Label: “Shake before use”

This label appeared long before such a need arose. No one knows where she came from. But you can easily guess what will happen if this label is not used.

Ultimately, each bottle goes a long way. Before it gets into your hands, it goes through a long journey in the form of laboratory tests, packaging quality, delivery, production, etc. It is worth noting that sometimes, as a result of certain actions, this label plays a key role.

It may be helpful in order to use this product correctly. You notice it on a variety of products - tablets, food supplements, cosmetics, paints. Here you need to remember that your needs may vary, and you need to understand the difference between a food product, a medicine and a set of dyes for painting. In general, a “Shake Before Use” label means that the manufacturer recommends that you shake the package thoroughly before use to ensure complete mixing and get the best results from using the product. However, it should be noted that