Lasegue Cross Symptom

Lasegue's symptom is a reflex contraction of the leg extensor muscles in response to irritation of sensitive nerve endings in the skin and muscles of the back of the thigh and lumbar region. It was first described in 1876 by the French therapist and neurologist Etienne Charles Lasegue.

Lasegue's symptom is a sign that is used to diagnose diseases of the spine and spinal cord. It can also be used to determine the condition of the nerves and muscles in the legs.

To carry out the Lasegue symptom, the patient is asked to lie on his back and stretch his legs. The doctor then applies gentle pressure to the skin on the back of the thigh, starting at the knee and moving up to the buttocks. If the patient feels pain or numbness in the leg, this may indicate nerve or muscle damage.

Also, Lasegue's symptom can be used to check the reflex activity of the spinal cord, which is an important indicator of its function. When performing a symptom, the doctor gently presses on the skin in the patient’s lumbar region, which causes contraction of the leg extensor muscles. If the reflex is absent or weakened, this may indicate damage to the spinal cord or its roots.

Thus, the Lasegue symptom is an important diagnostic tool in medicine, which allows you to determine the condition of the nerves and muscles, as well as the functions of the spinal cord and its roots.

Latega cross symptom,

what is this?

To begin with, the definition: Lathega sacral symptom of Lathega syndrome is a specific vasomotor reflex observed when pressing on the sacral nerve plexuses. In this case, short-term bradycardia, a drop in blood pressure, slow breathing and a number of other signs occur. Lateg vasculosensory syndrome is manifested, in addition to a possible drop in pressure, by complaints of dizziness and presyncope, headache and other disorders of the general neurological picture. The disorder occurs due to a disruption in the relationship at the level of the somatic nervous system and humoral regulation in response to unusual stimuli. __For a medical person__: Clamping of the aortocaval space leads to a decrease in pressure in the arterial system of the entire body (including internal organs) and spasm of internal vessels, manifested by a negative pressor reaction.\nThis sign is used for diagnosis