The types of pain that have names are collectively the following: raw, hard, shooting, pressing, pulling, tearing, aching, soft, boring, dull, numbing, throbbing, heavy, debilitating, burning. That's all fifteen types of pain.
The cause of raw pain is thick, pungent or salty juice in the body, the cause of severe pain is coarse juice. The cause of the shooting pain is a factor that stretches the membrane in breadth and, as it were, breaks its continuity; Such pain sometimes feels the same all the time, but sometimes it is not the same. Shooting pain that is not the same in sensation occurs because the organ on which the membrane is stretched and to which it touches is not similar in terms of its particles in hardness and softness, such as, for example, the collarbone in relation to the membrane lining the ribs, when the tumor is pleurisy pulls it upward, or the organ is dissimilar in terms of particles when moving, such is the thoraco-abdominal obstruction in relation to the same membrane; or the sensitivity of the organ is heterogeneous, either by nature, or because some parts of it have suffered damage, while others have not.
The cause of the drawing pain is the wind or juice, which stretches the nerves and muscles and seems to pull them towards the ends.
As for pressing pain, its cause is matter that narrows the space occupied by the organ, or wind that surrounds the organ on all sides, so that the organ seems to be compressed and squeezed.
The cause of the tearing pain is some matter emanating from the muscle and its membrane. It stretches the sheath and breaks the continuity of the sheath or even the entire muscle. The cause of the aching is matter or wind, which finds itself in the middle between the bone and the shell enveloping it, or cold, which compresses this shell with force.
The cause of mild pain is the material stretching the meat of the muscle, but not the tendon. It is called "soft" because the meat is softer than the nerve, tendon or sheath.
The cause of the boring pain is thick matter or wind enclosed between the layers of a dense, thick organ, such as the body of the colon. He constantly tears the organ and penetrates it, creating the feeling as if he is drilling with a drill.
The cause of dull pain is the retention of the same matter, in the same organ, but only when it tears, it remains hidden.
The cause of the pain that causes numbness is either a very cold nature, or blockage of the openings of the passages that allow the sensory pneuma to pass through, which flows to the organ along the nerve, or congestion of the blood vessels.
The cause of throbbing pain is a hot tumor, but not a cold one. The fact is that a cold tumor, whatever it may be, hard or soft, does not cause pain unless it turns into a hot one, and the throbbing pain from a hot tumor occurs as follows: when a hot tumor forms, and the organ adjacent to it is sensitive and there are constantly pulsating arteries near it, then this organ, while it is healthy, does not feel the movement of the artery pulsating in the depths. When this organ is sick and swollen, the beating of the arteries becomes painful.
The cause of severe pain is a tumor in a non-sensitive organ, such as the lung, kidneys or spleen. This tumor, due to its severity, is carried down and pulls the organ and the sensitive film surrounding the membrane from which it grows, and the film with the membrane senses the downward tendency of the tumor. Or the cause of severe pain is a tumor in a sensitive organ that has lost sensitivity due to the pain itself. This happens, for example, with cancer at the mouth of the stomach. The mouth of the stomach feels the severity of the cancerous tumor, but it does not cause pain, as it destroys pain sensitivity.
The cause of debilitating pain is either fatigue - such pain is called debilitating from fatigue, or - stretching juice. What results from this is called “stretch fatigue”; either wind, and then what arises from this is called bloating fatigue, or it can be caustic juice, and then what arises from this is called ulcerative fatigue. Various combinations are made up of these types of exhaustion, as we will explain in the place allocated to them. One of the combinations is fatigue, called tumor fatigue; it is composed of fatigue from stretching and ulcerative fatigue.
And the burning pain comes from the juice, the quality of which is pungency.