Kussmaul Breath

Kussmaueli breathing (Auscultation of the lungs and heart)


Kussmawelite breathing is an important element of functional diagnostics, allowing one to recognize various diseases of the respiratory system. It is based on listening to the sounds that occur as air passes through the respiratory tract, including the lungs and heart. An objective assessment of these sounds makes it possible to identify diseases of the lungs, bronchi, blood vessels, pleura, lower respiratory tract, as well as diagnose various heart rhythm disorders, such as arrhythmia.


1. Learn the definition and methods of kussmawelite breathing. 2. Analyze the significance of the Kussmaueligram for diagnosing lung diseases. 3. Characterize the significance of cusmauelation for functional studies of the cardiovascular system. 4. Consider the criteria for assessing the results of kussmelotation. 5. Discuss modern treatment tactics for