosmetic defect or a manifestation of fat metabolism disorders in the body. Although this condition does not usually cause physical problems, it can negatively affect the patient's emotional state. Therefore, it is important to seek the advice of a physician for evaluation and possible treatment. Timely screening, monitoring fat levels and taking appropriate measures will help maintain the patient's health and well-being.

Is xanthema a disease or symptom in medicine that is not necessarily associated with a serious illness? More precisely, a xanthoma is the formation on the skin of a flat yellow spot outlined by a half-rim. Most often, the spots are represented by rings, but they can also have a round shape. Occasionally the spot takes on a papillous shape. This disease causes symptoms of hypothyroidism, an infectious disease, hypertension, in which the blood is too viscous, diabetes and other diseases. Yellow spots fade in appearance resembling freckles. The skin has a grayish tint. When lifting the eyelids, you can notice that they have hyperpigmentation. This is a consequence of fat deposition in the eyelid areas. Hyperplasia is more often detected in elderly patients. Sometimes this symptom occurs due to atherosclerosis or varicose veins. Sometimes the symptom signals a person's blood sugar level. This symptom occurs more often in women, because women are more prone to allergic diseases and hormonal problems. Bad habits can also contribute to the development of the disease. Treatment of the disease: surgical: partial excision of the spot, removal of the lesion along with the capsule.

Xanthoma is a yellow-brown or yellowish nodule. They are usually located on the eyelids and do not cause discomfort unless they are so large that they cover the eye. According to medical sources, the appearance of xanthema is evidence of far from pleasant processes occurring in the patient’s body. So, if this chronic disease appears in a middle-aged patient (from 30 to 55 years), there is reason to believe that atherosclerosis and hypertension occur in his body. In other words, this disease manifests itself in those patients who suffer from obesity and have problems associated with blood pressure. The same topic is indicated in the Russian Gastroenterological Encyclopedia.

Xanthelasma can appear in a person of any age, but is most often found in older patients. In most cases, the following factors contribute to xanthelasma:

cholesterol and lecithin;

bile acids;

ascorbic acid;

fatty substances.

Passive lifestyle. This especially applies to those people who do little or no sports at all. In addition, this disease can be caused by diseases such as diabetes. In addition, it is worth noting that smoking has a direct relationship to increasing the chances of xanthelmas forming in the body. Stressful situations can also contribute to this.