
Lacrimation and lacrimation are two different terms that can be used to describe excess tear production. Lacrimation, also known as crying, is the process by which tears are released from the eyes to cleanse and moisturize the eyeball. This process can be caused by various factors such as stress, emotions, fatigue or even physical pain.

Tear production can be either normal or excessive. Excessive tear production can lead to vision problems such as dry eyes and irritation. In addition, excess tear production can also affect the health of the skin around the eyes, causing it to become dry and flaky.

In order to avoid excessive tearing, you need to monitor your health and lifestyle. For example, it is important to eat right, exercise and get enough rest. You can also use special eye drops to help reduce tear production.

Overall, tear production is a natural process that helps protect the eyes from various irritants. However, if tear production becomes excessive, it can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor your condition and consult a doctor if necessary.