
Lacrimation is the process by which tears are released from the eyes. It is a natural way of expressing emotions such as sadness, fear, joy, etc. Lacrimation is an important element of emotional regulation, as tears help relieve tension and calm the nervous system.

In ancient times, people believed that tears were a sign of weakness and vulnerability. However, with the development of culture and science, it was found that tears can be both a sign of weakness and a sign of strength. For example, in many animals, tears are a sign of stress or pain.

Modern research shows that lacrimation plays an important role in adaptation to stressful situations. When a person experiences stress, their body produces hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which cause the production of tears. This helps reduce stress and calm you down.

In addition, lacrimation can be associated with various diseases. For example, watery eyes may be a symptom of allergies, glaucoma, or other eye diseases. Watery eyes can also occur with certain mental disorders, such as depression or anxiety.

However, do not confuse lacrimation with crying. Crying is a deeper process that is associated with the expression of emotions and the relief of mental pain. Crying can be caused by the loss of a loved one, divorce, death, or other tragic events.

Thus, lacrimation is a natural process that plays an important role in emotional regulation and adaptation to stress. However, it is important to understand that lacrimation is not always associated with strong emotions and can be caused by various reasons.

Lacrimation (from Latin lacrima: tear, also tear production, shedding of tears) is the production and release of tears from the eye under any external or internal influences as a physiological reaction to them. Tear production is a reflex response to irritation of the cornea, conjunctival nerves, as well as emotional stress and anxiety. In some cases, tears are an outward manifestation of hidden mental conflict, resentment or sadness.

For the feeling that directly denotes laccrimation, there are already translation terms in different languages: French - “la larme”, Greek - οι αημα, Latin - lacrima, etc.

Traditionally, Latin is used as the international language of medicine,