
A xeroradiogram is a short message in two languages. For this, a special code or a special set of numbers (digit) is often used, which serves as their recognizer. The radiogram contains a brief message. After completing the radiogram, the radiotelegraph operator, having sent the message, responds with its confirmation. Radiograms are encoded before sending. Encoding is the encryption of a message. Radio communication centers must constantly monitor new coding methods.

When radio began, codes were more of a way to simplify the way of decoding. Intelligence uses such information. Typically it should be specific and short. To clarify coded messages, letters of the Latin alphabet were sometimes used (this helps intelligence). Codes are produced according to the following parameters:

The simpler the better: since encoded messages are short, then it is better to use simple codes (codes of this kind use a lot of natural language words). The codes must be independent. This means that they only encrypt text and do not deal with code letter bases. Otherwise the codes may be hacked. Indexes (matrices) are used. The lengths of the codes are equal to the length of the text. This coefficient allows you to get rid of short-length codes. The codebase should have letters that can be easily typed, translated, and communicated. This factor allows us to simplify production. The codes must be known to both parties. Codes are usually widely used to eliminate the danger of decryption. There are often cases when the codes are secret. By forgetting the encryption code or leaving it in the hands of an enemy, you cannot avoid decrypting secret data. It is best to follow the encryption rules. If we talk about encrypting messages without codes, it is done by changing symbols and letters. However, this method has many disadvantages. One of the most important disadvantages: using this method, it is impossible to communicate large amounts of information, and it is impossible to transfer secret information. Problems may also arise when recording encrypted messages if there is no reverse text. Because of this, similar encryption methods were used in England. They made the task of conveying important messages easier.