Laryngitis Chronic Atrophic

***Laryngitis** is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, which can be caused by various reasons, such as infection, allergies or chemical irritants. There are several types of laryngitis, including acute and chronic. In this article we will look at chronic atrophic laryngitis.*

*Chronic atrophic laryngotracheitis* is a sluggish disease that produces copious amounts of mucus that is difficult to separate from the surface of the larynx. Most often it develops in adults, especially in men after 40 years of age. In a chronic course, the healing process of wound surfaces of the larynx lags somewhat behind the onset of the disease. This feature allows adenovirus infection to parasitize and multiply for a long time in the affected areas of the larynx.

**Symptoms:** - General weakness, fatigue. - Loss of appetite. - Dry cough with thick sputum.