Laryngoscopy Indirect

Laryngoscopy is often called mirror laryngoscopy, since instead of a special mirror, a concave mirror is used, polished to a mirror finish. It is located on the longitudinal axis of the viewing mirror and allows you to more carefully examine the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal folds when exhaling air from the lungs. By illuminating the larynx from below, from the side or from behind, you can get a good picture of all the visible details of the mucous membrane and cartilaginous half-rings of the larynx. Due to the luminous characteristics, in low light conditions it is necessary to darken the front end of the mirror.

Sometimes, after examining the larynx with a single concave mirror, it is not possible to obtain a sufficient view. In such cases, the doctor changes the position of the patient's head, turns the patient's head to the right or left and then from top to bottom. If it turns out that the pathological process was not detected the first time, then additional examination of the larynx using a probe is required. This diagnostic test helps provide additional information.