Lastoven Ordinary, Or Medicinal

Common swallowtail, or Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, is a plant of the swallow family (Asclepiadaceae), which is known for its poisonous properties. This plant is also known by the names of swallowweed, milkweed and milkweed. In this article we will look at the botanical features of the swallowtail, its active ingredients, healing effects and uses, as well as side effects.

Botanical description

Common swallowtail has a branched rhizome with many thin whitish roots. Several straight, round, twig-like stems, about 75 cm in height, extend from the rhizome. The leaves are opposite, the flowers are yellowish, collected in false umbrellas. The fruits are relatively large leaflets that open when ripe and contain numerous ovoid, flattened seeds covered with silky hairs. Common swallowtail blooms from May to August and is usually found in sunny places, in light-colored shrubs and hedges, wastelands, forests, and also in moist, nutrient-rich soils.

Active ingredients

Flavone glycosides, which have some similarity in action with digitalis; sitosterols and alkaloids are the main active ingredients of swallowtail. However, despite some similarities with other medicinal plants, swallowtail is not used in scientific medicine. It is presented in this article only because it once belonged to the favorite medicinal plants.

Healing effect and application

In folk medicine, swallowtail was used as a blood cleanser, especially for poorly healing wounds, purulent abscesses and ulcers. The product acts as a diaphoretic and diuretic, as well as a laxative. However, we are talking about a poisonous plant, so I warn against its use.

Side effects

Despite the laudable reviews of lastna, this remedy should be abandoned, since the slightest overdose can lead to poisoning. It begins with drooling, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea and leads to convulsions and then paralysis of the heart muscle. At the first signs of poisoning, you should immediately perform a gastric lavage and consult a doctor or hospital.

In conclusion, Common swallowtail, although a plant with some medicinal properties, is a poisonous plant that can cause serious poisoning. The use of swallowtail in folk medicine should be limited to only qualified professionals who can correctly determine the dosage and application. In scientific medicine, the swallow is not used, and any self-medication can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, when using any medicinal plants, including swallowtail, you should consult your doctor and follow the instructions for use.