
Laryngology is one of the important branches of medicine devoted to the study of diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. The larynx is an organ that is located at the top of the respiratory tract and plays an important role in the production of sound.

Laryngology deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. Among the main diseases that are studied in laryngology are laryngeal stenosis, laryngeal tumors, infectious and inflammatory diseases, anomalies of the larynx, voice and speech disorders, and others.

One of the most common symptoms of laryngeal disease is a disturbance in the sound of the voice, which can manifest itself as a change in pitch, an unnatural sound, or a loss of voice altogether. Laryngologists diagnose and treat such disorders using both conservative and surgical methods.

One of the methods of treating voice disorders is speech therapy correction, which consists of special exercises and training to restore the voice. However, more complex cases may require surgery to repair the vocal cords or remove laryngeal tumors.

In addition, laryngology plays an important role in the prevention of diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. This includes getting regular medical checkups, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including eating right and not smoking, and avoiding injuries to the larynx.

In conclusion, laryngology is an important science that deals with the study and treatment of diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. Thanks to the development of technology and scientific research, laryngologists can offer patients effective diagnostic and treatment methods that allow them to preserve their voice and overall health.

Laryngology is the branch of medicine that studies the structure, function and diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. The larynx is a key organ of speech and breathing, and its diseases can seriously affect the patient's quality of life.

Laryngology includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. The most common laryngeal conditions include laryngeal infections, laryngeal tumors, vocal cord infections, vocal cord paralysis, dysphonia, and dysphagia.

Laryngologists use a variety of techniques to diagnose diseases of the larynx and vocal cords, including endoscopy, laryngoscopy, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. These methods allow laryngologists to obtain a detailed understanding of the condition of the larynx and vocal cords, as well as identify the presence of diseases.

Treatment for diseases of the larynx and vocal cords depends on the type and extent of the disease. Antibiotics and other anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to treat laryngeal infections. Tumors of the larynx can be removed surgically or treated with radiotherapy. For vocal cord paralysis, rehabilitation techniques such as exercises to improve voice and breathing are often used.

Laryngology is also an important field for the prevention of diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. Laryngologists may recommend lifestyle changes to patients, such as stopping smoking and drinking alcohol, to reduce the risk of developing laryngeal cancer. They can also advise professional singers, actors, and others whose work involves using the voice on how to properly care for their voices to prevent damage to the vocal cords.

Overall, laryngology plays an important role in ensuring the health and well-being of people who experience diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. By advancing research in this area, laryngologists will be able to continue to develop more effective treatments and disease prevention, which will help improve the quality of life for patients.


Laryngology, or the study of diseases of the human larynx and vocal system, is an extremely important aspect of modern medicine. This branch of medicine is aimed at the study and treatment of various diseases of the throat, including cancerous tumors, polyps, and chronic infections.


Typical diseases associated with laryngology include laryngolaryngitis (laryngolaryngitis), an inflammatory disease of the throat. This occurs due to infections such as viral or bacterial. During the course of this disease, a number of problems may occur that make breathing and swallowing difficult.

Symptoms of laryngolangenitis include the following: - Pain and sore throat; - Redness of the throat, so-called pharyngocardialgia; - Difficulty swallowing or breathing; - Increased body temperature

These symptoms can occur at almost any time or under the influence of certain factors such as stress