Stage of Height of Disease (Fastigium)

Stage of "Height" of Disease (Fastigium)

The stage of the “height” of the disease or fastigium is the highest point of the “height” of the disease. This is the period when symptoms reach their peak and are most pronounced.

At the “highest” stage, there is usually a high temperature, increased pain, and a significant deterioration in general condition. The patient may experience headaches, weakness, sweating, tachycardia, shortness of breath and other alarming symptoms.

The “height” of the disease usually lasts from several hours to 2-3 days. Then, as a rule, there comes a stage of improvement, when the symptoms begin to gradually decrease.

It is very important to correctly recognize the “highest stage” and provide the patient with timely medical care. At this stage, symptomatic treatment is prescribed, maintenance therapy is carried out, and the vital functions of the body are monitored. If necessary, the patient is hospitalized.

The concept of "Phases of disease development"

The "Height" stage refers to that stage in the disease process when the body is at its highest point of illness. This may be due to a severe exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease or even a sharp deterioration in the patient’s general condition. During this period, the body requires maximum support and treatment from medical professionals. The higher the stage, the greater the risk of complications and health consequences.

Symptoms of the "Height" Phase of the Disease

Symptoms of the High Phase may include:

Increased weakness; Persistent or frequent cough; Fatigue and tiredness; Fever

Fastigium is the highest point of the "height" of the disease and an integral part of the healing process. It is understood that it occurs approximately on the third day after the onset of the disease and there is a sharp surge in all symptoms. The highest point occurs when the disease is at its peak, and its symptoms intensify and reach their peak. At this point, a person may feel weak, tired, loss of appetite and difficulty breathing. The “Height” stage is a kind of crisis that helps mobilize the body and increases its ability to fight the disease. During the exacerbation stage, the patient may experience severe physical and emotional suffering, so he needs the support of loved ones and doctors. This is the most dangerous phase of the disease, and it requires serious treatment and control over its condition on the part of the patient. During this period, it is important to be under the supervision of a doctor and take all prescribed medications and procedures. You should also adhere to a special diet and rest regime to reduce the stress on the body. It is important to remember that the “Height” stage is nothing more than the process of adaptation of the body to the disease. It helps to identify and stop the development of the disease, mobilizes hidden reserves and improves human health. By stimulating the peak phase, the disease continues to develop, allowing the body to identify the factors causing it and defeat it. A person at this stage can participate in the treatment of the disease and often copes better with it than if he were asymptomatic.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Fastigium is not only a physical and emotional stress, but also