Ways to induce weight loss

The regime for depletion is the opposite of the regime for fattening. It consists of reducing nutrition, visiting the bathhouse and vigorous exercise after meals with lengthening the intervals between meals, prescribing non-nutritious or dry, spicy or salty dishes, such as lentils, and sour seasonings with vinegar. Let the bread for such people be crackers and barley bread, and let their brew contain a lot of hot spices. One of the means to help reduce their nutrition is to give the above-mentioned dishes and the described seasonings very fatty, so that they quickly satiate the eaters and especially such people, because they have a weak appetite, and let them take food once a day.

Weight loss should be promoted by dissolving the nutrient, if any has accumulated, and this is helped by strong loosening of the body of such people through intense physical exercise, the use of hard clothing and bedding, changing cold water to hot and cold air to hot, as well as constant exposure of the body in the cold, so that the pores shrink and become clogged and the body becomes denser due to goose bumps and does not accept nutrients; this also prevents the moderate dissolution of the juices, which are a prerequisite for attracting what is behind them. If it happens in the summer, then the body is exposed in the heat so that the dissolution intensifies and more substance dissolves than is attracted to the organ.

Evacuation and vomiting also help, if done immoderately, because moderate vomiting before and after meals makes you fat, while severe vomiting causes weight loss, as well as a change in nature to the opposite nature to that which makes you fat, if cold acts this way, then the nature is warmed, and if the cause is moderate warmth, then it is given coldness or excessive heat. Most often, the most useful thing for the majority of excessively obese people, if obesity comes from cold, is to use thinning medicines; for obesity from heat, this is also useful.

Such patients should be burdened with increased physical exercise and bowel movements, because this produces a threefold effect on the juices, and each of them causes weight loss. One of them is the liquefaction of the juice, which delays congealing and exposes the juice to dissolution, the other is that these actions drive the juices and move them away from the vessels; in addition, they give the blood a pungent quality that is unpleasant for the attracting force.

Diluting drugs are, in most cases, drugs used for pain in the joints, and, moreover, very strong in relation to the expulsion of urine, but not moderate; moderate, mixed with the nutrient, are sent with it into the vessels, but cannot direct it into the vessels that distract or towards the urinary tract, deviating from the direction towards the vessels; the situation is different if you give them to drink after the second digestion has taken place, then they enter the liver and their first action begins there. But it is better to use strong drugs that separate the juices, drawing them away from the vessels, so that the vessels starve, and produce other effects; these drugs also forcefully drive menstruation and promote weight loss in women.

Such medicines are, for example, gentian, rue seeds, round aristolochia, mountain parsley, Dubrovnik polyum sandarak, a strong debilitating effect is inherent, opposite to the power of amber, lakk also has a strong special property in this regard, like celery seed. Glass is very draining, but it is dangerous, and so is marjoram.

Strong medicine. They take round aristolochia - one dirham, small centaury - two-thirds of a dirham, gentian rum, polyum dubrovnik, mountain parsley and viper's salt - three dirhams each - this is the amount for one dose.

Strong medicine. Take mad cucumber root, marshmallow root and opopanax root and take all of this in powder form for one dirham.

Or they take equal parts of ajgon seeds, rue and cumin seeds, dry marjoram, bavrak - a quarter of each, lakka - part of the meal - one misqal every day.

Among the thinning substances are vinegar and murri, especially on an empty stomach, but people with weak nerves and women suffering from damage to the uterus should avoid vinegar. Taking wine on an empty stomach sometimes also depletes, causing dissolution and filling the vessels with vapor, unless one drinks a lot of it and the vessels do not accept other food coming after the wine.

Medicines also act in the same way, softening the nature; they divert food from the vessels, and if they are used in large quantities, then the attracting force becomes sluggish and the vessels get used to freeing themselves from what is directed towards them at the slightest movement of juices towards the intestines. When medicines that soften the nature, and medicines that dilute and cut down help each other, then I do not send nutrients into the vessels.

Among the debilitating remedies are teryak, viper's salt, medicine with turmeric, kammuni, fsi, lfilch shajazaniya, anacardiya, medicine from lakka, ataiasiyya, amrusiya, atriful al-saghir, and as for ointments, they must either belong to the class of cooling, those that dull the attractive force and have toxicity, such as, for example, hemlock and henbane, or those of the strongly solvent type, such as, for example, oils and rubs with great dissolving power. The bathhouse should be visited on an empty stomach, and the bathhouse should be airy, diaphoretic, and not watery, moisturizing. If the bath is water and dissolving, then you should not stay in it for a long time, so that this does not only result in the attraction of juices without dissolution. Further, after the bath there is no need to rush to eat, it is better to be patient and lie down or move around and do physical exercises, and then have a bowel movement and eat a little something. It is also appropriate that rubbing should produce dissolution and should be done constantly.