Lace Drawings

Lace drawings

Give your child a hole punch to make holes in a piece of cardboard or construction paper. Using a long shoelace or strong, thick thread and securing a knot at one end, the child can have fun zigzag stitching the paper through the holes. When the baby finishes his work, help him make a knot at the remaining end of the thread. It will be even more interesting if you use threads of different colors.

Let's offer another option for similar work. Encourage your child to bind (make an album) sheets of paper with his own drawings. To do this, you need to make holes on the left side of each sheet and then stitch them.

Valuable advice: To prevent your lace from fraying at the end, cover it with thin transparent adhesive tape, but be very careful and careful so that the end does not turn out to be too thick. Try to make the end of the lace pointed - this will make it easier for you to pull the lace through the holes.