Carbimazole (Carbimazole)

Carbimazole is a medicinal substance used to reduce the production of hormones by the thyroid gland when it is overactive (thyrotoxicosis). It is prescribed for oral administration in tablets.

After taking carbimazole, some patients may experience various allergic reactions. In addition, taking large doses of the drug can lead to enlargement of the thyroid gland and compression of the trachea.

Carbimazole is marketed under the trade name Neo-Mercazole. It is the most commonly used drug to treat thyrotoxicosis. It suppresses the synthesis of thyroid hormones, thereby reducing the symptoms of the disease.

Carbimazole: description, use and side effects

Carbimazole is a drug used to reduce the production of thyroid hormones when the thyroid gland is overactive (thyrotoxicosis). This condition occurs when the thyroid gland produces too many hormones, which can lead to a wide range of symptoms such as nervousness, sweating, rapid heartbeat, weight loss, and others.

Carbimazole belongs to a group of drugs called thiomides, which suppress the production of thyroid hormones. It is given orally and is usually taken once or twice a day for several weeks or months.

However, like any medicine, carbimazole can cause side effects. After taking, various allergic reactions may occur, such as itching, skin rash, swelling of the throat, difficulty breathing and others. If you experience these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

Additionally, taking large doses of carbimazole can cause the thyroid gland to enlarge and compress the trachea, which can cause difficulty breathing and other health problems. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and not exceed the dosage indicated on the package.

The trade name of carbimazole is Neo-Mercazole. This drug is an effective treatment for thyrotoxicosis, but it should only be used as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.

In conclusion, Carbimazole is a drug that is used to reduce the production of thyroid hormones when the thyroid gland is overactive. It may cause side effects, so you should strictly follow the dosage and take it only as prescribed by your doctor. If you experience any health problems related to taking carbimazole, be sure to contact your doctor for help.

Carbimaazole is a drug used to treat hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis. This drug affects the synthesis of thyroid hormones, suppressing it to the desired level. He is a representative of the thyreostatic drugs propylthiouracil. Carbimalazole is a light yellow powder with a specific odor. Soluble in water and alcohol. The composition also includes potassium iodide trihydrate. During storage, the substance may change its color to yellow-brown. The substance has a narrow range of uses and has a number of side effects, contraindications and limitations. It is worth distinguishing this medicinal substance from mercury carbamate by name, but not by its effect on the body. But a similar remedy, much more dangerous, is chlordiazone. Trimonitsin also produces an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing effect. When prescribing a medicine, you should pay attention to possible contraindications, diseases, side effects and dosage, because an overdose of this drug can lead to suffocation or Quincke's edema, nervous system disorder, including falling into a coma and even death.