
Lactusan: a means for normalizing intestinal microflora

Lactusan is a dietary supplement (dietary supplement) developed in Russia by the companies Felitsata Holding, Enzyme and Enzyme/Felicata Holding. It belongs to a group of drugs that help normalize and maintain normal intestinal microflora.

The main manufacturers of Lactusan - the companies Felitsata Holding, Enzyme and Enzyme / Felitsata Holding - are located in Russia. The drug is also known under the international name "Lactusan".

The main active component of Lactusan is lactulose, presented in the form of syrup. Lactulose is a prebiotic that is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and reaches the colon unchanged. There it serves as a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria, promoting their growth and reproduction.

Lactusan is recommended for use as a means to normalize intestinal microflora. It can be useful in cases of dysbiosis, accompanied by an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestines. Lactusan can also be recommended to maintain normal microflora after taking antibiotics, which can negatively affect the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Lactusan has several contraindications. It is not recommended for galactosemia (disorder of galactose metabolism) and for individual intolerance to the components of the product. Before using Lactusan, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist.

When taking Lactusan syrup before meals, a mild laxative effect can sometimes be observed. This is due to its mild and safe effect on the intestines. However, if any unwanted symptoms or complications occur, you should consult a medical professional.

Regarding the interaction of Lactusan with other drugs, there is not yet sufficient data to draw definitive conclusions. Therefore, before taking Lactusan simultaneously with other medications, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist.

There is no data on the toxic dose of Lactusan and its overdose. However, as with any medicine, it is recommended to stick to the indicated dosage and not exceed the recommended amounts.

Lactusan has no special instructions for use, but when using it, you must follow the dosage recommendations indicated on the package or provided by your doctor or pharmacist.

Information about Lactusan is based on various sources, including the Federal Register of Dietary Supplements, third edition, 2002, the registration certificate of the manufacturer and the advertising brochure of the manufacturer.

In conclusion, Lactusan is a dietary supplement developed in Russia that contains lactulose in syrup form. It is recommended for normalizing intestinal microflora and can be useful for dysbiosis or after taking antibiotics. However, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before using Lactusan, especially if you have any existing medical conditions or are taking medications.