Lablab - field bindweed

Balanced, somewhat warm and very dry. Khuzistani people believe that he is cold.

Actions and properties.
Dissolving, opening. The type of bindweed that is known as "poor man's rope" combines an astringent earthiness, softening wateriness and fiery pungency. Drying destroys the wateriness in it. It also has cleansing properties.

The milky juice of the large bindweed reduces hair and kills lice.

Wounds and ulcers.
Fresh leaves of the poor man's vervia, when boiled in wine, are suitable for treating large wounds and healing them. They are also useful as a medicinal dressing for fire burns, especially with wax ointment. In this respect he has no equal.

Organs of the head.
Squeezed bindweed juice is dripped from a piece of cotton into the sore ear, preferably with rose oil, and especially if the swelling is hot. It also helps against chronic headaches, and its squeezed juice is useful against matter leaking into the ear if it is stagnant, and against old ulcers in the ear.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Field bindweed is good for the chest and lungs and relieves asthma.

Nutritional organs.
It opens blockages in the liver, and its leaves with vinegar are good for the spleen.

Eruption organs.
Its juice drives away burnt bile, and if the juice is not boiled, it is stronger. They say that there is a bad type of bindweed that causes bloody diarrhea.