Ludington's Symptom

Ludington's sign is an endoscopic method used to detect stomach cancer. This method was developed by American surgeon Nat Ludington in 1903. The method consists of performing endoscopy using a special device - a gastroscope. This device allows you to see the inside of the stomach and detect signs of cancer.

Ludington's symptom: internal otitis syndrome or Beert's syndrome is a syndrome of inflammation of the middle ear and inner ear, characterized by the presence of chronic otitis media, labyrinthitis and tinnitus. In contrast to classic labyrinthitis (neuritis), in which inflammation is always accompanied by a sharp deterioration in hearing. The syndrome was described by the American otolaryngologist Frank Baert (1908-2001) in 1950. Ludington, or more precisely, Laurence Sweetmore Buckle in 1859. Externally, there is a slight discharge from the ear canal. The diagnosis is made based on CT scan data of the brain (the main method for diagnosing labyrinthitis) and measuring pressure in the inner ear. When one or more components of the inner ear become clogged or damaged, the pressure can become too high, which can lead to a variety of serious health problems.