Kussmaul Subacute Anterior Poliomyelitis

Kussmaul subacute anterior poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused by the polio virus and characterized by damage to the anterior horns of the spinal cord.

The disease has a subacute course, lasting from 2 to 4 weeks. The initial symptoms resemble ARVI - fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. Then signs of damage to the motor neurons of the spinal cord appear - flaccid paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the limbs and torso. The asymmetry and proximal nature of the paresis are characteristic.

The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture, ENMG data and serological detection of antibodies to the virus. Treatment is symptomatic and includes physiotherapy and rehabilitation. The prognosis depends on the degree of damage to the nervous system; in severe cases, persistent paralysis may develop.

Prevention - vaccination against polio. The disease has been virtually eradicated in developed countries thanks to mass immunization.

I can try to write an article about such a rare and severe type of polio infection as Kussmauel Subacute Anterior Polio (SAP), which I will definitely try to do:

Kussmaul subacute anterior polio is a rare and severe type of polio. In this case, the causative agent of the disease is polyoma virus type 3. In terms of prevalence, PPP ranks sixth. With subacute anterior poliomyelitis, the disease develops slowly, sometimes beginning in early autumn. In the fall, children often get sick with ARVI, and an outbreak of polio is very rare in the spring and summer. And, unfortunately, if we take into account the fact that our world is a place of coexistence of people with each other, then the occurrence and infection of children with Kussman polio from adjacent clinics from one prodromal period to another is a very common practice. This leads to the fact that doctors and nurses are forced to observe strict anti-epidemic measures (they not only wash their hands several times a day, but also change their clothes after visiting each patient). Vozbu