
The larva is an immature stage of development of many invertebrates and some vertebrates. The larva differs from the adult in its incomplete development and often incomplete set of organs.

In insects, the larva is formed from an egg and undergoes a series of molts, as a result of which it increases in size. In many insects, the larva differs sharply in appearance and lifestyle from the imago (adult). For example, in butterflies the larva is called a caterpillar and leads a terrestrial lifestyle, while the imago flies. After growth is complete, the larva pupates and the adult emerges from the pupa.

In fish and amphibians, the larva develops from eggs and gradually acquires adult features. In birds and mammals, a larva is an embryo in the early stages of development.

Thus, the larva is an important stage in the individual development of many animals, during which the formation and growth of the organism occurs until sexual maturity.

Larva: immature stage of animal development

The larva is a special stage in the life cycle of many animals, differing from the adult form in both appearance and lifestyle. The larva may be so different from the adult animal that it is difficult to recognize or even be considered a member of the same species.

Larvae are found in many classes of animals, including insects, fish, amphibians, and protozoans. What all larvae have in common is that they go through an immature stage of development before reaching their adult form. This stage can last from several weeks to several years, depending on the type of animal and environmental conditions.

One of the most famous larvae is the insect larva - the caterpillar. Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies, moths and other insects. They have a body consisting of many segments, each of which has legs. Caterpillars have chewing organs and feed on vegetation. They grow and change their skin several times before they turn into a pupa.

The pupa is another stage of development that precedes the adult form of the insect. The pupa is a stationary object within which the larva transforms into an adult insect. At this moment, real miracles happen - the pupa turns into a beautiful butterfly or moth, which no longer looks like a larva.

Some larvae, such as many species of fish, have a form similar to the adult animal, but differ significantly in size and proportions. Such larvae often have a different lifestyle than adults and live in separate ecological niches.

Thus, the larva is an immature stage in the life cycle of an animal that differs from the adult form in both appearance and lifestyle. The larvae may be so different from the adult animals that they are difficult to recognize or even consider to be members of the same species.