
Sinusitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Sinusitis, also known as maxillary sinusitis or maxillitis, is an inflammatory disease of the sinuses of the upper jaw. It occurs when the lining of the sinuses becomes inflamed and swollen, which can lead to difficulty breathing, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms.

The causes of sinusitis can be different, but most often it occurs as a result of respiratory infections, allergic reactions or prolonged exposure to extremely dry air. Sinusitis can also be caused by dental problems such as caries or periodontitis.

Symptoms of sinusitis can include sinus pain, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, headaches, pain when chewing, and even fever. In some cases, swelling of the eyelid and general malaise may occur.

Diagnosis of sinusitis is carried out by a doctor who examines the head and nose and may also prescribe an x-ray or computed tomography.

Treatment for sinusitis may include the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, topical nasal drops and sprays, and the application of heat to the sinus area. In more severe cases, surgery may be required.

To prevent sinusitis, it is recommended to avoid contact with allergens, regularly humidify the indoor air, properly care for your teeth and avoid smoking.

In conclusion, sinusitis is a serious disease that can lead to unpleasant consequences. If symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Compliance with preventive measures will help avoid the development of the disease and maintain the health of the sinuses of the upper jaw.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the cells of the ethmoid bone of the frontal part of the skull and the paranasal sinuses. In children, sinusitis of the upper passage most often develops; it is characterized by pain in the eye sockets and forehead, nosebleeds, fever and severe difficulty in nasal breathing. It can be caused by infectious diseases, allergic reactions or fungal infections.

Treatment of sinusitis should be comprehensive and include drug therapy, nasal rinsing with special solutions, physical therapy, and the exclusion of irritants and allergens from the diet.