Nerve stump Peripheral

Peripheral nerve stump (PNN) is a medical term used to describe a section of nerve that has been damaged or severed distal to the rupture site. This type of nerve damage can be caused by various factors such as injury, surgery, infection, or other diseases.

When a nerve is damaged distal to its ending, it can no longer transmit signals to the muscles and tissues of the body. This leads to dysfunction of the limb that the damaged nerve innervates.

Treatment for CNP depends on the cause of the injury. In some cases, surgery may be required to repair the nerve. In other cases, conservative treatment such as physical therapy, massage, electrical stimulation and other methods may be used.

However, no matter what treatment is chosen, it is important to understand that nerve recovery can take a long time and requires patience and persistence on the part of the patient and their physician.

Overall, CNP is a serious nerve injury that can lead to serious consequences for health and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to your health and seek medical help at the first sign of nerve damage.